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SSHD Skyward Sword HD Discussion

Skyward Sword HD


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'm between dungeons 3 and 4 playing exclusively on the pro controller. I've found that the button controls for swinging the sword have a bit of a learning curve, but it is not as severe as the first time I played with motion controls (I believe I almost died to the first spider in the first dungeon my first playthrough with Wii Motionplus). I appreciate the quality of life improvements, but the sped up text is a little weird as others have mentioned. When a character's mouth is moving in a cutscene, pressing "b" doesn't do anything, but in other situations it makes all text appear at once. I think holding "a" speeds text up slightly. Having to press a button to use the free camera takes some learning as well. Overall I appreciate the improvements.
Jul 16, 2021
I'm past half way through the game and yeah the C stick for the GC controller is the best way to use that sword. Because its a lot stiffer and has directional sections on the controller a simple flick ensues near 100% sword swing of that direction. Far FAR superior to the joycons which can be hit or miss even without the drift.


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So halfway the first Ghirahim fight I decided to switch to the motion controls and ...WHAT A RELIEF!! I had no troubles at all with a sword that would do everything but following my directions. I won't play hours and hours everyday because I git other things to do but I must say I enjoy the game so much better than I did when it was released on the wii.

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
Alright so I just finished the Earth Temple and I am really enjoying the game, I do like to switch between the pro controller and the joy con motion controls both have their advantages. I'm really enjoying pacing myself because rushing through it I feel like I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I am doing now. It's a lot of fun, and I've really missed the format of these Zelda games (I enjoyed BoTW but I much prefer the linear zelda games like ss and others)

I've had a few friends who have played the SSHD version who did not like the version on the wii and they said they are really enjoying it compared to when they tried to play it on the Wii so I think Nintendo was very smart to do this.
Jul 16, 2021
So halfway the first Ghirahim fight I decided to switch to the motion controls and ...WHAT A RELIEF!! I had no troubles at all with a sword that would do everything but following my directions. I won't play hours and hours everyday because I git other things to do but I must say I enjoy the game so much better than I did when it was released on the wii.

I mean this version has some major advantages over Wii Version

- Full camera control even if its a bit finnicky with button controls
- 60FPS. The first ever for a 3D Zelda game. Game runs smooth as butter.
- Visually very clean and nice looking. The Wii version looked washed out, blurry and ugly at times. The art direction was nice but the graphics looked awful for what was a very very outdated system back then.
- Forced motion controls. Even though the motion controls on wii are better than the ones here. The game should never have been designed around them. The game is very playable(Arbeit a few tweaks) with 100% button controls. Nintendo's stubbornness to design the game 100% around motion was a mistake. Big mistake.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Alright so I just finished the Earth Temple and I am really enjoying the game, I do like to switch between the pro controller and the joy con motion controls both have their advantages. I'm really enjoying pacing myself because rushing through it I feel like I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I am doing now. It's a lot of fun, and I've really missed the format of these Zelda games (I enjoyed BoTW but I much prefer the linear zelda games like ss and others)

I've had a few friends who have played the SSHD version who did not like the version on the wii and they said they are really enjoying it compared to when they tried to play it on the Wii so I think Nintendo was very smart to do this.
I'm really glad to hear both things
skyward sword is honestly a great game so I'm glad people are able to have the same experience I was able to have 10 years ago finally

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
The thing that I keep on hating is the stamina. It's so much better in BotW. It's a total disaster in SS. Link runs out of stamina extremely fast. Two hits with a sword and you can't move him leaving him very vunerable and huge advantage for the enemies
ironically SS link has like 2x as much stamina as botw link at the start
also that means you're spin attacking like crazy


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
...normal sword swings don't use stamina
Nope you are right. Somehow I did use spin. I paid attention and I used stabbing (against the boss in Eldin) and now I didn't use that much stamina. I haven't played SS in 10 years and hole **** ...it seems that my memory is still functioning. I didn't remember him to be that easy because I forgot how the battle went but man he is damn easy. Can't wait to fight my fav boss in SS....Stalmaster:D
Jul 16, 2021
Beat the game today. It was fine. I would put it on par with TP probably but I may change my mind when or if I replay TP on the switch(if it comes out.

All in all its a solid but majorly flawed Zelda game.

I'm just Relieved I won't have to play another game with this control scheme ever again. I don't think i'll ever replay this game again.

Hopefully we get WW and TP ports.

...normal sword swings don't use stamina

With how unresponsive the stick controls can be its very VERY easy to do spin slashes and use up stamina especially when you're trying to frantically slash away at a boss or mini boss. The number of times i used up my stamina trying to get the damn stick to slash was annoying

ITs just instinctive to flick it harder and sometimes you have to stop and think to do a simple flick which works. But in the heat of the moment you go a bit crazy and thats when the controls compeltely fail.
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Azure Sage

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I'm really looking forward to buying the game sometime next month. I'm hearing both good and bad things about the button controls. I see some of you guys in here having problems with them and I have a friend who claims they play as smooth as butter. I feel like the button controls are gonna end up being just as divisive as the motion controls were back in 2011, though perhaps on less of a grand scale. Same arguments of "it works for some but not all".

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I'm really looking forward to buying the game sometime next month. I'm hearing both good and bad things about the button controls. I see some of you guys in here having problems with them and I have a friend who claims they play as smooth as butter. I feel like the button controls are gonna end up being just as divisive as the motion controls were back in 2011, though perhaps on less of a grand scale. Same arguments of "it works for some but not all".
from what I can tell the people who like it the most are the people who struggled with the motion controls back then, and vice versa
Jul 16, 2021
ironically SS link has like 2x as much stamina as botw link at the start
also that means you're spin attacking like crazy

You can't compare this games stamina to BOTW. Stamina in BOTW is integral to the game and incorporated into most things link does. You could remove stamina in SS and it would do nothing. It's just there for the sake of being there.

And people spin attack due to imprecise controls. Not because they're trying to spin attack. When you're in the heat of combat you'll frantically attack and spin attack normally. I did it many times. In the end I just ended up stabbing enemies to avoid using up stamina.

The stamina system is useless in this game and just makes things more annoying. May as well remove it. It's tacked on

I'm really looking forward to buying the game sometime next month. I'm hearing both good and bad things about the button controls. I see some of you guys in here having problems with them and I have a friend who claims they play as smooth as butter. I feel like the button controls are gonna end up being just as divisive as the motion controls were back in 2011, though perhaps on less of a grand scale. Same arguments of "it works for some but not all".

I mean let's put it bluntly. They work. They're just not good. They never were. They never will be. No zelda game or video game in general will use the control system SS uses. It's a unique case. One that people can play and forget. It's not like motion controls revolution the way we controlled games. It didn't. SS should have been designed originally with both control types. And this button control layout is so bad no game will ever use it. What action game will map right stick to its weapon? Right stick is used for camera. Thats a standard.

But its something people will get use to. It might bother some more than others. At the end of the day. You'll only have to bear with them for this one game. No other game will force you to use motion or map your weapon to a right stick.

When TP and WW come out. We'll be back to normal cnon awkward controls.
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