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Game Thread MS Paint Mafia U-Pick Edition [Day 5]


Staff member
@lain, please I know you been going a bit back and forth about my how you read me but I swear I'm not mafia

Rubik and Minish usually can read me better than those two clowns, so if you need to make up your mind on where I stand please talk to them a bit before voting me
Dec 13, 2019
It doesn't take much to come up with something for the sake of saving your own hide. That's, ultimately, the crux of the issue at hand concerning you with The Thing. You've directly stated you want to keep it because it assures you victory in case "town fumbles". Yet, at this point in time, town fumbling is near zero if not entirely zero given the whole The Thing being the center piece to victory for the remaining scum. So, no, it doesn't strictly matter that you "instantly" claimed especially, if you recall, that OG had made his passive about The Thing known and there would have been plenty of time to come up with something simple (like it's purely survivor) to put forth when obtained.

Even disregarding that prior point about faking any part of it, you being mafia is strictly still a real possibility. Your point about KillJoy literally does not help since if KJ was desperate enough to snipe his own partner to secure victory for himself through the passive of The Thing, then his targeting of you directly implicates you on that basis. While YOU may think it is ridiculous, it actually makes sense for the very reasons you seek to keep The Thing to yourself. That is, securing victory for the self through The Thing. So as much as you want to denounce any link to KJ, I am sorry to inform you that the reality of the matter is not how you paint it. Ultimately, a strong reason exists for why KJ would try and snipe you (whether or not you believe he truly knew about the bonus votes -- and I'd argue that it is you being the !@#%ing a-hole by even asserting that KJ didn't read his own role and made such a smooth brained play).

So, again, no, it is not ridiculous to think there is a reason why he'd try to snipe you like that.

As for you not being mafia, that remains to be seen. As a matter of fact, have you sat there and didn't your little truth tell which is your pinky promise? No? How do you expect me to sit here, in good faith, and honestly think that you can't be mafia when you haven't even done that? And no, don't go thinking that it after I brought it up is supposed to exonerate you. What you're doing right now is clearly spewing AtE for the sake of preserving yourself even though, as town, you still win with the town. Why you are so intent on doomsaying just because you'll lose The Thing is honestly perplexing (though, honestly, it's likely because you are mafia).

You thinking this is nonsensical shade is, truly, hilarious since you obviously can't see the issue outside of your own perspective. It's rather telling.

And last I checked, obtaining The Thing from you is hardly at the forefront for why you're being voted. It was rather clearly explained that, given the circumstances, you being mafia and hiding behind that passive is a very real possibility that is worth pursuing. More so since you were not killed by the mafia which kinda hints that, hey, you probably are (unless they honestly think a doc is around to save you or something). Bear in mind, too, that the whole survivor thing is strictly something we heard from you. What reason, other than your word, do we have to believe you? What reason do we have to believe you're not mafia when KJ tried to snipe you out (something he'd want to do to take out his partner in order to help close out the game so he can win with that passive)?

Never mind that, as town, you still win with the town (ah but you desperately want to hold onto that passive for your own sake rather than the town -- no no no, town should NOT lynch you because, obviously, you're being oh so honest).

Truly. It is remarkable.

Anyway, why would mafia you kill Rubik? Well, why wouldn't mafia you kill Rubik? WIFOM. Maybe you didn't want to kill Cin Min because it is Cin Min. Maybe you wanted to pay back JD for that last game? Perhaps, by virtue of the fact JD has a chat with you, you want to keep him around just because -- maybe you infected him with your virus? Maybe you want me alive till the end so I can be so wrong and you can rub it in my face just like how you were so wrong about Funnier's cult and still got killed by me.

idk, there could be many reasons why. Thus why it is WIFOM.

Let's get circular, Ex.


Staff member
Even disregarding that prior point about faking any part of it, you being mafia is strictly still a real possibility. Your point about KillJoy literally does not help since if KJ was desperate enough to snipe his own partner to secure victory for himself through the passive of The Thing
This is ****ing ridiculous, in a scenario where he would only win as thing by lynching a scumbud me that'd imply 2 mafia.

the very proof that this theory is wrong is that killjoy died and I got the thing. If I were the only remaining mafia the game would be over.

This is something Lain already pointed out. But you're too busy choking on Number's balls to read and think?

I'm not even gonna finish reading these walls of text since they're a waste of time, do whatever you want because I know you're not changing your mind.
Dec 13, 2019
This is ****ing ridiculous, in a scenario where he would only win as thing by lynching a scumbud me that'd imply 2 mafia.

It's not thought because it doesn't have to be just to end the game. He could have been gunning for his scum buds and you just happened to be the first one he tried to take out via voting. Nothing about that is inherently ridiculous at all. Your assertion otherwise is though.

the very proof that this theory is wrong is that killjoy died and I got the thing. If I were the only remaining mafia the game would be over.

Yes, and I already covered that possibility in a previous post. Part of it entails taking you at your word that The Thing is a survivor and works as you say it does. Remember, the only actual concrete info we have is from OG's role. You we just have to take at your word. I bet you can see where I will go with that, ja?

This is something Lain already pointed out. But you're too busy choking on Number's balls to read and think?

If you had been reading at the start, you'd know that we already covered these possibilities. lain coming around and adding to the conversation does nothing to make moot what you dislike about what HHH and I have stated concerning you.

