Wielder of Aegis Jun 21, 2012 Um......yeah. I haven't been on in months. And I'll probably be on even less frequently in the future. Sorry.
Um......yeah. I haven't been on in months. And I'll probably be on even less frequently in the future. Sorry.
T T TF/HH Jan 16, 2012 Thalia, who first comes in to play in the third book, has the sheild Aegis. DID YOU KILL THALIA TO GET YOUR SHEILD?!?!?!
Thalia, who first comes in to play in the third book, has the sheild Aegis. DID YOU KILL THALIA TO GET YOUR SHEILD?!?!?!
Wielder of Aegis Jan 15, 2012 Hello again, all! Just a post to show that I am indeed still alive. Also I'm a brony now, as you can plainly tell. Blarg.
Hello again, all! Just a post to show that I am indeed still alive. Also I'm a brony now, as you can plainly tell. Blarg.
Raindrop14 Oct 31, 2011 Hey there Wielder of Aegis!:wave: I don't know you on the forums but I noticed it was your birthday.^^ So......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap:
Hey there Wielder of Aegis!:wave: I don't know you on the forums but I noticed it was your birthday.^^ So......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap:
Jedizora Jul 10, 2011 Hello, WoA. I noticed you liked Okami. Would you be interested in doing a Okami RP on the forums? Its in the Forum games section.
Hello, WoA. I noticed you liked Okami. Would you be interested in doing a Okami RP on the forums? Its in the Forum games section.