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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
vote: squid

I should've used anime gifs for my reads.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Staff member
Did you not read my post? All of those questions were answered in it pretty much. Well not the Seanzie and scumhunting ones.
Was that really just it? 'I think he likes being mafia more than town'?
Last time I saw him play he was scumhunting had and had even managed to get 2/3s of the scumteam D1 by doing legit analysis, I don't see a resemblance of effort here and we both seem to be agreeing that he's likely doing so to lay low.

So, again, knowing that, WHY do you feel the need to step forward and be active for him rather than letting him explain his own actions himself? I don't see how you can say my logic can be faulty if you don't let me prove my point by prodding him properly? You're literally assuming he had the joke in mind when he voted me, but if he didn't you just gave a free pass to him.

And also your post does not answer the other questions? only the why you're scumreading him is answered, I don't see how it addressed his incoherent behavior? Specially the fairly recent weird "I don't remember why I'm on seanzie but I'll stay there" without proper explaining

Not to mention, you yourself could switch to one of the other two people and tie the votes at this moment, and that would also negate Cynical voting you to save himself since he wouldn't even have any votes on him.
"I'm not whiteknighting him"
"You can always vote a person you have no interest lynching to 'nullify' squids vote on you"
girl what's even going on here that's not how it works and this is cummy as heck


Staff member
15377 - it deeply concerns me that I can't remember anything Numbers has done...I always remember Numbers. Didn't call me little asterisk or try to play with my words to "catch" me. Maybe I'm being silly...slot feels weird. But not lim today weird.
I kinda got a similar feeling about it but didn't pay much mind
also why is moe above you in your townreads lmao

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
It is destiny my guy, we can't fight it...only each other.

Self contradictory? I have no experience with him so I'm taking him completely at face value. With that said I'd probably side with Ex on this. Following his flow his original explanation is "it's a meme I guess" indicating he doesn't fully invest in it being a meme. It's more like he's saying "somebody told me it was a meme so I figured what the heck." But when Ex calls him out on it he says it was random-reaction which means he wasn't going off the meme and completely invalidates what you've brought up about discord. He was just trying to quickly explain away his accountability, which his secondary defenses do as well. Further he's since elaborated that his random vote was decided prior to game start which invalidates AI of the maneuver altogether, leaving only his post behavior actions to be taken into account for alignment determining purposes.

I dunno, I just don't read that progression as scummy. He could have "randomly" chose who to vote before the game by choosing who he thought would be a good first vote. Although not truly random I feel like the word is used loosely a lot in situations like this. If he thought Ex would be a good first vote because of his reactions to vote then that also aligns. And when someone asked why the vote on Ex, if he thinks voting Ex might get a reaction then he won't just say it's for reaction. Therefore the meme thing comes into play, because it's not untrue.

To me, even if Cynical is scum, he doesn't think about these explanations too hard and gives what he thinks to be true in the moment. The only thing that would be untrue if he's scum is voting Ex for reaction, because he wouldn't need reactions to read people. Though that doesn't negate deciding to vote him pregame before he knows his alignment.

I feel like his lackadaisical reactions to Ex's vote on him and their interactions over both looks more scummy.

Today I shall grace you all with the worst best reads list ever


Mikey the Moblin - slot is town. It's just town. It's always town. So town that Mikey even gets to be higher than me in my own reads list. How's that for confidence...

Neon - I'm town obviously but you should clearly scum read me for not posting about tea even once. I mean I don't do that... that's weird right...or maybe I just forgot either way I'm town

Morbid Minish - solvy active reasoning feels good feels better in the Ex v Min thing going on right now. Didn't feel like the mafia Min I played with

ExLight - feels worse in Min v Ex feels better in Ex v Squid. Overall Ex feels like Ex. I don't think Squid/Ex/Min has more than one wolf.

Seanzie - I think that Seanzie does things I want to scum read that aren't AI and than I spend all game in a tunnel until I regret my life choices. Gonna try not to do that this game. Seanzie scum reading me for something silly I posted feels townie lol. Not quite there yet I'll place them trending up.

a'lana - catch up looks good to me. Maybe because it's what I would do. Outside of that I just don't know

Ragnarokio - I can't read Rag I'll never be able to read rag I will forever use mech or other players to solve this slot. I love playing with rag. I hate reading rag.

Libk - who?

TGN - Kinda forgettable but I know TGN is pretty busy. Would like to see more

Killjoy262 - this slot will thrive in my null forever.

15377 - it deeply concerns me that I can't remember anything Numbers has done...I always remember Numbers. Didn't call me little asterisk or try to play with my words to "catch" me. Maybe I'm being silly...slot feels weird. But not lim today weird.

RavenRaziel98 - is it bad that I want to Scum read this slot because they are noticeably less active than the last game I played with them. Like I hate the frozen memes but... I'm a hypocrite obviously.

CynicalSquid - vote will sit here until I'm given a reason not to sit it here. Interactions with Ex look awful. I would always place this slot most likely wolf in Ex Min Squid


Was about to ask if I had missed you voting Cynical but you did while I was typing. Lol.

I think this list looks good. Feels well reasoned, and it gives a read on Numbers that I had also been considering that no one had mentioned yet.
Dec 13, 2019
I'm not white knighting him. I'm just explaining why your logic is faulty. I'm not going to just trust you that your interaction was sincere and then follow you for that. Especially considering since my original read on you you have provided even more logic that I don't read as genuine.

