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What is the Strangest Dream You've Ever Had?

Mar 16, 2012
Misaki City
I have this annoying friend who never shuts up. I had this LOL dream where I was fishing in Antarctica and somehow caught a polar bear. Dunno how but I ended up riding the polar bear back to my house (BTW I don't live in Antarctica) and then went to school where the polar bear ate my friends voice box out and he somehow managed to live through it but couldn't speak.

Dunno where I got it from, but is still wierd

Also, when I was like, 5, I got a dream where a was being chased by a witch who was shooting fire beams at me but then I thought I woke up so I was all like whew and stuff but then I turned and saw the witch on my bedside table and she was like " it ain't over yet " (the dream) and then she shot me again and I woke up for real
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May 10, 2012
i had this dream recently where I was at the base of a conveyor belt dodging luggage that was flying at me. weird.
Apr 22, 2012
it was actually the dream i had last night. nothing really weird happened it was just CRAZY VIVID. it was basically just me living out my normal life and it didnt just feel like 1 day but more like 1 week.


Jan 5, 2012
Somewhere in nevada
I had a dream i was falling down a well that was full of pokemon and zombies and when i reached the bottom i fell onto a pikachu and it slapped me with a fish.........yeah definatly wierdest


Forever I am Abandoned
Mar 2, 2010
In the middle of Kansas...
I never remember my dreams, I don't even think I have them. I'd remember splices of them from time to time though.

Like one where I was pulling my brother out of the mouth of an alligator. Ikr...


Nov 11, 2011
You guys will laugh at this one. I had a dream where I was in a place like Super Mario Galaxy, with a bunch of tiny little planets and launch stars to travel you to other places. I started out on this random planet, found the first launch star that I could and blasted away to a different planet where I found Nicole. She was wearing just a normal green T-shirt and jeans, but get this, she was bald! Idk what made my brain think that Nicky was bald. So I walked up to her and talked to her as if we were already friends. I aksed her where Wyatt was. She told me he was at another planet, I thanked her, then I left using another launch star. This time, the launch star blasted me to some strange classroom with a bunch of second graders in it that was being taught by Wyatt. Wyatt was a tall guy, about 6'2", with short, red hair and a stubby beard. He was also wearing a T-shirt and jeans, but his shirt was red. I walked up to him and he made a strange, questioning face as if he didn't know who I was and why I was here. I aksed him if he knew who I was. He shook his head. I then told him that I was from Zelda Dungeon. He made another questioning face. I put on the best angry/troll face I could and said, "I'm HylianHero." He then immediately shouted "YOU'RE DEAD!!!!!!!!" He began chasing me all around the classroom, but I was too fast for him. Eventually, we met the edge of the classroom which collided with space. I acted like I was going to keep running, but I stopped. Wyatt kept speeding and he went out of the edge of the classroom and into space and died. The end.


May 10, 2012
I had a dream last night that commissioner gordon from Batman the Dark Knight, was chasing me through a scary part of town. I ran into an abandoned building and was hiding near a dog kennel in a storage area. It was intense, bc I really felt like someone was chasing me and I was afraid of being caught for some unknown reason.

Mayor Dotour

Mayor of Clocktown
May 13, 2012
After watching Honey I Shrunk the Kids, I had a dream involving a shrink machine. It was a weird dream because I've did some things I wasn't proud of and got away with it because I was so small, I would always go unnoticed.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I had a dream last night. Ladd Russo (from the anime Baccano!), Wendy, Natsu, Gray (all three from the anime Fairy Tail) and I were all traveling through the Peruvian jungle in search of Professor Pickle (from Sonic Unleashed) for an unexplained reason. Halfway through the dream, we ran into Ladd Russo's gang from Baccano!, and Ladd and them had a tearful reunion. But after we found out they were also looking for Prof Pickle, things turned into a race to find him. I believe we were on the good side and they were the bad guys. Ladd stayed on our side, though, even though they were his followers.

When we were in a random town looking for intel on Prof Pickel (don't ask me what a town was doing in the middle of the Peruvian jungle), Wendy and I split up from Natsu, Gray and Ladd, The tree of them waited on the plane while we looked for information. After we found out that Prof Pickle was heading west, we went back to the plane to tell the others, since the plane was going north. But it took off before we could reach it, and Wendy and I got split up from the rest of the group.

It was at that point that I woke up. ... Why do I always get the crazy anime dreams.


The Dutch Kusagari
Oct 17, 2007
The Netherlands
Most of my dreams are weird because I combine locations which should not be possible. For example I dreamed once that I was in a large castle hall with a large fire place and those knight armour things, but from the outside it was just our normal house. Sadly a fire broke out in the attic (which looked nothing like our attic) and I had to run through the entire castle just to reach the front door >.>. I also dreamed once I was at my work (used to work at the cash register in a super market) and the inside was just like usual, but when I looked outside I saw the regular view from another supermarket in a town 12 km away where I used to live. Again two locations that don't match for no reason. It wasn't even a fun dream, because my cash register refused to log in on the internet and I had an angry costumer complaining she had to wait too long and because of that the cake she was baking at home was burned.....


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'm afraid I really can't explain or even decide what is my strangest dreams. Most of them are both bizarre and complex.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
This is more sad than strange... meh actually it's both. I've been dreaming of the ZD shoutbox... I've hit a new low I know...


Sep 21, 2011
Under a freeway.
I was running threw the forest and then this deer tells me to ride him or he will eat me. So I got on and he got mad at me because I got on him even though he said to and then I got hit with a neck dart.

, The end,
Jun 16, 2012
Oh, lol.

I had a dream once, when I was about 8 or 9, that my dad was building a space ship. It was like the middle of the night, and I heard stuff that kinda sounded like thunder, so I went to see what it was. If I remember correctly, the spaceship was a greenish color and it had a little banner on it that said something along the lines of "We come in peace." I actually asked my dad where the space ship was when I got up. I apparently didn't remember it was a dream. :S

Another dream I had was when I was about the same age, and my friend was over and we were in my room playing, and a vampire came through the window and killed her. I was scared for weeks afterword, lmao.

The one really isn't all that weird, it was more bittersweet. It was me and my brother walking home from school, it was dreary kind of day. There was puddles and it was cloudy. Then we got home, and we were sitting in the living room of the old house we used to live in. We were just sitting on the couch, talking. It brought back a lot of memories. >.>
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