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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
So just something really stupid I thought of. I've never played with a Miller so if this is dumb I'm sorry

If a roleblocker blocks a miller do they scan as town lol


Staff member
Dawg you are looking way too deep into a joke vote that happened within the first 3 hours of the game lol
you're the one who went backpedaling into it and gave three different excuses?
"it was at random", "it was a joke", "I wanted to see your reaction"

why is the excuse one you're deciding to take as definitive is the one that someone had to come up with for you?


Staff member
So just something really stupid I thought of. I've never played with a Miller so if this is dumb I'm sorry

If a roleblocker blocks a miller do they scan as town lol
it's a passive ability/modifier so usually not (I'd say like 99% of the games I played probably wouldn't make the miller status roleblockable), although it might depend on the host


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
So just something really stupid I thought of. I've never played with a Miller so if this is dumb I'm sorry

If a roleblocker blocks a miller do they scan as town lol
I don't think so, it seems like Miller would be a passive ability rather than active


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
you're the one who went backpedaling into it and gave three different excuses?
"it was at random", "it was a joke", "I wanted to see your reaction"

why is the excuse one you're deciding to take as definitive is the one that someone had to come up with for you?
All 3 of those “excuses” were my reasoning

1. I randomly chose you to rvs before the game even started
2. It was also joke vote because of how you flip out if a couple people vote for you early on
3. Was intending on keeping it on you (switched it to seanzie and I can’t remember why I did that but now I have no reason to change it because he seems the most sus to me) but you still ended up reacting anyways even tho I ended up taking the vote off you.

Also minish didn’t come up with any of this. I explained all of this myself. All she did was bring up that discord conversation which I originally decided to leave out because that has no bearing on what is happening in the game.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
If there is scum in those three at all I'd say Cynical is the most likely but I mostly just want to lynch elsewhere


Jan 19, 2018
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So just something really stupid I thought of. I've never played with a Miller so if this is dumb I'm sorry

If a roleblocker blocks a miller do they scan as town lol

Usually not, no. roleblockers typically only stop activated abilities and don't disable passive abilities (so a roleblocker also won't allow a bulletproof player to be killed usually). I wouldn't be surprised if some hosts handled this differently though.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
If that was the reason then it's up to then to explain themselves. Not only they didn't present that as a proper reason until you pointed it out, they instead presented fairly bad excuses to justify it: "I wanted to see your reaction" (to which they removed before I could even react to vote on an inactive person), backpedaling on the joke status of the vote into now saying it had a serious reason.

He did present that as a reason and you said it was bad reasoning. He said it was a meme to vote you. Just because he didn't specifically say why he thinks it is a meme doesn't mean that wasn't his reason. I didn't point out the discord thing as defense of him, but as suspicion on you. Because you said that voting you isn't a meme or trendy and that it was bad reasoning, and I pointed out why that was untrue.

Here's what I think happened: he votes me as a joke and as a way of adding speed to my wagon (subconsciously having the discord joke in mind), then he realizes that my reaction to this kinda stuff is usually seen as AI and could make him look bad, and decides to go back on it. I call him out and now he doesn't have proper explanations from it.

I'm not sure what the relation between you and him is but I'm mildly confident at least one of you is scum.

I don't like you using me reacting to his vote/pressing him for explanations as a way of throwing shade at me, only to also say you can see the other way around and that he can be scum. Seems like setting up for either jumping on a mislynch wagon or even bussing him if you're scummates.

How can someone vote as both a joke and to speed up a wagon? And again, I don't think any scum is thinking of building a wagon that early in the game with only one other vote. You also just confirmed his "excuse" of it being a pressure vote by saying he would realize your reaction is usually seen as AI. If he's thinking that much ahead, wouldn't he also think that switching from you so easily or saying that it was for pressure when he switched before you responded also make him look bad? You did indeed react to it, so he it did accomplish what he said the goal was despite no longer voting you.