Also, you have 2 votes on you vs 3 other people having one vote. That's hardly a leading wagon, especially when KJ's was a rvs vote that he could come and take off, and other people are town reading you. Not to mention, you yourself could switch to one of the other two people and tie the votes at this moment, and that would also negate Cynical voting you to save himself since he wouldn't even have any votes on him. This is what I mean by your reactions not seeming genuine. Because they didn't add up logically and seem more to appeal to people to get them to vote a certain way.

I don't like this 1-2 punch combo. Minish is very much trying to look like she's not trying to pull votes off Squid because she sees him as scummy but then throws Ex out as a reason to not vote Squid because that would just be blindly trusting Ex's side...except Ex isn't saying that at all, he's saying you don't have to do that because you have you're own scum lean on Squid to work off of.

But then we get to the bottom part where Minish comes to the conclusion that if Ex is worried about being the leading wagon he should just vote anywhere else that isn't Squid. Literally calling for votes to be removed from a player she has a scum lean on herself.

Vote: Minish

@Neon you should be disappointed anime gif rainbow list would be awesome. Also Raven did say that he would be busy most of D1/N1 so that's a thing to keep in mind.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I dunno, I just don't read that progression as scummy. He could have "randomly" chose who to vote before the game by choosing who he thought would be a good first vote. Although not truly random I feel like the word is used loosely a lot in situations like this. If he thought Ex would be a good first vote because of his reactions to vote then that also aligns. And when someone asked why the vote on Ex, if he thinks voting Ex might get a reaction then he won't just say it's for reaction. Therefore the meme thing comes into play, because it's not untrue.

To me, even if Cynical is scum, he doesn't think about these explanations too hard and gives what he thinks to be true in the moment. The only thing that would be untrue if he's scum is voting Ex for reaction, because he wouldn't need reactions to read people. Though that doesn't negate deciding to vote him pregame before he knows his alignment.

I feel like his lackadaisical reactions to Ex's vote on him and their interactions over both looks more scummy.

Was about to ask if I had missed you voting Cynical but you did while I was typing. Lol.

I think this list looks good. Feels well reasoned, and it gives a read on Numbers that I had also been considering that no one had mentioned yet.

It's amazing how little I trust myself and than people agree with me lol

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Was that really just it? 'I think he likes being mafia more than town'?
Last time I saw him play he was scumhunting had and had even managed to get 2/3s of the scumteam D1 by doing legit analysis, I don't see a resemblance of effort here and we both seem to be agreeing that he's likely doing so to lay low.

So, again, knowing that, WHY do you feel the need to step forward and be active for him rather than letting him explain his own actions himself? I don't see how you can say my logic can be faulty if you don't let me prove my point by prodding him properly? You're literally assuming he had the joke in mind when he voted me, but if he didn't you just gave a free pass to him.

And also your post does not answer the other questions? only the why you're scumreading him is answered, I don't see how it addressed his incoherent behavior? Specially the fairly recent weird "I don't remember why I'm on seanzie but I'll stay there" without proper explaining

"I'm not whiteknighting him"
"You can always vote a person you have no interest lynching to 'nullify' squids vote on you"
girl what's even going on here that's not how it works and this is cummy as heck

No, it's that and his interactions with you. Which I just explained a bit more in my reply to Numbers. I don't remember this being any different to Cynical in other games and don't recall him catching 2/3 scum d1 from legit analysis. And I never said he was trying to lay low. I said he was more active than I'd think town Cynical might be. I don't think he's laying low at all.

He's explaining himself. I'm just using reasons to point out faulty logic/lines of thinking. Me bringing up the discord thing doesn't give him any defense. He had already said it was a meme vote. I didn't propose that for him before he could give an explanation. I brought it up because you presented his explanation and blatantly untrue, when there was evidence to the contrary. If my suspicion of you brings up further information about his defense, that's not defending him. You've prodded him without me "defending" him. I literally can't give my thoughts on you without giving my thoughts on him considering the interactions are tied.

I said that all of his reasonings could be true within each other. I just explained this in a lot more detail to Numbers. Also, I don't think him saying he forgot why he was originally voting Seanzie to be weird. Lol. I find that in line with Cynical scum or town. And like I said, he did basically explain his vote more or less at the time.


Like I don't get that, it's not on me to save someone I am also scum leaning when they can do it themselves.

Also heh cummy.

I don't like this 1-2 punch combo. Minish is very much trying to look like she's not trying to pull votes off Squid because she sees him as scummy but then throws Ex out as a reason to not vote Squid because that would just be blindly trusting Ex's side...except Ex isn't saying that at all, he's saying you don't have to do that because you have you're own scum lean on Squid to work off of.

But then we get to the bottom part where Minish comes to the conclusion that if Ex is worried about being the leading wagon he should just vote anywhere else that isn't Squid. Literally calling for votes to be removed from a player she has a scum lean on herself.

Vote: Minish

@Neon you should be disappointed anime gif rainbow list would be awesome. Also Raven did say that he would be busy most of D1/N1 so that's a thing to keep in mind.

I'm not in anyway trying to pull votes off of him. It's pretty interesting that both you and Ex come in at the same time with that reasoning. I said that Ex's worry about being the leading wagon is unfounded because he only has 2 votes vs 1 vote on 3 others. And Ex said that Cynical could vote him to save himself, but that wouldn't even be an issue if Ex isn't voting him. That's not me trying to move votes from Cynical. I don't care if Ex stays there or not. I'm telling him that from his perspective he can easily save himself from a possible self pres from Cynical, so his fear doesn't add up.


Staff member

Also heh cummy.

This hurts me...it hurts my soul
maybe next time!!!

It's pretty interesting that both you and Ex come in at the same time with that reasoning.
because it's what it came off as lmfao
telling me to vote somewhere I don't want to as a lame attempt of surviving is detrimental for town even from my pov

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