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So What Are Your Initial Reactions Now?

Apr 16, 2010
My initial reaction was holy s*** that's awesome. And that's still what I think:lol: I can't wait unitl it comes out! 2011!?!?! Come on!
Jan 25, 2010
I was like most of the people here. At first I was surprised, because I was expecting realistic graphics, then I was dissapointed, because the art style was weird for a zelda game (in my opinion back then, but I'm not sure about what I think about the graphics yet, but there are some aspects in it that I didn't like very much).

But then I watched the gameplay and understood what they were proposing in terms of gameplay and I loved it! I think it has a great potencial and that is the first game that will use the wii's motion properly.
The gameplay looks AWESOME!!!
Jan 25, 2010
It was also the poor game play demo on stage that helped toward my initial dislike of the game. It didn't look like it worked very well, and I didn't like the sound of how the controls would work either. Not to mention I don't like the hud one bit.

I heard that there was interference in the time of the demo demonstration, and that people who have acctually played the game said it was very smoth.
Besides, I heard somewhere that Nintendo itself doesn't like the HUD and will change it.


The demo ****ed up, but after seeing footage on youtube of people trying out the game after the initial showcase, I am convinced that this was simply a mixture of technical difficulties and natural performance anxiety. I am certain that it will be a great experience!


Pinball Wizard
Apr 23, 2010
I loved it the second the trailer started playing xD
I dont think I could find it in me to not like a Zelda. I mean, its Zelda. I will always be a fan. Ive never dis-liked one in the past, and I know I wont dis-like this one.
Oct 31, 2009
I am 20. My first Zelda game was A Link to the Past and I have been a die-hard fan ever since.

I think I'm in the small minority that actually expected the new graphical style. I think Nintendo saw with Twilight Princess that the realistic graphics weren't enriching the series as hoped. Nintendo could have gone the realistic route again, but it's obvious the Wii can't compete with the PS3 and 360 in that respect. Nintendo needed to put their resources with their strengths: making games and making them fun. I'm very excited for the game and I wasn't disappointed for a second. I just hope this game will remind us what Zelda is really all about. :)

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
Yeah, it took about five days for me to post my "initial" reaction, lol. I was surprised at first, but let's put it this way - I am currently listening to the Rolling Stones song with the lyrics "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you just might find, you get what you need."

I am one of the ones who loved TP and I do hope to eventually get another "realistic" style (not entirely accurate description, but for lack of a better word...) But I love that each game is so different from the other. I think it's one of the series strengths'. Even though I was expecting and halfway hoping for graphics similar to TP's, I found myself relieved and then excited when I saw the trailer.

Now for some reason some of the mushrooms made me think "The Legend of Smurf", but that is just an odd by-product of my mind, not an actual detriment. *g*


im 13 and the second I played my first zelda game I was in love with it and can't wait fior ss im even geting the wii and wii tp instead of the gc versoin so I can get both
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Jun 17, 2010
Gerudo Fortress
Hi I am 17 years old!!! :bleh: I am turning 18 next month
I have been a Zelda fan since I was born...
The first game I ever saw of Zelda was A Link to the past
my mother used to play Zelda before I was even born, that is how I noticed Zelda. OoT Came out when I was five, or four :S we got it for our first Christmas gift. I played on that game each day, as time past I became 7, and then started playing MM. Me, and my sisters never watched T.V we played 64 Games the entire time XD
As I first Looked at SS I thought it a mixture of Wind waker, and Twilight princess! I was amazed and just cooled right out :cool: that
they are bringing color to the series.... That OoT, MM and TP never had..:embarrassed:
Making the game less serious, and nice as TP was too dark >.<
Jan 28, 2010
I'm 19 and my first game was Ocarina, but i've beaten EVERY zelda game to date except adventure of link, but I got to the very last dungeon. :( Anyways, zelda needed change to keep it fresh and i think they're doing everything right for this game. I'm very very very excited to play this one.


I'm 18 years of age, and my first game was Ocarina of Time. I rate it and Majora's Mask as some of my favourite games of all time.

