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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I am getting more suspicious of Aaarrgh. He makes a weak accusation against KoD, then apologizes, announces he won't lie and fades into the background... basically not seen again. Meanwhile, first Rag, then Sun take up the feud against KoD. Not surprising someone would. Maybe that was the hope all along. Also, his disengagement doesn't seem like town-Aaarrrgh to me.
The thing with Aaarrrgh, I initially found his RVS vote to be just that because of his reasoning:
Because that's how it's supposed to be.

The following:

Ok, so KoD seems to have some kind of automatic counter vote whenever he gets voted, but it also seems to go away when he unvotes his standard vote. It also seems he was going to hide that fact by immediately unvoting as soon as he got his with a vote.
I still feel like that was more of a personal observation that anyone else could have and definitely pointed out in an attempt to get some kind of reaction out of KoD. which in itself worked well. With how KoD it did work.

@KoD: sorry, my response was not cool. I should know better than to try to be funny in a situation like this. Most of my posts so far have been immediate reactions without much deep thought behind them. That changes now, because clearly I made a dumb mistake and then blew it out of proportion. If you are operating under the assumption that I knew my accusation was ridiculous when I made it, what do you think my gameplan was in that case? Because clearly there wasn't much of a chance to actually hurt you, because I was just being dumb and it was not at all hard for you to prove that I was dumb. So again, I'm sorry, and I hope we can move on.

I'm not 100% certain, but, I feel like the way he worded his apology was to make a bit of an attempt to be genuine, at the same time, he sounds like he's just making an attempt to try and say: "Hey, y'all can go for him but don't blame me if he swaps town."

Though, I will admit, despite it, I'm personally getting town vibes.

I welcome anyone who would like to join me on Poy. I feel pretty decent about him being scum as far as d1 reads can be. Like just look at last game and this one and tell me you don't get similar vibes. Plus scum Poy does this. Comes in asking what happened, no one tells him, he places a random vote, and he peaces out not allowing people to get anything out of him.
Right now, I'm going to hold off on hopping onto the Poyzin Wagon for now. I honestly don't feel too comfortable flipping again. I'll wait until later.
Dec 13, 2019
Thats just it though. She's looking for something she can sink her teeth into. Yes, she maintains she prefers me. She also has said no one is interested in me.

Kinda hard to bite into that, no?

Plus, it would be hard to bite into something if yourr not being consistent. That is, if trying to bite something that appears easier backfires and draws attention, then it defeats the purpose.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Aaargh was somewhat present over the weekend, but he hasn't been seen since yesterday morning. I'm not too sure what to make of it but as he was the first one to bring attention to KoD's voting mechanic, talked about KoD a little bit, and then disappeared, it is a tad concerning.

SMS is giving me scum vibes but only because I don't really remember him being around. Being pseudo-active is something I see people do as scum all the time, including him. In fact, the same could be said about Silverfish in this game.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I don't have any intention of voting Rag and I'd rather keep her around. And I don't understand the point KoD is making against Rag now. She's looking for an easy lynch by tunneling one person? I definitely see her arguments against KoD, because it looks like KoD was attempting to hide his bonus vote instead of admitting that it was a thing. Warning people against placing a vote against him because of the bonus vote makes a lot more sense and is easier than switching votes each time you're voted against to avoid unintentional threshholds. That said, I don't want to lynch KoD for it.

I'm on board with the Aaargh vote, like I said before, I didn't like his apologetic change in scum hunting. He felt more focused on preserving himself and his absence since could be explained by the fact that it was the weekend before, but I still feel like he's trying a lot harder to skate by. Sure, this is being said by a very silent and lurky player, but still.
Dec 13, 2019
Hot take:

Doc's response makes no mention of the rules regarding bonus/secret votes, thus his perspective this only cursory at best.
Jun 16, 2020
Sorry, I'm trying to keep up, but it is really hard. Especially with being in a vault different time zone than the majority of players (in fact, I'm just about to go to bed).

Right now I'm inclined to believe that everything happening around KoD is just townies being paranoid at each other.

I'm also interested in the nonrandom role assignments. I would guess that Numbers is Scarlet Spider, Rubik is probably the Bugle editor (he got town MVP for that role in the last game) and Freddeh is probably Norman Osborn (no clue if that also means he's the Goblin, he wasn't last time). Carnage could be the fourth, but I don't know who that would be, as the person who was carnage in the first two games isn't here.

Anyway, I'll try to be more active tomorrow. Goodnight!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Alright, I skimmed the last five pages. Atm I have 4 votes on me, that's fine, but I should go ahead and be upfront that I'm within range of more votes on me turning out really bad, and in the long run it will be bad for everyone. My threshold is Maj, but this is also something I should go ahead and get out there, because we are tip-toeing into that area where people are piling on me and talking about potentially voting me. So yeah, I don't mind people voting me currently, I'm just letting it be known that there can be negative consequences if additional votes are cast my way.

I'll try to get a reads list together tonight.
Feb 3, 2019
I am pretty desensitized to all these "don't lynch me or something bad will happen to everyone!" claims
I'm going to push on who I think scum are, and those cries will not change my mind
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