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The Sword Spirits RP Thread


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
((Want me to start it? Also, where are all your characters right now? They're all grouped up, pretty much?))


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
((A lake. No where specific.))

"Ooohh! Another sword spirit! I am Saki" Tsubaki is quiet, cheeks red

Triforce Ballad

Queen of slapping, OH YES
Sep 29, 2012
In Death City/The Guild/Skyloft/The internet
Safia didn't know what to do, so she sang quietly,
"Open up the way
To the volcano,
Under tempest winds and
Under flames scorching.
Guide the hero boy
Young and so naive
But let Din guide him
With her power boundless
Fire rage, powerful flame,
Oh, goddess Din!
Take him to the heart
Of the inferno
Bring him to the place
Where you rest your head
With the messenger
And the sacred sword
Let him enter in, to banish the evil
Take him to your sacred flame!"


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Tsubaki listened. "That was lovely..." Her voice is very quiet. "I wish I could sing..." Tsubaki smiles

Triforce Ballad

Queen of slapping, OH YES
Sep 29, 2012
In Death City/The Guild/Skyloft/The internet
Safia smiled,"It was nothing! That was Din's Power if you didn't know!
Dartani laughed,"One time, before Link came, we were ambushing some monsters and she started singing for no apparent reason! So, we were caught and fought like normal."
Safia replied,"Well, the song was Ballad of the goddess, FYI."


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012

Deep in the volcano, a young woman as fierce and fiery as the air gracefully marched down the paths. She tapped a dual bladed sword to the metal of her tall boots, making a sharp clank. of warning. Various lowly monsters... fire lizards scurried to the shadows, fearing her instinctively. Lava slugs curled into tight balls in an attempt to camouflage themselves. Even the moblins, the most unintelligent creature to exist, kept their distance from her, cowering away if she happened by too close. But she ignored them all, the rhythmic clacking of her sword her cadence.

A white form rose up from the sword, taking a human shape. "Maybe you could stop hitting me like that?" He says, joking.

Judith smiles cooly. "I thought that you would approve of this entrance." She stops, flicking her sword to the side, and then holds it comfortably at her side. Before the two stood a massive stone door.

"This is it?" the boy asked, staring up at the barrier. "Doesn't seem too evil to me."

"You'll see." Judith walks up to the slate, crouching into position for a swift and powerful strike. She closed her eyes, sensing out it's weak point with her mind's eye. There! Her eyes shoot open, the weak point glowing to her as obviously as the sun lights the sky. Her strike is true, and the entire door cracks and collapses.

Furie reappears, and he laughs as the smoke clears. The passage she opened lead the the heart of the volcano. "Well, congratulations, Jude. You're the first person to ever enter a volcanic crater!"

Judith shakes her sword, shooing him away again. This time, a dark mist rises, forming into a sad looking boy in black. He looks up dreamily at the inside of the crater.

"So... this is where it all starts...?"

Judith sheathes the blade. "I'm sure of it..." She looks around, her eyes squinting. She's not finding what she's looking for. Where is that crystal? The book said that we needed to destroy it in the lake of fire... but... where...-"

The ground starts to crumble and Judith staggers. She draws her sword and holds it ahead of her, Gentle moving with it, and watches as the lava starts to bubble and boil.

Muahahahahaha. A deep laugh rumbles through the crater, causing the walls to crack and drop rocks. Foolish girl... You thought you could find and defeat me so easily? A rock whips across the room, hurled by what seemed to be the heat of the mountain condensed to vaguely resemble a hand. Judith had her sword up in an instant, Gentle dissipating quickly to rejoin his power to the blade. The rock smashes into her, pushing her back slightly, but then cracks and breaks, the halves flying off at angles. That was too close, and more boulders are coming her way.

She turned and ran back through the passage, the walls still crumbling, and up the long maze of tunnels leading through the volcano.


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Tsubaki looks at the volcano. "What in the world? Saki!" Saki turned into his sword and the two took off on Tsubaki's board. They arrived to see a girl. She swooped down. "Hey, who're you? You okay?"


please play etrian odyssey
Jun 22, 2012
do you really wanna know
Nadeshiko felt something from Sakuha and turned to Tamani. "Do you think...?" Tamani nodded, and Nade centered her horse before quickly riding off, Tamani following.

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