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What Do You Want in the Wii Title?


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Here are a few of my top wants:

Fun overworld: In TP, Hyrule Field was huge and beautiful. I thought it would be a blast to explore. But all there really was was empty space filled by annoying respawning monsters and a couple of tunnel systems hidden behind giant boulders. It's great that Hyrule Field was big, but it was pointlessly big. I want something other than more enemies to fill those plains. I want more alcoves worth exploring, not just randomly large cave systems or hidden grottos with nothing but more enemies. I want some proper character interaction in the overworld. The field is huge, so why did we only get a few sparcely populated towns and one huge central hub where you couldn't talk to 90% of the people? That brings me to my second point:

More small towns: I liked Ordon. I loved OoT's Kakariko. I hated TP's Castle Town. I want some more towns with people to talk to and things to do. It would be nice if the developers gave us more moderate-small towns where you can talk to people rather than a central hub brimming with non-responsive fillers just for the sake of making it crowded. Maybe even put some frontier farmers in the fields like Lon Lon Ranch. Maybe make them vulnerable to the overworld monster infestation and in need of saving so you have something worthwhile to do. Hyrule is a Kingdom, but right now it feels more like a colonial wilderness.

Orchestrated music: I think this is a given, and a popular demand, so no need to elaborate.

A slight bit more violence: I'm not saying detailed graphics of slashing off an enemy's arm or anything, but maybe a little blood, and maybe let us see that sword plunge into the villain's chest. They showed Ganon get stabbed in WW (rated E), but not in TP (rated T)? Anyways, I'd love it if Zelda Wii turned out to be another T rated game.

Travel system with both Epona and flight: By flight, I mean on the back of a giant bird like the Kargarok in TP's Plumm minigame (I know I'm taking a lot of stuff from TP, but that's only because it's the most recent console game). I've already elaborated on this in the Zelda Wii Transportation thread, so I'll make this brief. I want a feel of natural control and a feel of freedom when I travel the overworld. TP's Epona accomplished the first and a bit of the second for me, I think a giant bird would easily surpass expectations for the second, and the Kargarok in TP already felt decently natural.

Difficulty levels: I want something similar to the OoT Master Quest. If possible, I think it'd be awesome if the game had two versions of every dungeon so when you first enter the dungeon, the game asks you to choose either to do "Normal" or "Hard" mode. That way players can choose when to challenge themselves and on what, something I'd love since I sometimes wish I could play the Master Quest version of some of the later temples, but I really don't want to work through the entire Master Quest just to do one or two temples that I like.


Orchestrated Music.

Yes, I used my first post for this. It's to show how much I want it. Super Mario Galaxy had it, why not Zelda.

I also want Ganondorf in the next game, being the best Zelda villain, but give him actually something to do. Don't make him jump out of nowhere screaming: "BOO! I was behind it all along!". Multiple encounters!

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Let's see... I want...

The Four Sword, with free roaming, FS/FSA style gameplay, deep story, Vaati alone, Force Gem gathering, and items that don't reset.

Honestly I like the idea of having four Links, moreso than having the Master Sword and the Triforce dare I say.

And I really like Vaati, moreso than Ganon/dorf. And to me, FSA ruined his awesomeness. After seeeing videos of FSA and FS I really liked what I saw, and am currently searching for another GBA copy of ALttP/FS, a GBA link cable, and a copy of FSA just because of the gameplay I saw. It's that good. And with 3-D (which I'm sure we're going to get since Nintendo has trashed true 2-D Zelda gameplay after MC) I'd expect it would be absolutely stunning would it not?

However what I didn't like about those games was the whole resetting items like HCs, BBs, and PBs.

And the stage select I didn't like much. It was cool in my opinion, don't get me wrong, but it makes it feel more like Mario or Megaman or something like that, which I don't want; I want true Zelda gameplay with an actual overworld and sidequests for things like Heart Pieces and stuff.

Deep story is a must as well.

I also liked how in FSA the Four Sword was drained of it's power and you had to get Force Gems to restore it. However, I'm not sure how it would work out with free roaming but I'll bet Nintendo would be able to make it work.


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
Orchestrated Music.

Yes, I used my first post for this. It's to show how much I want it. Super Mario Galaxy had it, why not Zelda.

I also want Ganondorf in the next game, being the best Zelda villain, but give him actually something to do. Don't make him jump out of nowhere screaming: "BOO! I was behind it all along!". Multiple encounters!

I don't want the little monster appearing music that they put in it like they do in all the games. If there is an enemy there should be some kind of warning, but not in depth idependent battle music, except for the dungeon bosses and mini-bosses.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
It doesn't really matter what I want, does it?

