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Ocarina of Time What Was Your Favorite Moment in Ocarina of Time?

Azure Sage

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My favorite moment was when the Deku Tree Sprout popped out of the ground and scared the he|| outta Link. I think it's funny how Link stands up to fearsome, evil beasts on a daily basis without a hint of fear, and yet the only things that CAN scare him are the Deku Tree Sprout and Ruto. :lol:


Sage of Darkness
Jul 24, 2011
Hyrule Castle Town
My favorite moment was when the Deku Tree Sprout popped out of the ground and scared the he|| outta Link. I think it's funny how Link stands up to fearsome, evil beasts on a daily basis without a hint of fear, and yet the only things that CAN scare him are the Deku Tree Sprout and Ruto. :lol:

Yeah I love how he screams and falls backwards when the Sprout pops up and continues to scream as he lays on the ground... lol


The Last Kilgannon
Jun 7, 2011
Probably when you first see Hyrule Castle as Ganon's Castle for the first time. I had the same reaction Link did when seeing what Ganondorf had done to it. and saving it was my motivation for beating the game for the first time.
Jul 11, 2011
Unicorn Fountain
when :) stabed the almighty :mastersword: into :ganondorf: forhead and saved :zelda: i also liked the scene with the :triforce:. I loved it when :fairy: left so annoying in the origanal but in the 3d one she was not as bad


Oddly enough, I just loved any of the Iron Knuckle battles. Strange, yes.
Jul 27, 2011
totally when darunia starts dancing to the lost woods music
also, any stuff in kokiri forest, i love that place :3


Call me Micky
Jul 19, 2011
The Middle of Nowhere
I remember playing this for the first time knowing nothing about Zelda : ) When he is in the sages' chamber and discovers that he is seven years older and the hero of time and such....I just thought that was a great plot twist and really got me interested in the game!


So many great moments: Getting Epona, getting master sword, battling Ganon(dorf).

But probably the best is also one of the simpelest; walking onto Hyrule Field for the first time and realizing how huge(at that time) the map/world was and how much more was left to discover. You knew this was going to be one long epic journey

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