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Nintendo 2DS


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia

No, that's not a typo. Nintendo has just unveiled a new system. It has the same functionality as a 3DS, but without the ability to fold or the stereoscopic 3D.

What are your thoughts?

At first glance it doesn't look too bad, but it just seems like a redundant product overall. I play without using the 3D function on my 3DS at least 98% of the time, so why would I even consider buying a console like this? Not only that, but it doesn't even close. The ability to open and close my DS is something I strongly admired in previous DS consoles (especially considering how many times I've dropped mine). Lastly, those buttons are just so awkward looking that it makes me uncomfortable just looking at them. For financial reasons, I could understand why someone would want to purchase it, but I highly doubt that it'd be a good deal.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The 2DS only includes one speaker, which plays mono sound, but features full stereo via its headphone jack.
That is also a damn shame. The 3DS has surprisingly good speakers; the 2DS having only one speaker is really bit harsh and I don't like that. Even if this thing is supposed to be for kids, I would get a 3DS and simply turn 3D off via parental controls - which is what every parent SHOULD be doing in the first place.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
That is also a damn shame. The 3DS has surprisingly good speakers; the 2DS having only one speaker is really bit harsh and I don't like that. Even if this thing is supposed to be for kids, I would get a 3DS and simply turn 3D off via parental controls - which is what every parent SHOULD be doing in the first place.

Wait, you can do that?!


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
At first glance it doesn't look too bad, but it just seems like a redundant product overall.

That's it, really. There are some benefits to this thing, for children. I mean, the folding is gone probably so kids don't snap them, or mess up the hinges. It seems built a lot stronger to stop damage like that. But not only does the design seem a lot less ergonomic, it looks better suited to bigger hands, not the small child-like hands Nintendo supposedly designed this for. A child will likely have trouble stretching their fingers up to the triggers while pressing any other buttons. And it's definitely not anymore comfortable than a standard 3DS. As for the 3D being gone, that seems more to simply save money than the benefit actually being the 3D being gone. Can always be turned off by worried parents so, no fuss there. Also, it's quite a little thing but, kids like the cool new things. I don't think the 2DS would be a cool thing for someone to pull out on the playground. :P

So, from the stand-point of both an adult and a child, since I'm thinking of my nephew, I don't see the benefit, and I'd definitely not get him one of these at all. The cheaper price doesn't seem to out-weigh the changes to the handheld. I'd rather just wait for a standard 3DS to have a price-drop, or a bundle.


i never knew daylight could be so violent.
Apr 12, 2012
somewhere, I suppose.
a mystery inside of an enigma wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket of I don't even know what
I personally don't mind the 2DS. It's cheap and forfeits the 3D that doesn't seem to be used. It also looks quite sturdy from what I've seen, though I'd like to see just how it holds up to its intended market. That being said, I think it's a visual abomination.

I'm sure it'll sell quite well, especially when you consider its launch date. But damn, is it an eyesore.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Have you seen footage of people actually playing it? Looks pretty optimal to me.

And to drive a point home, didn't people say this about the GamePad before they actually got their hands on it? Just saying.

That's exactly what I though. It may look awkward, but I am pretty sure people play test this stuff. It doesn't look too bad to me.

I actually talked to my dad about the 2DS last night. At first he though it was just a money grab, but then I told him it was targeted towards little kids and it made sense to him.


Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
I wouldn't buy it, since I kinda like 3D, and the design seems rather unattractive. Even for a kid, like my sister, I wouldn't buy it, just because it seems an unneccesary waste of a game with 3D capabilities on a system without 3D (consdering 3D can be turned off from parental controls). Some people may like it, but I won't be a buyer.

But I know it will sell well, especially since the release date is the same as X&Y. That's really seems to be the master plan Nintendo is hatching.

Also, I'm gonna throw this explanation in right here: http://www.dorkly.com/article/53774/satoru-iwata-clears-up-the-confusion-over-the-nintendo-2ds


Demon slayer
Jan 29, 2010
Meh is all I have to say. Maybe some kids who don't wanna spend so much money could find some use for it, but I doubt they're gonna draw anyone else in.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Sorry...^^ Maybe I missed the parental control prompt or something...I bought mine used.


Bored to death
Jul 20, 2013
Aww you got me there Nintendo.:trollface:

That was some nice trolling... now tell everybody it's an April Fools joke....... wait.......

It's September......... oh no........... this is no April Fools joke.......

AW GAWD! Every time Nintendo announces something stupid.... they shorten the number of days they have left of their lives.

And why can't you fold this thing? This is stupid. Nintendo, you suck now. I hope you die in hell along with Sega and Capcom and me.


I am the very model of a modern major-general
Oct 1, 2012
Exactly where you would expect.
Attack Helicopter
I don't get why people think this s so good. the only good thing about it is that it is 30 dollars cheaper than a 3ds. It doesn't have 3d, and my main problem with it is that it doesn't fold up. If it folded like every other member of the DS family, I might actually consider getting one if I didn't have a 3ds already like I do. My point is that the 2ds is just big and inconvenient.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Nintendo.... *sigh*


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