But there are two things I definitely want to see... Epona and a ship (like in PH). Instead of just having islands all over the place, we could have two major continents on either side, and islands in the central area. You could eventually get a "stable" upgrade to put Epona on the ship, of course, to take her from one place to another. I also like the sea battles from WW and PH, but I'd like to see more weapons than just cannons. Maybe something like "Greek Fire," torpedoes, depth charges, radar (for underwater enemies), and more. Maybe specialized ship armor and such for dealing with certain kinds of sea conditions. Oh, and not to mention the possibilities for timed cargo shipping mini-games you'd need speed upgrades in order to complete. I doubt we'll see anything like that, though.

For Link himself... I'd really like to see the return of the old red and blue tunics that increased defense. I hate being stuck in a green tunic for the whole game. Also, I'd like the Magic Meter back. I haven't seen it in a Zelda game since WW, and it's one thing I miss about OoT and LttP. The only new thing I want to see is increased flexibility in weapons. I'd kind of like to see Link able to wield an axe or knife instead of a sword, with different advantages for each (though he'd have to keep the shield). Alternatively, they could bring back something I liked in WW on a whole new scale... instead of finding your items in treasure chests, you'd have to steal ALL your weapons from enemies that were using them on you (but you'd be able to keep them this time). Maybe the same type of enemy you initially got a weapon from would always try to steal it back if it caught you using it.


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
1. a new girl character in Link's life (like Saria or Ilia)
2. a new land to explore, OoT and TP are both hyrule WW is kinda about hyrule but MM is still the most original 3D Zelda. I think it's time they gave us another original adventure.
3. reveal the Sheikah Tribe or something like the Sheikah Tribe.
4 new themes for temples and longer paths leading up to the temples.
5 multiple hub areas (like clocktown but one for each region of the over world map
6 Link gets his own canoe in a certain area of the game and at some point uses mine carts as a little tribute to PH and ST
7 bring back the stealth missions
8 bring back the magic meter
9 also wants a HUGE town or city in the game.


Here are a few of my top wants:

Fun overworld: In TP, Hyrule Field was huge and beautiful. I thought it would be a blast to explore. But all there really was was empty space filled by annoying respawning monsters and a couple of tunnel systems hidden behind giant boulders. It's great that Hyrule Field was big, but it was pointlessly big. I want something other than more enemies to fill those plains. I want more alcoves worth exploring, not just randomly large cave systems or hidden grottos with nothing but more enemies. I want some proper character interaction in the overworld. The field is huge, so why did we only get a few sparcely populated towns and one huge central hub where you couldn't talk to 90% of the people? That brings me to my second point:

More small towns: I liked Ordon. I loved OoT's Kakariko. I hated TP's Castle Town. I want some more towns with people to talk to and things to do. It would be nice if the developers gave us more moderate-small towns where you can talk to people rather than a central hub brimming with non-responsive fillers just for the sake of making it crowded. Maybe even put some frontier farmers in the fields like Lon Lon Ranch. Maybe make them vulnerable to the overworld monster infestation and in need of saving so you have something worthwhile to do. Hyrule is a Kingdom, but right now it feels more like a colonial wilderness.

Orchestrated music: I think this is a given, and a popular demand, so no need to elaborate.

A slight bit more violence: I'm not saying detailed graphics of slashing off an enemy's arm or anything, but maybe a little blood, and maybe let us see that sword plunge into the villain's chest. They showed Ganon get stabbed in WW (rated E), but not in TP (rated T)? Anyways, I'd love it if Zelda Wii turned out to be another T rated game.

Travel system with both Epona and flight: By flight, I mean on the back of a giant bird like the Kargarok in TP's Plumm minigame (I know I'm taking a lot of stuff from TP, but that's only because it's the most recent console game). I've already elaborated on this in the Zelda Wii Transportation thread, so I'll make this brief. I want a feel of natural control and a feel of freedom when I travel the overworld. TP's Epona accomplished the first and a bit of the second for me, I think a giant bird would easily surpass expectations for the second, and the Kargarok in TP already felt decently natural.

Difficulty levels: I want something similar to the OoT Master Quest. If possible, I think it'd be awesome if the game had two versions of every dungeon so when you first enter the dungeon, the game asks you to choose either to do "Normal" or "Hard" mode. That way players can choose when to challenge themselves and on what, something I'd love since I sometimes wish I could play the Master Quest version of some of the later temples, but I really don't want to work through the entire Master Quest just to do one or two temples that I like.

