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Nintendo 2DS


Jul 1, 2012
Eh again, I think it's ironic that you say the 2DS is good from a sales perspective, even though the thing hasn't been released and we still know nothing about its potential sales. For all we know it could flop. And I expect it to, since its design is radically different from the rest of the DS line.

Yeah, reading back I slightly contradicted myself, which I didn't mean to. I meant to say that this might be successful - sales wise. Being that it could bring in the a good amount of revenue, which Nintendo handhelds are infamous for, but purely from a marketing tactic? I hate these extensions to product life cycles. Nintendo is good at doing such, with new additions, but I see this as one of their more redundant ideas.

Nice to see you were civil about this and weren't being immature like others :)

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
The irony here...

The key word in his statement was superiority. We're just simply posting our opinions, in no way acting or assuming they are superior to the opinions of others. It's our thoughts, why is it so important to explain them? Now, when somebody is under the impression that their opinion is somehow better than another's, that's when explanations are needed, not for the opinion itself, but for why it is supposedly better.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
but purely from a marketing tactic? I hate these extensions to product life cycles. Nintendo is good at doing such, with new additions, but I see this as one of their more redundant ideas.

I agree that it is a redundant idea, but purely from a product design standpoint. Extensions aren't bad and Nintendo isn't a stranger to them as we all know, however their more "sensible" design choices have been things like the DSLite, the XLs, the GBASP, and the Wii Mini. Most weren't significantly altered from the base product (bar the GBASP which was altered in a *good* way), and while they may have had things stripped or added to, it wasn't anything worth complaining about. The 2DS - much like the GBMicro - looks to be unplayable from a design perspective. The Micro was ridiculously small, honestly like a microchip itself [hence the name but whatever]. The 2DS looks like players will have terrible trouble adapting to it, especially the younger childrent hat it's aimed at. Most games if played seriously require a certain kind of grip. However the 2DS looks to have a funky grip. :/

But what do I know. I haven't used the thing, so it may actually be great. ;p


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The key word in his statement was superiority. We're just simply posting our opinions, in no way acting or assuming they are superior to the opinions of others. It's our thoughts, why is it so important to explain them? Now, when somebody is under the impression that their opinion is somehow better than another's, that's when explanations are needed, not for the opinion itself, but for why it is supposedly better.

You just explained everything for me. :)


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
Update: The reason it does not fold is that it is just one massive touchscreen with plastic protection up top.

This certainly opens up a load of possibilities for hardware modders...


Jul 1, 2012
I agree that it is a redundant idea, but purely from a product design standpoint. Extensions aren't bad and Nintendo isn't a stranger to them as we all know, however their more "sensible" design choices have been things like the DSLite, the XLs, the GBASP, and the Wii Mini. Most weren't significantly altered from the base product (bar the GBASP which was altered in a *good* way), and while they may have had things stripped or added to, it wasn't anything worth complaining about. The 2DS - much like the GBMicro - looks to be unplayable from a design perspective. The Micro was ridiculously small, honestly like a microchip itself [hence the name but whatever]. The 2DS looks like players will have terrible trouble adapting to it, especially the younger childrent hat it's aimed at. Most games if played seriously require a certain kind of grip. However the 2DS looks to have a funky grip. :/

But what do I know. I haven't used the thing, so it may actually be great. ;p
I just don't like the tactic itself, if I ran a business I know i wouldn't do it, but that's just my opinion on it. This tactic is known for a last resort as such. However, established consoles and other tech products seem to benefit from it--because of the innovation involved--meaning it's easier to make the product seem more desirable to the consumer.

But yeah, the design looks rather off putting and they are kind of narrowing down their potential market by aiming for a younger audience. At the end of the day though, it's the parents who will have the say; if their kid gets this console, it could be a success, giving Nintendo's track record, but I don't think it will be compared to their previous product life cycle extensions.

Big Octo said:
Explained what, exactly?
I wouldn't bother replying, let him go be immature over there ;)
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Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
What's BS about the opinions on design choice? We all have our preferences, if I don't like it at first sight I will state my opinion, which I did and others too. It's not ignorance, that's just a petty attempt at justifying that your opinion is somehow superior to others, without any real explanation.

It is ignorance. You just said it yourself, you judged a book by its cover without knowing what it was about. It's called getting your facts straight before developing an opinion because that opinion could very well mislead someone else. The design is obviously kid friendly. Do I like the design? Hell no, it looks awful, but what do I care, it's not made for me nor am I interested in buying one. I already have my big boy 3DS.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
"Now, when somebody is under the impression that their opinion is somehow better than another's, that's when explanations are needed, not for the opinion itself, but for why it is supposedly better."

Nobody in this thread is under the assumption that their opinion is superior to somebody else's. in fact, I don't see much of that anywhere in the forums. What I do see, though, is the request of an explanation of an opinion from somebody who isn't claiming it to be better than another user's.


Jul 1, 2012
It is ignorance. You just said it yourself, you judged a book by its cover without knowing what it was about. It's called getting your facts straight before developing an opinion because that opinion could very well mislead someone else. The design is obviously kid friendly. Do I like the design? Hell no, it looks awful, but what do I care, it's not made for me nor am I interested in buying one. I already have my big boy 3DS.
Well to be honest, I pretty much explained my opinion and my reason why I don't think it will be a success, nevertheless others were pretty much stating their opinion, not necessarily putting themselves in the kids shoes.
Big Octo said:
Nobody in this thread is under the assumption that their opinion is superior to somebody else's. in fact, I don't see much of that anywhere in the forums. What I do see, though, is the request of an explanation of an opinion from somebody who isn't claiming it to be better than another user's.
Yet he is the offender and has just described what he has been doing lol


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Well to be honest, I pretty much explained my opinion and my reason why I don't think it will be a success, nevertheless others were pretty much stating their opinion, not necessarily putting themselves in the kids shoes.

And that's good, if you think it's not going to be a success, cool. Whatever man. But for anyone to ***** about how "they won't be getting it" or "what was Nintendo thinking?" How about they learn to read. Everyone can have an opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to respect it, especially if they give me no reason to.
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I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I think this was a very thoughtful idea from Nintendo. Like many of you guys, I don't understand why they couldn't make it foldable, but people are going to buy it because of the appealing price.

Waiting for the 2DS XL.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
That's...not irony...

Situational irony, ... is most broadly defined as a situation where the outcome is incongruous with what was expected, but it is also more generally understood as a situation that includes contradictions or sharp contrasts
JC said in one of his posts that the 2DS is good from a sales perspective, and yet the 2DS is neither good nor bad as of now due to its not being released. It is situational irony. Please don't tell me what is or what isn't; keep it to yourself :)

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