I'm not scum leaning him because of the vote. So your reaction to it and my read of him aren't connected and therefore can be separate. I'm scum reading you because of your reactions. And I feel like the interaction between the two of you didn't feel super genuine. It has nothing to do with his explanations. Also, I said earlier that he also enjoys being scum more than town so his activity could be indicative of that. So you could be scum, and he was honest about all of his explanations and with his interactions with you/you could be scum together doing theater to distance because he threw a joke vote on you and you used it to try to not look paired/he can be scum because his interactions with you felt lackluster (not untruthful) and his activity. That's not flip flopping, that's reading the situation in different ways and think that one or both of you are scum but aren't t/t. I absolutely would not out the info of him liking to be scum more than town and being more active as such if we were scum together, since the majority of people here don't know that. I would just use other justifications and keep that to myself asto not give true arsenal against him.

yea as if me memeing about it isn't a way for me to show that I'm annoyed by such recurring event rather than an invitation to do more of it

That doesn't change the fact that it was presented as a meme that people do each time.


Staff member
I'm not scum leaning him because of the vote.
Why are you scumleaning him again then? Is it maybe him literally doing no scumhunting? Or maybe voting Seanzie for no memorable reason and then sticking with the vote without elaborating further?

And am I missing something or are you not bringing up him pulling three different reasonings for voting me out of his ass? All of them contradicting each other?

I'm not scum leaning him because of the vote. So your reaction to it and my read of him aren't connected and therefore can be separate. I'm scum reading you because of your reactions. And I feel like the interaction between the two of you didn't feel super genuine. It has nothing to do with his explanations. Also, I said earlier that he also enjoys being scum more than town so his activity could be indicative of that. So you could be scum, and he was honest about all of his explanations and with his interactions with you/you could be scum together doing theater to distance because he threw a joke vote on you and you used it to try to not look paired/he can be scum because his interactions with you felt lackluster (not untruthful) and his activity. That's not flip flopping, that's reading the situation in different ways and think that one or both of you are scum but aren't t/t. I absolutely would not out the info of him liking to be scum more than town and being more active as such if we were scum together, since the majority of people here don't know that. I would just use other justifications and keep that to myself asto not give true arsenal against him.
Too much WIFOM and speculation
also what's up with the doubled stuff with a '/' in-between

If you're scumleaning him why do you keep white knighting him? if we both have different reasons to see him as scummy then why are we even discussing?
the interaction is legit on my end and if this is the only thing stopping you from going with my case against him then reevaluate that because as we speak I'm the leading wagon and he'll likely vote me to save his ass which means it's by a decent margin like 3 votes tyvm

How can someone vote as both a joke and to speed up a wagon?
any vote added to a wagon speeds it up regardless of the reasoning it's disguised as, so I'm not sure why you think they're exclusive?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Why are you scumleaning him again then? Is it maybe him literally doing no scumhunting? Or maybe voting Seanzie for no memorable reason and then sticking with the vote without elaborating further?

And am I missing something or are you not bringing up him pulling three different reasonings for voting me out of his ass? All of them contradicting each other?

Did you not read my post? All of those questions were answered in it pretty much. Well not the Seanzie and scumhunting ones.

He did explain his Seanzie vote more or less when it happened. Seanzie said he had 17 reads, 15 of which were the same alignment as him, Cynical asked him to give his reads and also how he can have that many in a game with less players than that, and he voted him for it. Then Seanzie posted the list with the 15 Seanzie is towns and the KJ town and Neon scum read.

Too much WIFOM and speculation
also what's up with the doubled stuff with a '/' in-between

If you're scumleaning him why do you keep white knighting him? if we both have different reasons to see him as scummy then why are we even discussing?
the interaction is legit on my end and if this is the only thing stopping you from going with my case against him then reevaluate that because as we speak I'm the leading wagon and he'll likely vote me to save his ass which means it's by a decent margin like 3 votes tyvm

Everything is speculation, there's nothing concrete to go off of right now. The / shows the 3 different worlds I can see, of you being scum, you both being scum, or him being scum.

