Changed my mind. I'm back at Zenox again...
Vote: Zenox
Zenox said:
RVS stage is pretty

over. If you're going to continue to make a mockery of this game, then I don't think you're doing the town any good by being here.
VOTE: Hero of Time
After so much talk about how the "I'm voting for player X because they're inactive/detrimental to the town" strategy is pointless in the end, I find it odd that you would vote for HoT here. You had 4 out of an 8 majority vote against you and yet you voted for HoT. Why? To divert attention?
Zenox said:
Hero of Time said:
With only 15 people in the game, a Day 1 lynch isn't a good idea, in my opinion.
At this point in the day, I completely agree.
Also my vote was just to make sure you knew we were having real discussions.

I don't really think you're scum.
Well of course you're against a lynch on Day 1... You're the one closest to being lynched lol! And I'm not too sure about that last part.
Was that just a fake vote? It seemed pretty serious to me. But once HoT backed off of you, you backed off of him, because you can't lead a lynch against a person with no suspicions against them or who isn't bandwagoning. You made an odd move and then resorted to basically saying, "It was only a test. I wasn't serious."
That's pretty shady to me, and shouldn't be overlooked. Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but combined with everything else, I feel that right now you are the most likely to be scum.
Going further, I don't see the point in not lynching today... Let's say night comes, and
(hypothetically) Zenox and co. are debating on who to NK. They would just kill a good player who wasn't openly suspicious of any of the mafia members! Killing anyone else would give us a lead where we would just look to see who the killed player was suspicious of and put pressure on that person. But in reality, come Day 2, we would have no leads and be down a good asset...