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What would you think is the most boring Zelda Game ever?



If I have to pick one, it must be AoL. It's actually a good game, but I like Zelda because the gameplay is unique, and well... AoL was different....


The King
Aug 18, 2009
I don't think I've played a Zelda that was boring. They're all unique and really no, can't decide. Zelda games AREN'T boring! They're the BEST!


the most boring for me is the first zelda game i could never figure it out


Guy What's Angry Now
May 15, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.
While in terms of gameplay, PH was really a huge failure for me, I really found the earlier three games to be kind of boring mainly because the world was empty. AoL was pretty fun as a standalone game- I played it a bunch on a road trip and learned to appreciate in in small sessions, and it did have some amusing NPCs.

Really, though, LttP takes the cake for me. It's just grabbing one item after another, finishing the dungeons, and searching for the next one for half an hour. There's no real story, to be honest. Even AoL had the mystique of the eyes of Ganon in Saria, and the tale of Kasuto. LttP, on the other hand, really didn't have much going on- there were no collectibles, no story sidequests, no nothing. Just a world full of dungeons. At least there were people, as opposed to LoZ, but they were really generic atmosphere NPCs, to tell you that this was a town.

Oct 18, 2007
What version of ALttP did you play? LOL...

There are more side quests than you may think.


Airbending Slice!
Dec 6, 2008
New Albany, Indiana
Um, okay......

Well, if I had to pick one that didn't really appeal to me it would probably be Link's Awakening. It wasn't very fun to me, and kind of easy. O_O
I beg to differ. Link's Awakening was pretty hard. But for me, the most boring game is.....

Link's Awakening

Probably weren't expecting that from me eh?


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I don't think I've ever played a Zelda title that was boring through and through, but I would have to say that achieveing 100% on all the Gems and Ship Parts in PH could be very tedious. If you have nothing else to do but head off to the final battle, and you're searching for all the parts before you do, then it can be very redundant and tiresome. I actually gave up on the Golden Ship parts because of this.

I think perhaps if obtaining the parts was done more throughout the gameplay between dungeons then it might be more entertaining, but in a lump sum with nothing else to do, it became quite boring for me. On a second playthrough, I plan to obtain as much as I can while the story progresses to see if I can rectify this! :)


Guy What's Angry Now
May 15, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.
What version of ALttP did you play? LOL...

There are more side quests than you may think.

I played the Virtual Console version, but that's not the point. What I mean is that there were no real story sidequests. The plot never really progresses in LttP- the only major event is the Agahnim fight and Dark World thing. There are almost no characters, save Sharashlalashaslablah and Zelda- it's just a world full of enemies. The sidequests are usually just minidungeons that net you extra items, and there's really no sense of ever doing anything. You're just getting stuff and progressing through dungeons with no bearing on the story. Because of this empty world, every frustrating obstacle became something that made me want to give up rather than overcome to achieve something.


Corrupted Idiot
Aug 20, 2009
The Netherlands
No Zelda game was boring for me though, or boring is not the right word to use. Disappointing is better and the most disappointing game was Phantom Hourglass, i hope it had the sail freedom as in Wind Waker. The Dungeons where pretty though but i didn't like the whole gameplay. I enjoyed the way to take the Boss Key to it's place, the same with the Triforce parts. I really hated to start the Temple of The Ocean King over and over again, i was happy to caught up to a save point, but still you have to do the same point over again.

Phantom Hourglass has nothing special like the other Zelda games too, no control over a other body, it was really disappointing. The Goron is no example for me.
Aug 18, 2009
I only played WW fully, so this can't be it.

I got Phantom of the Hourglass, that turkey bore me as soon as I noticed that I had to move Link with the stylus. I will not keep on playing it, as I found the movement too crappy. I didn't even go and meet the captain in the bar, because I got bored...(yawns)


the 2d ones. I just dont like them, if i was alive when they came out i bet they would be cool.


I would probably say Phantom Hourglass is the most boring because you HAVE to use the stylus and after every temple you have to go back to that stupid Temple of the Ocean King.

Colin Creevey

I didn't like PH because of the stylus but I hardly played at all and am in no position to call it boring.

The NES games ALTTP and LA were a little boring to me as the lack of storytelling (by today's standards) made it so that I felt little motivation to overcome the challenge they posed. However they were not the most boring games as the challenge did have it's moments.

None of the console games were boring either, being very immersive.

In the games I have played I would have to go with TMC as the most boring game. It was an easy game with little to explore, few dungeons and only two bosses that one couldn't defeat on the first try (Gyorg and Vaati). It's concept had potential but there was little storytelling after the game got started (though the quest to get to the Wind Tribe was cool). There was also little character death and Ezlo has got to be the most annoying partner ever.

Counting the ones i played majoras mask. only had four easy peasy dungeons and it had so many boring sidequests. I kept playing it in hopes it would get better but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it didn't.
OMG! How can you say that! MM was the paragon of AWESOMENESS.
However I respect your opinion.


The Zelda game i didnt like was the Oracle of Seasons and Ages series. i just didnt like the story line or that stupid dance you had to remember. ugh!!!

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