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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia


Jan 19, 2018
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Jan 19, 2018
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its because mikey claimed there was an upside to his role so i figured it might apply to that part


Jan 19, 2018
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I think all setups are inherently breakable by mass claim

1 Mafia Roleblocker
2 Mafia Goons
1 Town Cop
8 Vanilla Town

is a common setup where a massclaim will hurt town


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
massclaims become more advantageous to mafia when mafia has roles that can benefit from knowing which roles player has (ie: any town power role suffers from claiming when mafia has a rb, any town bulletproof role suffers from claiming when mafia has a night kill. Redirectors and variants benefit from knowing town roles. Mafia watchers benefit from knowing town roles. Etc.)

massclaims become more advantageous to mafia when town has roles that are better when they're kept secret (ie: a bomb, or a secret double vote).

massclaims become more advantageous to town when certain town roles have synergies (ie: a cop and a doctor, or a motivator and a cop) and the the mafia has no way to shut down those synergies once they're out in the open (ie: a roleblocker)

massclaims can become more advantageous to mafia when mafia has no way of obfuscating the PoE (ie: using redirectors or variants to confuse town about results, being investigative immune or being able to interfere with results in other ways, like by generating false flips). When mafia has roles like this town blindly playing to their PoE can result in a lost game.

even in a game with lots of high-powered roles its possible to balance a game such that a massclaim doesn't heavily favour town or mafia

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I ban direct claims in my Games. Subtle hints and bread crumbs are far more fun than just saying what you are

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
its because mikey claimed there was an upside to his role so i figured it might apply to that part

I don't know for sure what your role is but I've had an idea of what it might be.
If it is what I suspect do you think Neon would still be scum in this scenario?
Or would it still be possible she is?

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020

Full claim ig

I'm a 3 shot weird hybrid role that is half roleblocker half doctor

I've used it offensively and defensively

N1 I targeted min to protect her

N3 I targeted numbers to block him

By the nature of my ability I was pretty confident that mafia has PRs as well. This game has insane town roles so I kinda think it has insane mafia roles

Also just thought maybe I could take a shot in the dark and block the NK. Not sure if mafia NK is even blockable tbf.

So basically I protect a target but block their action...in both ways it benefits and hurts my target.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020

Full claim ig

I'm a 3 shot weird hybrid role that is half roleblocker half doctor

I've used it offensively and defensively

N1 I targeted min to protect her

N3 I targeted numbers to block him

By the nature of my ability I was pretty confident that mafia has PRs as well. This game has insane town roles so I kinda think it has insane mafia roles

Also just thought maybe I could take a shot in the dark and block the NK. Not sure if mafia NK is even blockable tbf.

So basically I protect a target but block their action...in both ways it benefits and hurts my target.

Which brings an intresting question... do you think your ability would work on me as intended Rag?

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
And yes I holstered n2 and yes it was because it would only harm town if I didn't and would've wasted a shot and yes I expect to be killed anyways because of this and yes I think the set up was intended to harm me in this specific case and yessssss I think that's because of the OP nature of the role

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