Honestly, after playing it about 1000 times to do the walkthrough and various other pages, the original Legend of Zelda gets extremely boring after awhile. I do enjoy playing it, but I'm just sick of it after awhile.
Wind Waker was fun, but the sailing was terrible. Sometimes, I just put up the sail, point in the right direction, and get a snack. It takes FOREVER to get from one place to the other, especially without the Ballad of the Gales. With the Ballad of Gales, it still takes awhile, but significantly cuts down time, so after that point, the game isn't that terrible.
Twilight Princess, I like it up until after the second dungeon. Then they introduce half a dozen things you have to collect. I liked it in OOT where there was one you can collect if you want, and the rewards, for the most part, were good enough to want. Why would I seek out 60 poes for a bottle? I think I'm fine with only 3, thanks.
The Minish Cap has terrible replay value. I do play it over again for fun sometimes, but that's after completing it like a year ago. Finding all of those kinstone fusions take forever. It's not the kinstones theirselves, I have probably 150 of those, there's like 3 more on my most recent file I have left and I just can't find them! I've probably talked to all of Hyrule looking for them with no luck!
The rest of them for the most part are fine, but AOL is just too hard. I can't even beat the first boss, so I just quit.