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Things That Are on Your Mind

Daku Rinku

Dampe’s Acolyte
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Yeah been going through this for 2 years now.

In that time, found out I'm autistic, ADHD, and have anxiety, slipped a disc, had a cancer scare which they thought all this was lymphoma, until it was found out that I also have asymptomatic hepatic and pulmonary sarcoidosis, so my liver enzymes and blood tests are always all out of whack.

On top of all this, it eventually will go away, and when it does, I'll have asthma like symptoms for the rest of my life. So there's that.

At least my LDL cholesterol is going down and my HDL cholesterol is going up, so there's that.
I am so sorry this is all happening. :hug:

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
Oh dang, have a safe trip.
I am flying Delta so they are pretty decent when it comes to safety. My only complaint is they do not fly to La Crosse which means renting a car and driving from the Twin Cities to La Crosse. Thankfully I this trip is not in winter since driving in the Upper Midwest in winter is hazardous, messy and absolutely freezing once you get out of the warmth of the car.
Safe travels! May The Triforce be with you.
And with thy spirit. (Sorry I couldn't resist, my inner Episcopalian kicked in there :D )

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I am flying Delta so they are pretty decent when it comes to safety. My only complaint is they do not fly to La Crosse which means renting a car and driving from the Twin Cities to La Crosse. Thankfully I this trip is not in winter since driving in the Upper Midwest in winter is hazardous, messy and absolutely freezing once you get out of the warmth of the car.

And with thy spirit. (Sorry I couldn't resist, my inner Episcopalian kicked in there :D )
Yeah, I can imagine. I always find being in a rented car weird, since it's not the car you normally drive, it's just unfamiliar. And I don't even drive!


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I am flying Delta so they are pretty decent when it comes to safety. My only complaint is they do not fly to La Crosse which means renting a car and driving from the Twin Cities to La Crosse. Thankfully I this trip is not in winter since driving in the Upper Midwest in winter is hazardous, messy and absolutely freezing once you get out of the warmth of the car.

And with thy spirit. (Sorry I couldn't resist, my inner Episcopalian kicked in there :D )
You will pass by the town I live in, this is as much information I am willing to share, just make sure you pick up some cheese curds.

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