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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Hey again guys.

Just got through reading the entire thread. So, from what I can gather thus far, Kybyrian is trying to press a lynch against Zenox for...I don't know exactly. Making him look bad? I can't quite make sense of what's so controversial about Zenox's game so far. Whatever the case I think we should keep an eye on him rather than outright perform an aimless speedlynch.

I'm simply wondering on what grounds Kybyrian is pressing the lynch; what exactly makes him suspicious?


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Thareous said:
I'm simply wondering on what grounds Kybyrian is pressing the lynch; what exactly makes him suspicious?

Just read my posts. My suspicion stemmed mostly from his initial posts, so it's mostly at the beginning of the thread. It concerns mainly his meta and the way he's been acting and wording his posts over the course of this game. He slipped and started to crack, starting to seep scum. He's since backed off realizing what he did wrong, but if anything that only pulls me ahead on my suspicion more as it ties in with realization and fear.

It's mostly observations I've been very capable of making based on playstyles the last few mafia games; it stems from experience and noticing patterns, really.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It's mostly observations I've been very capable of making based on playstyles the last few mafia games; it stems from experience and noticing patterns, really.

All right. I honestly haven't played many games with him, but like I said, we should keep an eye on him at the very least. Since you know him well, though, would you mind me asking about his meta? Does it change from game to game, depending on his role or the circumstances at hand, or does it remain consistently the same? This might explain his instability here and prevent a mislynch (or so I hope).

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I don't care much about the RvS stage. Just skimmed through the posts and nothing particularly noteworthy caught my eye except for Zenox's name change. Was on my phone earlier and I thought, "Who the eff is this Jarl Ballin guy and how is he able to edit Zenox's posts?" Derp.


mfw Zenox always votes for me at the start of mafia


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Thareous said:
All right. I honestly haven't played many games with him, but like I said, we should keep an eye on him at the very least. Since you know him well, though, would you mind me asking about his meta? Does it change from game to game, depending on his role or the circumstances at hand, or does it remain consistently the same? This might explain his instability here and prevent a mislynch (or so I hope).

Sure. I can't say much about his mafia meta, though. I don't think I've even seen him when he's Mafia. That's why I'm concerned right now. Usually he does have a lax meta, but the general excitement and friskiness (as I said probably four times now) contrasts with the generally lower level he keeps his wording on. That and the bitterness and more spontaneous reply and retaliating voting--which he picked up on and quickly dropped after realizing this was going against him--all serve to fuel why I believe he could be scum.

Also, I wish to take another note. When I say lax meta, I mean his behavior during the first day period in general. This often develops into something more aggressive as he tries to lead the town himself as well.


Feb 24, 2010



Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Vote Tally:

Zenox: 4 (Kybyrian, Raindrop14, PK Flash, Hero of Time)
PK Flash: 1 (Josh)
Hero of Time: 1 (Zenox)

No Vote Cast: 9 (Austin, ALiT, Xinnamin, DracoMajora, Thareous, Rachel, Erebea, Keeseman, Lord Death)

With 15 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch.
Apr 16, 2010
RVS stage is pretty :cucco: over. If you're going to continue to make a mockery of this game, then I don't think you're doing the town any good by being here.

VOTE: Hero of Time

>implying the whole first day isn't one big RVS stage

But yeah,


I doubt I'll be voting for real at all today. The only thing that's really happened is Zenox and Wyatt using their typical play styles (from what I remember of playing with them in the past). With only 15 people in the game, a Day 1 lynch isn't a good idea, in my opinion.
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