/\ Awesome posting. I agree with everything you said. I also love exploring the world, the entire land of Hyrule, and I thought that the land itself in TP wasn't so complete and interesting as in other games. I miss small cities as well, Kakariko village has always been my favorite place of all LoZ games, and I also loved playing the Ordon Village intro.
Orchestrated music. Yes, sure. I was playing OoT again a few hours ago and I realized how much TP lacks of that, and what a huge difference it makes. I want these so called small cities to be useful and not only big graphic areas, I sure miss Kokiri Village and Clock Town.

I also think it's time to use MM's and OoT's landscape look, time to use that unique (maybe even weird) NPC build and look. I'm just saying that because both games had excellent characters and NPCs.


Jan 27, 2010
South Central United States
I want it to be much, much darker. Yeah Twilight Princess was pretty dark but I want something like Majora's Mask. Dark, sad, and evil. I would love that. But not so much that it would get an M rating. Then I'm sure that some fans would be upset.

I also want harder bosses. I think the bosses in the three Zelda games that I've played are way too easy. Most of them only took me one try to beat and I was sort of disppointed I thought it would be way harder and it wasn't. But I don't want them to loose how fun they were.

Easier mini games. Yeah I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous but I thought that some of the mini-games in Twilight Princes were much too hard. i would like it if they mini games were fun but not AS hard. I would like them to be hard but not so hard that it takes you two days to beat them. If they are just as hard, I would like something more important as a prize besides a Piece of Heart or a Big Quiver.
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Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Let's bring back the mystical instruments please. I miss being able to play my songs on an ocarina.(Not that the leaves weren't cool).
We need a new villain. Zant was a nice change of pace, but the game went back to Ganondorf (which I had no problem with for that game.) Perhaps a female villain, rather than a female sidekick.
Speaking of which, lets get a sidekick who looks up to Link rather than one who already knows things Link doesn't. Someone like Collin but who isn't a coward and has a cooler attitude. More interaction with Zelda in these 3D games. I'm tired of seeing her lazy butt hide on the sidelines until the last minute, Link doesn't even get his name in most titles yet he's doing all the work. In fact, if someone good and young had the triforce of power, maybe a young Ganondorf, we could have Link the hero, Zelda the wise one who you ask when you don't know what to do (the new Navi) and a young Ganondorf for comic relief. Okay i'm starting to go off on a tangent. Let's stick to some basics.

Multiplayer options.
New items.
More interesting armor features.
More references to past games. I just loved finding all the similarities if TP to OoT.
And there's more but if I type too much, people will skip mine.


Dec 16, 2009
I think it would be coll if they did pretty much none of the things listed above....
Although I like lots of things on the list myself, it would be awesome if they didn't meet any fan requests.

Who played LoZ and expected the next one to be a sidescroller eh?


The tree hugger of Hyrule
First, I want is more orchestrated music. I mean, come on! Orchestrated music is awesome! And a variety of songs, not like Phantom Hourglass where every island song is the same and the dungeons are the same.

Second, I want a over world that you can explore, like in Twilight Princess. Because when I was playing Spirit Tracks, I was really disappointed you couldn't travel by foot, the over world seemed small and I hated that.

Thrid, I want online play of some kind. I wouldn't even mind if it was a mini game and you play as Tingle:xd:

Lastly, maybe a Zelda/Link relationship would be nice. Link saved Zelda like in almost every game, so there's bound to be a relationship at some point.


The epic turnip king
Feb 22, 2010
In a platypus
I would want Ganon to take away powers from 2 gods,who are fanmade.They are Windark,wolf of dimensions,and Embreeze,the keese of time.Link goes through dungeons to find the elemental energy,sort of like in Oox,to restore the Gods powers.They give you rewards for each energy you give them.The first energy,the dark shades,goes to windark,as well as the next 3 energies.Embreeze gets the last 3.At the end of each dungeon you face a form of ganon to get the energy,but there is also the regular boss and 2 mini-bosses.That's 2 bosses and 2 mini-bosses.And there's uses for the bow and the slingshot,making you use them both throughout the whole entire game.After you restore the power of the gods,you have to restore peace to 6 races,one being fanmade.The are the Theramors,rock creatures.They hate Gorons.To restore peace,Link must solve the problems in the area by traveling through time and he must go through the dungeons to stop the evil from taking over.

Link is here


Some new cool mechanism like being able to see different characters dreams, and make the gameplay revolve around that, or being able to breed different mythical creatures in the game to help you defeat various enemies and overcome different types of obstacles-this is what I mean when I say fresh new ideas.

What I EXPECT: same old old stuff with motion controls

Miyamoto said the new zelda 'wont be radically different' and that disappoints me. Big changes can make the game fresher and better.
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Zelda Freak

A Freak who likes Zelda
Jan 18, 2009
I want:
No transportation except by Boots and Flippers.

I expect:
Better controls and better gameplay, along with graphics. Graphics and Gameplay usually kill each other.

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