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Things That Are on Your Mind

Sep 15, 2024
Nothing much on my mind other than the moon. Lol. It's huge and bright orange. When I googled "orange moon" I found that it's because of smoke and stuff blocking the light coming off of it. It's quite pretty. The smoke must be from the wildfires out West.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Thinking about getting a pair of ferrets.

Been heavily considering what kind of pet I want to get lately now that I have my own space, and couldn't decide. A recent encounter outside with someone walking their ferrets reaffirmed why they used to be one of my favourite pets. They're incredibly playful, super friendly, and absolutely adorable, plus small enough that I would have plenty of space for them in my basement suite. They sleep for 14-18 hours a day, which is perfect for my working lifestyle.

Biggest downside is that they almost always thrive better in pairs, which means double the costs. But overall it's still more affordable than, or very comparable to, owning bigger pets like dogs and cats which would be tougher to take care of in my place. Ferrets would be perfect.

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