You're grasping at anything to avoid a death, and I daresay if it isn't because you're mafia, then it's because, like HHH, you strictly are anti-town. That much is certain.
Dec 13, 2019

You're grasping at anything to avoid a death, and I daresay if it isn't because you're mafia, then it's because, like HHH said, you strictly are anti-town. That much is certain.
May 30, 2023
You're both being such ****ing assholes. Is this some sort of petty revenge because of the previous MS Paint mafia?
It's plain and simple, you keep pushing the notion that there has to be an alignment cop and that proves you aren't mafia. Even when pointed out that the only known basis for your argument is fundamentally wrong you just ignored that and continue to push your own agenda. That's not pro town behavior. Stack on that your feet dragging on voting KJ. Even though you now say KJ ****ed up and got himself lynched you wanted to look anywhere but there until deadline was on us. If you're town and this costs us the game, it's not because some petty revenge fantasy you think is going on, it's because you've done jack all to town tell yourself and are relying on the mere presence of an unconfirmed mechanic to clear yourself.

Ask yourself one question Ex. If there has to be an alignment cop, where are they? We know it's not you, me, or KoD. We know Minish has that mask role. That leaves Lain. When asked today what info they've gleaned they said nothing about anybody's alignments, but about breakdown insights. That's the whole roster Ex. Where's the alignment cop?
Jun 25, 2023
@Rubik @Morbid Minish your opinions on what has been happening would be nice to see.

ex does look suspicious to me. the biggest concern i have right now about voting him is if hhh and kod were the remaining scum. i think we might just lose? i was townreading kod, but that 2 people are pushing very hard for someone in this situation does bring up that possibility in my mind. or one of them and minish ig.
Jun 25, 2023
i think the first reason ex looks suspicious is because he's been trying to use mechanical information to 'prove' that he can't be scum. mechanical information that we have to mostly trust his word about. and which he only started talking about last night.

hhh, i think, threatened to shoot him in a dm purportedly to put pressure on him. he started posting in thread w/ this mechanical argument to not kill him.
if I were mafia it'd be of town's interest to keep me alive since I'd be able to just shoot any scumbud or bus them and win with town due to survivor's thing kicking in
if you're town and you shoot me we literally lose

since I'm the obvious target I'd hope somebody from town would protect me regardless of alignment

Well, I got Thing'ed, so I am now detailing what it is: it is an extra survivor wincon, a godfather-like modifier, and something that allows me to swap my base role with someone's who dies if responsible for it somehow (hammer or direct kill).
May 30, 2023

Take your time to discuss Lain. Something else to consider I'd that KoD claimed being third party to me D2 and basically has taken a sheeping me stance since then.
May 30, 2023
Also I find it doubtful we are looking for two more scum since KJ had a non facultional kill in his kit. Extra numbers + extra kill = not likely.


Staff member
Ok, lain is Town since they didn't hammer me here.

Lain, I'm trying to use what I have at my disposal to show that I'm not a likely mafia candidate? I don't have mechanical evidence. I'd love something like a Tracker result proving I didn't move even last Night. What I can try to do is try to show that their accusations are all over the place.


if we're at 2T-2M-1I or 3T-2M we lose if anyone that isn't mafia dies. If HHH were town and really had a way to shoot me that would cause me, as Town, to lose, which is why I was extremely annoyed about.

I have been insisting on the existence of alignment cop because the Thing has a Godfather modifier, and considering Killjoy likely had it at one point that means Mafia knows that. (The one thing bugging me is why Killjoy claimed to appear as Mafia to investigative if The Thing would make him appear as Town?).

Shooting the claimed Miller is an extremely ****ty play considering I could communicate with him in a semi-private manner and leave the ones tunneling me is not something I'd do here as mafia.

Numbers and KoD accusations are inconsistent and keep flipflopping in a manner that at one time they need me to be lying about what The Thing does and at another it requires me to be telling the truth about it.

What we know if I'm telling the truth about The Thing (I am): it was impossible for a 2-scum team consisting of Killjoy and me to exist, since upon receiving it I'd've won with Town unless there was a hostile indept around. So the only way for me to be scum and have The Thing while telling the truth is if there's a third mafia. Issues with this: if there's a third mafia and I'm telling the truth about the thing then I can just bus them publicly and win with Town; or, assuming I were to stay loyal to mafia, I wouldn't shoot Rubik who had claimed miller and I've known to send messages over anyone threatening me or that would be more likely to be a Cop.

So that either means: I'm lying about how the Thing works or I'm Town.
I immediately privately claimed to both OG and Numbers how the Thing works, I would've had no time to invent any sort of elaborate lie regardless of alignment since. This is true because in the case of being mafia, if Killjoy's plan were to backstab the scum team he would not confide the reason why to the scumbuds. And as Town there's simply no reason for me to lie about it.

I have no way to prove that I'm telling the truth about how it works, and I do rely on your trust as players. I am already repeating myself as to why some of the accusations make no sense. And that's mainly what I can hope for. There's nothing I can say that can counter an empty-handed "ur lying" because that's such a **** argument that there's no way to defend against it?

On another note, mislynching me, if we have 2 scum left, will end the game with a town loss; and the town that misvotes me will have a 1/3 chance of winning because of the Thing moving around. I will harbor no ill feelings if I die because of people trying to risk getting this sort of wincon, but I AM salty at losing the game for being open and honest about information in attempt to help Town and avoid pointless discussions at late game.

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