Okay so recently I was pondering OoX and Minish Cap when something struck me. Remember how in MC there were three girls in a hotel by the names of Din, Nayru, and Farore? They look kinda like how they were in OoX don't ya think? Most people might simply right that off as a cameo but I tend to believe that Nintendo/Capcom would make things a bit deeper. First of all there were to be three games in OoX each representing a goddess. However the idea of a third with Farore was scrapped. Now this may mean that OoX is between OoT and MC on the neutral timeline (the part before the split). This may possibly mean that in MC Din, Nayru, and Farore are the same as they were in OoX. What do you think?
You see, this would hold some water if Nintendo hadn't confirmed that OoT is the FIRST game in the series.
Why people continue to place TMC in front of it eludes me.