The Username:
I loved Kingdom Hearts at the time of my making this account, and the best villain of that series - Vanitas - was and is the ultimate bad*** of the series in my opinion. I've also read that Vanitas means 'empty' or 'emptiness' in Latin, and I'm an empty guy in a way (I have no thoughts that contribute to any discussion, anyone can see that). Another thing was vanitas was a kind of art that had do with meaningless things, which is basically all of my posts on forums in a nutshell.
XII is 12 in Roman numerals. Nothing really beyond that besides a clock (time), and something else that I don't know.
If I had to make a meaning for the username, I would probably say 'The emptiness of time' or 'Time is meaningless'.
The User Title:
Er...wat? is a phrase I use in trollspeak, 1337, YouTube comments, friendly talk, Guild Wars, RuneScape, the old shoutbox and (hopefully soon, in a positive way) ZD posts. I can't say it is the most interesting thing on the block,'s there, so.