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Super Smash Mafia 2: Originals vs Clones - Game Thread

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Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
Btw I actually agree with Tristan's reasoning for attacking Toxic, I just don't want rash attacks because of 'inactivity'. Anyway, if you put yourself in Toxic's shoes as scum, it does ****ing seem like he's tip toeing around things which is quite a common mistake. Not sure if it could be his first time being scum or if it's just hesitation in general. Could someone point me to games he's played in the past?
Three before this. One was the Mafia Revival, one was TF2, and one was the Lineages. In the latter two I was inactive for most of the time due to school, and such, so I didn't really contribute much. I was Mafia in both of those, though, and Town in Revival. Not sure how it's relevant, but there you go.


Jul 1, 2012
Is it just me or is he really trying to dance around the subject? Even after you called him out twice he still hasn't said his opinion on the situation, which seems quite scummy to me
Jesus the hypocrisy. You actually weren't even going to say anything which is completely avoiding the subject until you saw my post. If anything that's avoiding Eduarda's question even more.


Jul 1, 2012
Very unlikely. Too unlikely. Mafia roleblocker doesn't know if there's a town RB or not. Claiming would be suicide. But then again, Johnny was dead when he claimed. I can see how he could be scum causing more suspense but also town giving last minute clarification. I think its safe to assume he's Town if no one else counter claims.
I wouldn't completely rule it out. I've seen desperate Mafia role block claims before.


Btw sorry if my posts are ****ing messy and out of order. I'm going through the thread and picking out stuff.
Nov 14, 2015
Jesus the hypocrisy. You actually weren't even going to say anything which is completely avoiding the subject until you saw my post. If anything that's avoiding Eduarda's question even more.
I was actually in the process of looking over posts to see if I noticed anything suspicious. A new message happened to load as I was about to say I didn't notice anything.


Jul 1, 2012
I didn't have a lot to say,
then your post loaded for me...

thanks for repeating what I said a third time..?
So basically you weren't going to post since you saw my post. That's avoiding her question, which is what you're trying to access me of. That's a ****ing excuse if ever saw one. There's absolutely tons to comment on, which is why I've got so much catching up to do. Don't play the 'I didn't have a lot to say' card.
Nov 14, 2015
So basically you weren't going to post since you saw my post. That's avoiding her question, which is what you're trying to access me of. That's a ****ing excuse if ever saw one. There's absolutely tons to comment on, which is why I've got so much catching up to do. Don't play the 'I didn't have a lot to say' card.
What the **** card am I playing? You're getting really offended over an accusation. My point is that you completely tap danced around the subject. I was going to straight up say "I don't notice any behavior out of order, besides Sadia seeming a little too gentle." You didn't say anything about the subject.
Feb 17, 2015
I thought the game was played to where if the person is attacked to over their defense they have a chance of dying, and that every time it goes up the chance goes up? Or did I completely misunderstand?

I don't think the chance of anyone dying ever changes. Each player should be given a defense percentage. Once that percentage is reached, then they are knocked out.

Out of curiosity, what made you think the chance of dying increasing has anything to do with it?


Jul 1, 2012
What the **** card am I playing? You're getting really offended over an accusation. My point is that you completely tap danced around the subject. I was going to straight up say "I don't notice any behavior out of order, besides Sadia seeming a little too gentle." You didn't say anything about the subject.
Ok let's look at this. I make a post against Eduarda in which I get a random reply saying I'm 'dancing around the question'. The thing is your reply itself also avoids the question, which is why it's completely hypocritical. You can't say someone's avoiding answering a question when you yourself did the same. You even said 'I didn't have a lot to say until...'. So basically you couldn't be bothered answering her question and took the easy option and attacked the most present post. That's either lazy or you don't want to answer the question.

And offended? Ok so you probably haven't played many Mafia games with me before... I'm aggressive in Mafia games and especially when I see inconsistencies and contradictions. These can usually be decent scum tells. I'll have to look through more of your posts now.
Nov 14, 2015
Ok let's look at this. I make a post against Eduarda in which I get a random reply saying I'm 'dancing around the question'. The thing is your reply itself also avoids the question, which is why it's completely hypocritical. You can't say someone's avoiding answering a question when you yourself did the same. You even said 'I didn't have a lot to say until...'. So basically you couldn't be bothered answering her question and took the easy option and attacked the most present post. That's either lazy or you don't want to answer the question.
But I'm not dancing around it. I'm specifically pointing you out, I'm not avoiding the question at all.

Like I just said, I would have outright said I had nothing to offer up, while you completely ignored the question entirely. I guess you're going to specifically target me now for noticing something like that. :mellow:


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
I don't think the chance of anyone dying ever changes. Each player should be given a defense percentage. Once that percentage is reached, then they are knocked out.

Out of curiosity, what made you think the chance of dying increasing has anything to do with it?
Sign up thread
When you attack a player, a percentage in between the aforementioned parameter is added to their damage. When it reaches the second percentage amount, there is a 50% chance that character will die. Every 5% over that amount, the chance goes up another 10%, capping at 99%. Let's imagine it in action:

Character A does 10-15% damage every turn
Character B has 100% defense

Character A eventually gets Character B to 100% damage. At this point, there is a 50% chance Character B dies. Let's say Character B survives, and the next day Character A does 15% to Character B. Now, Character B has 115% damage. Since this is 15% over, that adds an additional 30% chance that Character B will die, so there is an 80% chance Character B will die.
Feb 17, 2015
Sign up thread

Ah. I'll admit I didn't look there. I only looked at the rules of the first post in this thread. :P

@Toxic_Snowman my bad dude. Either way, I'm still suspicious of the whole you just saying you would vote for him. With Doc attacking, the chances of Sooshi dying would have been pretty high, right? Again sorry about the rule thing.
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