My initial reaction to Skyward Sword - Naturally I was surprised by the graphics, but instantly thought yes, these are the graphics it needs. They remind me so much of Ocarina of Time, you might not see it that way personally, but I do.

Twilight Princess was never going to be a true successor to Ocarina, it was much too dark. It reminded me of Majora's Mask - but perhaps even darker. I think it's one of the reasons I didn't particularly enjoy it as much as the N64 games. Wind Waker on the other hand - had the same spirit but just seemed a little too out there, what is Skyward Sword? A return to the graphical balance of Ocarina of Time Skyward Sword on the other hand... well let's just say I think a third Zelda title may stand a good chance of entering my aformentioned honour of favourite games of all time.

I'm genuienly excited about it.


Watch out!
Mar 15, 2010
Kirby's stomach
My mind was pretty much racing during when they were talking about it. At first when I saw the graphics, I thought they were just a dumbed-down Twilight Princess type, but that was just watching Link during the 7 seconds he moved his sword for or whatever. Watching the trailer I realized they weren't. I was dissapointed, but by the end of the day after watching the trailer and gameplay again I came to really like them. I, like many others was expeting Tp graphics, but I loved the graphics in Wind Waker so I'm comfortable with this. A more painting-style graphics suits the game series better for what it is- a fantasy.
As for the gameplay, though it was a bit rough on stage, I was still amazed at the 1:1 swordplay. I thought Miyamoto made it look really hard trying to kill the bokoblins, but watching other youtube videos, it's just interference. I'm really looking forward to the game now.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Initially, by the graphical style, I guess you could say that I was somewhat disappointed. I have to admit, as much as I love the style now, I was disappointed that it wasn't the WW goodness that I had hoped for. Yes, I actually wanted it to be 'toony like WW even though I sincerely thought Nintendo would go with the TP style again. Funny, that I was initially disappointed in the style yet it wasn't the TP graphics that I wanted, but the WW graphics. Anyways, it took a bit but the graphics eventually grew on me. Don't get me wrong, I'd still love to see another console 'toon game again, but the style's still drop dead gorgeous now that I think about it.

But as for the demo itself... yeah, lemme say that it didn't make me particularly feel optimistic. Shigeru Miyamoto couldn't aim his bow right at all and the sword seemed to lag on screen... But after reading all these reviews saying how fluid the Motion Controls were, my mood brightened and brightened until there was a big ball of hype in my gaming heart.

Overall, I'd have to say my initial reaction was disappointment, but eventually it turned into mega hype.


Jul 26, 2010
I love it. Much more mature and smooth compared to the Toonstyle Imo. But, it all has to play out nicely also. At first I thought ick bright, but now it's starting to honestly grow on me.


Initially, by the graphical style, I guess you could say that I was somewhat disappointed. I have to admit, as much as I love the style now, I was disappointed that it wasn't the WW goodness that I had hoped for. Yes, I actually wanted it to be 'toony like WW even though I sincerely thought Nintendo would go with the TP style again. Funny, that I was initially disappointed in the style yet it wasn't the TP graphics that I wanted, but the WW graphics. Anyways, it took a bit but the graphics eventually grew on me. Don't get me wrong, I'd still love to see another console 'toon game again, but the style's still drop dead gorgeous now that I think about it.

The style actually seems to be a blend of "realistic" and "cartoony" styles. They probably vacillated on which direction they wanted to take and just ended up in this awkward mishmash. I think it's pretty OK. But, strangely, I think OoT got it down perfectly, and really just hated Link's design in Twilight Princess. I can say without reservation I found Link's concept art for TP to be abhorrent, and the in-game design to fall short of OoT. Wind Waker was an innovative art direction, but I wouldn't want it to become the standard.

Of all the concept art, I'll always like the designs from A Link to the Past the best: http://zeldadungeon.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=230
I wish a 3D Zelda would stay true to this design, but we'll be stuck with the contemporary designs which Nintendo feels appeals to the modern audience.

In regards to Skyward Sword in general, I really feel pretty ambivalent, if not a bit pessimistic. I consider the Wiimote to be a gimmick rather than real innovation and would much play with a GameCube controller.

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