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General Modern What You Suck at in Zelda Games.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
I'm really bad at timed missions, like the Fire Volcano or Ice Ring Isle in WW, or the Biggoron's sword quest in OoT. I always get sloppy under pressure, so those are the hardest parts of the game for me.


unusual but my the thing im worst at is collecting bee larvae in ST


im just bad at all kinds of sidequest and mini games like collecting all the heart pieces i can never do or in OoT getting all 100 skullutas and other stuff.......other than that im good at everything else


The game is on!
I seem to be bad at the stuff that others are good at and good at stuff that others are bad at...
Take MM for example:
Everyone says Goht (the boss of Snowhead Temple) is so easy to defeat! Well, apparently he wasn't easy to me.
And most people say that Gyorg (the boss of Greatbay Temple) is really difficult to beat. Well, the first time I mer Gyorg I only lost 2 hearts. :)


the Sword Slinging Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I hate most of master Quest I mean the new puzzles and double damage?! May the Triforce be with me

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Well, I've sucked at nearly everything in Zelda II (who else has played this nearly impossible trial of death?). The enemies are formidable, doing a heck-load of damage with each attack. The dungeons were confusing . . . you would end up falling down an invisible hole without knowing where it is. Despite the anger-driving gameplay, I've gotten deep down to its core. I'm at Great Palace, the final dungeon, and I can't kill the first boss, a constant death-bringer known as Thunderbird. Now, I will never touch the game any time soon! :mad:


May 21, 2011
i suck at figuring out puzzles in places i don't remember to well or hate (Shadow Temple, oot) or places that kinda scare me, annoy me, ect. if i ever get TP, i'll probably throw the remote at teh screen and yell at it in the Ice Cavern.


Jun 14, 2010
Seattle, WA
The hardest part for me is just finding out what to do, or where to go, and it's not in just one particular game, but in the entire series as a whole. Whether it's finding out where the levels in Zelda 1 were at. (Or getting through Ganon's castle AMIRITE!?) Or in Zelda II, trying to find whatever spell or item you needed to advance. Finding those last keys in Ocarina of Time, and managing time in Majora's mask. Or knowing what season or age it needs to be in the Oracle games. Honestly, all of the games are so unique and different that I couldn't say I am bad at one particular thing in the series. Not to say I'm bad at the games at all, in fact, I'm actually pretty good, but there's just those little things that take some figuring out to do, so the only real answer I can give is finding out what to do.


Useful Help.
Jul 19, 2011
I always sucked at the Shadow temple in OOT I hated it so so much i think i used 15 fairies in total.

I honestly think my biggest problem with the Zelda games is simply staying on-task. I can get easily distracted by stuff, so in a game like Zelda, with all the sidequests and stuffs, I usually take longer to complete the main plot than I should--especially in my first run. I'll often leave a temple/dungeon/palace right after I get the item from it simply to play with my new toy outside or to move to other temples. It's usually only the latter if I really hate the dungeon I'm in and the dungeon order in the game is non-linear.

Procrastinating with stuff is another big issue of mine. For example, having to gather eight shards of the Triforce of Courage in the Wind Waker is like a chore to me, so I treat it like any other chore--I see how long I can get away with not doing it. Yes, I'm lazy like that. :P Well, my getting distracted can also help with this one.

Using the term from the title of this thread, what I "suck" at, would probably be just figuring out what I need to do. Especially in those dungeons where one action will affect the dungeon (for example, the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time had changes in water levels). It's difficult, because I get distracted by little things in dungeons, so I often have use reverse-psychology so that I do not end up entering the first door I see. Sometimes, that is useful... but it doesn't always work... I seem to find myself in rooms where I have no clue on what to do quite a bit--either because I entered a room that I should not yet be in, or because I'm dumb with these puzzles. I'm actually good with puzzles, I just don't always get the ones in temples right away--again, if there are switches that dramatically change the dungeon and are required to be in a certain position for the puzzle, it usually takes me forever to figure out.

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