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New FanFic Sign Up

Aug 18, 2009
*If you received a pm with this kind of information, disregard it, please. Use this sign up thread if you want to be in, that way I wont have to deal with a mistake I made.*

What with SOTF coming to a closing soon, I thought it would be okay to introduce my latest idea. This story will revolve mostly around WW Hyrule Twenty years after the defeat of Ganny. My idea now is to write a well described story using many ZD members, in fact, I want the whole cast to be ZD, save for Zelda and Link of course, and maybe other WW characters.

Atsuma Gale is a young man who loves adventure as much as he loves getting into trouble. A fearsome pirate-clan war has left him with no family nor relatives whatsoever and he must do something in order to survive and perhaps one day seek revenge...

Use the sheet below for your character. The default Example is Atsuma.

Name: Atsuma
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5-7
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Skin color: light tan
Outfit: White sleeveless T-shirt, a black vest, black pants, dark leather boots, a dark trench coat.
Weapon of choice: Sword (pick one from: sword, axe, bow, lance, morning star, mace, daggers, magic)
Race: Hylian (choose from: Hylian, Rito, Korok.)

Positions up for grabs:

Atsuma Crew *Note, tier refers to the story behind your character*

Captain of a Ship/Main Character--Atsuma duh :P

Advisor/2nd in Command: Surprise

Master at Arms--Hazel


Gunner (Tier1)--OoccooWatcher
Gunner (tier2) --Epwna
Gunner (tier3)--TreeHuggerPanda
Gunner (tier4)--Enemytracker

Deck Hand (tier 1)--Cooldogs_1
Deck Hand (tier 2)--Din Akera
Deck Hand (tier 3)--Meego7
Deck Hand (tier 4)--Master Kokiri 9

Other Positions:

Opposing Pirate Leader--Xinnamin

Special--Wielder of Aegis
Special--Mr. Mosley

Extra--Hero of Time
Extra--Kenji (K4KING)
Extra--Vee (Bigelover88)

*Note, if all positions have been taken and you still wish to sign up, do it as an extra, I will squeeze you somewhere in there.
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A Frog
Feb 19, 2010
on my bean bag...
Name: Hazel
Age: 15-16
Gender: Female
Height: 1m 80 cm.
Hair color: White
Eye color: Gold-ish, amber-coloured
Skin color: Porcelain
Outfit: A black suit, close fitting, like climbing suits.
Weapon of choice: Confirmed that I can have a Scythe. I'll add a foil into the mix, if you don't mind.
Master at Arms --
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I am baaacccckkkk
Jan 25, 2010
Name: Jesper
Age: 15
Gender: Mah BOI
Height: 174 cm.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Race: Hylian
WEPOON: My SWORD is enough!
Outfit: A black tunic (in honor of the Hero), no hat, and a leather boots. Cuz I'm hardcore like that :P
Position: Lieutenant!
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Ooccoo Watcher

Some guy with a Clawshot.
Name: Watcher
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft, 6inches
Hair color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Skin color: Caucasian
Outfit: Dirty Brown shirt and Loose Black pants
Weapon of choice: Magic, but is also skilled in the ways of the sword
Race: Rito

--Gunner (one of the best fighters)[Tier 1]--
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Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Name: Xinn
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Silver
Skin color: tan
Outfit: white tank-top with navy blue open vest, khakis and a silver scarf-like belt with matching scarf.
Weapon of choice: Daggers
Race: Hylian
Position: Opposing Pirate Leader


The epic turnip king
Feb 22, 2010
In a platypus
Name: Shore Lian
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft. 4 in.
Weight: 235 lb.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Red- brown and gray feathers.
Outfit: Blue Hoodie with green stripes, Black and white sweatpants.
Weapon of choice: Water, Ice, and wind magic
Race: Rito
Position: Gunner Tier 2

My character I hope will be fine.
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Aug 18, 2009
My character I hope will be fine.

Oh he's enough alright, but the skin...If your character is a Rito, shouldn't you describe his coating? Like white and brown feathers. Same goes to Ooccoo Watcher...I'll just assume you two birds are brown and white, like the usual Rito. ^^

Oh, and thanks to everyone who has signed. There is still time...so sign up, please. I still have to finish SOTF, so go tell your buddies, etc. :lol:


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I PMed you my profile and she is part of the crew. :D Looking forward to things.
Apr 16, 2010
Hey can I have my own pirate clan? Or in Tetra's? If so here is my info:

Name: Sully
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Height: 5-9
Weight: 160
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Dark Tan
Outfit: Green shirt and green and black shirt. Green shoes.
Weapon: Sword
Race: Hylian


Type to myself in silence
Nov 8, 2009
Washington, USA
Okay I'll take Adventurer.

Name: Inko Trate Rami
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 5" 7'
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Peach
Outfit: White Cotton Shirt, Brown Corduroy Pants, Light Brown Boots, Dark Green Cloak, Black Bandana(like Ike's)
Weapon of Choice: Daggers (he wields them like claws and there hidden so no one knows he has them).
Race: Hylian

I can't wait to see how this one goes!
Aug 18, 2009
Hey can I have my own pirate clan? Or in Tetra's? If so here is my info:

Um...Okay...I will work something out. :)

Thanks for signing up peeps. Geez, I don't feel well atm, too dizzy again. Anyway, this project will get started once I finish my other fan fic. If I don't get all the sign ups I need, again I will insert made up ones.

Wielder of Aegis

Greetings everypony!
Jan 26, 2010
The Celestial Plain
Name: Kevin Sentau
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Weight: 72 lbs
Height: 8' 4"
Hair Color: Bleached White and spiky!
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Peach
Outfit: Green headband with white stripes, black shirt with orange and black striped jacket, blue jeans
Weapon: His wit and cunning strategy
Race: Hylian
Position: Hmm...I'll be special!:lol:


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Myrion Korta
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weight: 135 lbs.
Height: 6.7 ft.
Hair Color: White, and combed back over head.
Eye color: Red, due to being albino.
Skin color: Pale
Outfit: Black robe, mask covers top part of face.
Position: I call the last special!
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