I'm not white knighting him. I'm just explaining why your logic is faulty. I'm not going to just trust you that your interaction was sincere and then follow you for that. Especially considering since my original read on you you have provided even more logic that I don't read as genuine.

Also, you have 2 votes on you vs 3 other people having one vote. That's hardly a leading wagon, especially when KJ's was a rvs vote that he could come and take off, and other people are town reading you. Not to mention, you yourself could switch to one of the other two people and tie the votes at this moment, and that would also negate Cynical voting you to save himself since he wouldn't even have any votes on him. This is what I mean by your reactions not seeming genuine. Because they didn't add up logically and seem more to appeal to people to get them to vote a certain way.

any vote added to a wagon speeds it up regardless of the reasoning it's disguised as, so I'm not sure why you think they're exclusive?

Because you presented it as him willingly choosing to speed up your wagon because he's scum, but also voting you because it's a joke.
Dec 13, 2019
Consider yourself a suspect.. of me.

It is destiny my guy, we can't fight it...only each other.

I think he's usually like that in general so his post about Mikey don't bother me too much.

Ex's posts early on felt off to me. His annoyance at Cynical felt a bit forced and reachy, especially considering what I pointed out about Ex meming about being the d1 lynch on discord when Cynical was there. And his response to me pointing that out just didn't feel like typical town Ex to me. But this is all just vibes stuff and I usually take a while to read Ex.

Self contradictory? I have no experience with him so I'm taking him completely at face value. With that said I'd probably side with Ex on this. Following his flow his original explanation is "it's a meme I guess" indicating he doesn't fully invest in it being a meme. It's more like he's saying "somebody told me it was a meme so I figured what the heck." But when Ex calls him out on it he says it was random-reaction which means he wasn't going off the meme and completely invalidates what you've brought up about discord. He was just trying to quickly explain away his accountability, which his secondary defenses do as well. Further he's since elaborated that his random vote was decided prior to game start which invalidates AI of the maneuver altogether, leaving only his post behavior actions to be taken into account for alignment determining purposes.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
Today I shall grace you all with the worst best reads list ever


Mikey the Moblin - slot is town. It's just town. It's always town. So town that Mikey even gets to be higher than me in my own reads list. How's that for confidence...

Neon - I'm town obviously but you should clearly scum read me for not posting about tea even once. I mean I don't do that... that's weird right...or maybe I just forgot either way I'm town

Morbid Minish - solvy active reasoning feels good feels better in the Ex v Min thing going on right now. Didn't feel like the mafia Min I played with

ExLight - feels worse in Min v Ex feels better in Ex v Squid. Overall Ex feels like Ex. I don't think Squid/Ex/Min has more than one wolf.

Seanzie - I think that Seanzie does things I want to scum read that aren't AI and than I spend all game in a tunnel until I regret my life choices. Gonna try not to do that this game. Seanzie scum reading me for something silly I posted feels townie lol. Not quite there yet I'll place them trending up.

a'lana - catch up looks good to me. Maybe because it's what I would do. Outside of that I just don't know

Ragnarokio - I can't read Rag I'll never be able to read rag I will forever use mech or other players to solve this slot. I love playing with rag. I hate reading rag.

Libk - who?

TGN - Kinda forgettable but I know TGN is pretty busy. Would like to see more

Killjoy262 - this slot will thrive in my null forever.

15377 - it deeply concerns me that I can't remember anything Numbers has done...I always remember Numbers. Didn't call me little asterisk or try to play with my words to "catch" me. Maybe I'm being silly...slot feels weird. But not lim today weird.

RavenRaziel98 - is it bad that I want to Scum read this slot because they are noticeably less active than the last game I played with them. Like I hate the frozen memes but... I'm a hypocrite obviously.

CynicalSquid - vote will sit here until I'm given a reason not to sit it here. Interactions with Ex look awful. I would always place this slot most likely wolf in Ex Min Squid


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