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Nintendo 2DS


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
And we're allowed to call people out on their BS. "Opinions" isn't a good defense for ignorance.



So... are they going to have to change the little strip on game boxes that says "3DS" so as not to confuse ignorant potential buyers?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The 2DS is ****. No folding = no buy. I was considering getting this for my bro but there's no way in hell I could put up with a huge *** tablet. I already have the Wii U gamepad - which my hands aren't structurally accustomed to - I'm not adding a brick to that collection. Geez Nintendo, first you make SS and now you do this design change.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
How many of us are tiny children? *looks around* No one? Then quit your *****ing and enjoy your 3DS.

People are hating on this this... why? One, it's made for small children, so like Turo said, quit your *****ing, because none of us are small children. And, two, there ARE people out there who don't give two flying ****s about the 3D capabilities of the 3DS, so having this available for a MUCH CHEAPER PRICE is perfect for them.

Geez, get over yourselves.

Because there are alot of adult gamers out there who are jealous that the little kiddies get a DS without gimmicky 3D effect for a cheaper price. The only reason thats preventing them to buy this ugly piece of...thing, is the design. I mean come on, look at the thing, be realistic even kids would find this design ugly. Its like in this case the "DS" stands for "Down Syndrome" instead of "Dual Screen". It would have been so much better if they kept the clamshell design. Heck even a slide would work like the PSP GO, considereing the button position

Nintendo wants to attract more gamers right, well they could have done this both for the kiddies and the adults. Putting a second slide pad would have been a extra reason for adult gamers to buy this.

I do find it ironic that they named it 2DS while its mainly aimed towards kids. This is going to cause more confusion compared to Wii U for the average consumer, especialy parents with little kids.

Child: "Hey, I want a nintendo 2DS"
Parent: "Don't you already have a DS?
Child: "No, I have a 3DS"
Parent:" Why do you want a 2DS then? Isn't the 3DS the latest one?"
Child: "No, that came out before this one".
Parent: "Then why is it called 2D instead of 3D?"
Child: "Because it doesn't have 3D graphics, it's just plain old 2D".
Parent: "Umm, ok. How much? What games does it play?"
Child: "$129.99. It plays Nintendo DS and 3DS games"
Parent: "So where are the 2DS games?"
Child: "There are no 2DS games"
Parent: "I give up!!!
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Jul 1, 2012
And we're allowed to call people out on their BS. "Opinions" isn't a good defense for ignorance.
What's BS about the opinions on design choice? We all have our preferences, if I don't like it at first sight I will state my opinion, which I did and others too. It's not ignorance, that's just a petty attempt at justifying that your opinion is somehow superior to others, without any real explanation.

Also this from a sales perspective is good, but Nintendo milk the product life cycle in a bad way in my opinion. I'm not fond of such tactics, but this isn't something Nintendo came up with for convenience for a younger audience, it's an excuse to sell - as I said I'm not fond of that tactic from a marketing point of view, it might bring in the money but I think it's a redundant idea, to say the least.
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Jul 1, 2012
The irony here...

This is a perfect example of a sarcastic post that is somehow meant to counter what I said. There's no irony; posting random pictures, acting in a sarcastic manner and talking down to people is not justifying your opinion.

*Inb4 another sarcastic post


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
There's no irony

Eh again, I think it's ironic that you say the 2DS is good from a sales perspective, even though the thing hasn't been released and we still know nothing about its potential sales. For all we know it could flop. And I expect it to, since its design is radically different from the rest of the DS line.

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