I really don’t think that SSHD is going to change my overall stance on the game, but it’s definitely looking better than the original.
While they’re obviously going to be adding more QoL in the same vein as the other HD remakes, Im really looking forward to how far they’re gonna go with it. Personally, in addition to the usual decluttering of unnecessary cutscenes and text boxes I would also like to see some connections between the three provinces, as well as the ability to complete the song portion at any point in the 2nd half of the game, kinda like the triforce quest in WW.
As for new content, I’m honestly not sure. One thing I think SS was lacking was unique items. All we really had was the leaf blower and beedle, everything else was just kinda there. I’d like a new item that’s fun to use while also not being completely required.
I enjoyed the controls of the original, but I always imagined that they would utilize the right stick in a remake. I’m not sure which control style I’m gonna use, as they both seem pretty fun to me.