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General Art TatlTails' OC Request Thread

Jun 22, 2013
Hey Tatl! I love your drawings! They are so cute! I was wondering if you could draw Pippin for me. here is his description.
He stands at 6'1" with palish skin. he tans well though. He is well built. more on the skinny side. His brown hair is cut short to his head. But the most stand out feature is his eyes. He has deep deep blue eyes that seem to know your soul. He is lanky over all. with long limbs and long torso. He face is rounder but longish. Also he has a black tattoo on his right arm of the number 5573.
I don't care about clothing but I would like to see his tattoo.
Please and thank you.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Thanks Atti!

And now for a picture I'm pretty proud of.

Kira Castillo, by Hylian_Monolith.
iPod pics K 386.jpg

I know her bracer arm is derpily smaller than her other arm, and I'm sorry for that, but besides that I think I drew her well. I'm pretty sure I got her hair right, I'm excited to see if I did. And when you say 'tank top with a high collar' I can't help but think of those turtleneck tank tops that the main character of the movie Little Secrets wears. So she gets one of those. Hope you like her!

Two drawings in one day? What is this madness, Tatl? Madness?



Pippin, by the_miserable.
iPod pics K 388.jpg

I'm sorry the picture's too blurry to read the tattoo. It was the best I could take. And at my current skill level I can't draw hair shorter than that. I hope you like him, though.

And ignore the derpiness the forums made my post(s). I didn't, and regretted it. Just... Yeah.
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Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Thanks Atti!

And now for a picture I'm pretty proud of.

Kira Castillo, by Hylian_Monolith.
View attachment 34266

I know her bracer arm is derpily smaller than her other arm, and I'm sorry for that, but besides that I think I drew her well. I'm pretty sure I got her hair right, I'm excited to see if I did. And when you say 'tank top with a high collar' I can't help but think of those turtleneck tank tops that the main character of the movie Little Secrets wears. So she gets one of those. Hope you like her!

Actually, the original design--that happens to be my favorite--has a sleeveless turtleneck, so you got that spot-on XD Although you did reverse the color of the shirt and the pants, you did a great job. Thanks! ^^

And yes, you did get the hair right. It's impossible to do the bangs without a ref, but you did really well refless. And you even got the thickness without me telling you to And her scowl. I mean sweet Nayru even I can't get the scowl right half the time. And you nailed it.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
*grins wide* Yay. Yayayayayay. *hops around on a sugar high* I knew I'd get some things wrong, but I'm glad I was as close as I was.

~*the next day*~

This request was given privately, and really it was suggested by me. And this is a great way for you all to see how much I've improved since starting this thread. Presenting, the new, improved...

Xer, by DarkAssassinXer.
iPod pics K 394.jpg

He looks totally chibi, I know, but I know why and know how to avoid that in the future. But it's a heck of a lot better than the picture in the title post, wouldn't you say?

(and several days later I replace the picture with a different one because I forgot to draw Xer's wings the first time. DERP.)


  • iPod pics K 389.jpg
    iPod pics K 389.jpg
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Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
And again, I have drawings. Several pictures of the same person because mleh.

Aren Alpenlen, by Hylian_Monolith.
iPod pics K 391.jpg

This is my usual type of drawing. I'm proud of this, because he looks cute and pretty darn Aren-ish. Even though he looks a bit like he should be a Weasley, a Weasley that goes to Ouran High School.

iPod pics K 392.jpg

And this... This was originally just me trying to draw Aren's sketchbook, but it became this weird-looking drawing of Aren ninja-drawing something or someone. And for some reason he is left-handed in the picture. Mleh. This whole picture is mleh, I just posted it because I thought the idea was funny.

iPod pics K 390.jpg

And this is both pictures together, because my mother thought this should be placed in the post with the individual pictures. So yeah. Hope you like it, HyMo, and hope Aren was drawn with justice. Like he says, 'When the inspiration strikes them, and artist will draw'. ...That is Aren's quote, right?

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