I'm really not sure what my first game was anymore. It could be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, it could be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (PC Version), or it could be one of the Game Boy games my brother used to have. Now that I think on it a little bit more linearly, though, it must have been Pokemon: Gold Version, at which point I was at a young enough age that my brother told me I could play it if I didn't save. No idea what I did. XD The first game I beat, though, since it took a little while for me to become decent at playing any type of game, was Four Swords. That was multiplayer-only, though, so I became determined to start playing and beating games by myself (specifically Zelda games so I could understand the timeline) and moved on to Four Swords Adventures, which became the first game I beat by myself.