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What Made You Happy Today?


Staff member
Today I booked in a Great Barrier Reef day trip including scuba diving, an actual dive (for a beginner since I’ve not done one before), a helmet dive, glass bottom boat rides, and around 5 hours in total on a pontoon in the outer reef. There is an option to have a helicopter ride too but we will see how we feel on the day for that part.

Totally a bucket list item to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef so I’m super excited for it.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Having someone call me a friend! That and my Midna fandom not being treated like the black plague. XD
It's a great feeling, right) :) And why shouldn't you be allowed to have a fandom? If you love Midna and love to talk about her, why not? Don't feel like you're not wanted on here because you are :hug:

Stupid football yesterday! My country won and the whole night fireworks went off. So much to get some decent sleep :right:

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
It's a great feeling, right) :) And why shouldn't you be allowed to have a fandom? If you love Midna and love to talk about her, why not? Don't feel like you're not wanted on here because you are :hug:

Stupid football yesterday! My country won and the whole night fireworks went off. So much to get some decent sleep :right:
Awww.. :hug: this made me so happy today! I haven’t been wanted some place in a long time either. :)

Awww not sleeping will take its toll. I did not sleep well either, got up too early. I shall hope for a nap. Please Sandman.. I need sleep. XD
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Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Today I booked in a Great Barrier Reef day trip including scuba diving, an actual dive (for a beginner since I’ve not done one before), a helmet dive, glass bottom boat rides, and around 5 hours in total on a pontoon in the outer reef. There is an option to have a helicopter ride too but we will see how we feel on the day for that part.

Totally a bucket list item to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef so I’m super excited for it.
I'm so jealous
I've heard the GBR is in really bad shape these days and I'd hate for it to all be dead and gone before I even get a chance to see it

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Legend
Oct 9, 2023
To be back home with my fam, getting to see my grandpa again, hearing the stories he told, he even got me the Yahtzee game he bought for me and I left there a long time ago. There's so many things I'm happy for right now, I could go on forever. But I think I'll stop here and continue playing my playthrough of Super Mario World for my grandma rest in peace, her beautiful soul.

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Legend
Oct 9, 2023
I passed my driving test dudes, first shot!!!! :party:
Genuinely thought I failed after starting the car and immediately forgetting to switch from reverse to drive lolllll
At least you didn't floor it, like SpongeBob does constantly.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
Today a father and his 5-year-old son came in to the store. The father said that he was showing his boy the video games he grew up with and that they just finished Mario 64. It was his son’s “special day” so they were checking out the store for the first time. We have a game room we rent out, so I said “If you liked Mario 64 I think you’d like Galaxy too, it’s my favorite Mario” and they decided they’d try it out.

Sometimes I keep the door to the room cracked open if there are kids playing a favorite of mine in there. This was one of those times. Hearing the father and son play together and having a good time. Every once in a while I’d poke my head in and give them a little tip or share some trivia with the father. Eventually the boys mom came into the store and joined them. When they were done I gave the boy a fist bump and told him “good job!”

This doesn’t happen everyday, but I’m at my absolute happiest when it does. I know I just helped create a memory for that boy. He won’t remember me, he most likely won’t remember the store itself, but he’ll absolutely have fond memories of playing Super Mario Galaxy with his parents for the rest of his life. That’s something special.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Wife, her friend, and I went to a Renaissance Fair today.

Had a ton of fun, got a couple of awesome local hand-crafted things. The blacksmith, unfortunately, didn't have his greatswords ready, and even if he did, we didn't budget enough for one.

Still, my wife got a hand blown glass quill, with a journal, and my wife loves notebooks and pens, so it was so cute seeing her eyes light up. I myself got an ale horn with a deer skin holster.

I would've been dressed up, but I didn't have my Viking tunic, my Scottish clan's kilt, or my pluderhosen ready at the time.

All in all, a good day, only downside was it was blazing hot.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
For whatever reason, whenever my cat is napping she wants to be directly touching someone. I keep ending up with a cat randomly asleep on my foot, or leg, or arm. Anyway, I left the door to my room open tonight bc my ac isn't on and she was already in here. I assumed she'd do what she did when we got her a couple weeks ago and just get bored and leave once she realized I wasn't gonna pet her. Instead, it's 5am and the cat has been in here multiple times to fall asleep either right next to me or straight up just on top of me. It's adorable. Pretty sure this is slowly curing my mental illness. Now if I can just figure out how to not wanna move or roll over ever 2 seconds maybe I can actually sleep next time lol.

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