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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Aug 22, 2019
Saying you want funnier to become a cult leader again isn’t fooling around? if that’s a serious suggestion than it’s even worse than I thought
It would certainly debuff him long enough to deal with. Besides, if what was said was any semblance of true, which I believe was what was believed, then we would all magically win.
Then again, magically winning is far too easy. THere's always a catch, hidden or not.
Jun 26, 2020
For how I got roleblocked, I tried to track Freddeh. My normal immunity to Roleblock doesn't seem to cover his reflexive blocking.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Hello all! Please yell at me as you see fit so we can get that out of the way. As I see it, exiling POy again is top priority, as I'm not sure if they can just keep coming back, followed by getting rid of CL. I'm okay leaving PK around for right now, if nothing else so that we can bribe/track/blackmail him and freddeh for more answers into how we can best kill them.

Now, if you are an evil clone, please step forward in an orderly fashion and we'll deal with you accordingly.
1 I'm pretty sure that's NOT how blackmailing works.
2 why would any of the evil clones even want to do that? :P

Wait am I getting him and CL confused. Whichever one is spidercide.

He's a problem, yes, but one that takes more planning than me saying kill him. And one I would not be surprised to find can counteract any plan made out in the open.
The main way I can see Freddeh going down is by at least one of us using "Jump the Gun" on him and a whole lot of us voting him out.
Dec 13, 2019
It would certainly debuff him long enough to deal with. Besides, if what was said was any semblance of true, which I believe was what was believed, then we would all magically win.
Then again, magically winning is far too easy. THere's always a catch, hidden or not.

Do you mind expanding greatly on what youre saying?
Aug 22, 2019
Do you mind expanding greatly on what youre saying?
Oh boy.
Well, sir numbers, as KoD might have warned you, I am incredibly bad at that. I'm also incredibly bad at getting to the point. I exist in a grey zone right now.
Anyway. Before funnier was traveller, he was rubik, and rubik had limited abilities compared to traveller. I have reason to believe that traveller is still in possession of game altering powers, though he has since kicked me from his chat, which is, all things considered, understandable. I stand by my actions however, please yell at me as you wish for that. Further, I have reason to belive that funnier may not know the full extent of his own powers and that nothing that comes from him is going to be easy to deal with. We have little hope of winning with him in this state, and little hope of getting anywhere while everyone is treating what he says a a friggin fact.
Not sure I went where I wanted to there.


Jan 19, 2018
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@Paranoid King did you use your one-truth ability last night?

Vote: Poyzin

we have more outed scum than you can shake a stick at so for the time being i guess we just line them up and knock them down. I think going after the fish that seem bigger (SMS, Funnier, Fred) is probably a better idea, but they might all be less optimal than just killing poy, especially if he's claimed an annoying role.


Jan 19, 2018
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I will remind people that my rumor mill yesterday warned me that while traveler is in the game we can't trust anything that happens. Removing him should be a relatively high priority. The issue is the same can be said about a lot of people right now.
Dec 13, 2019
Correct me if im wrong, but isn't Traveler immune to abilities that target him?

Also, perhaps priority should be on removing him now as opposed to later.
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