Sage of Tales
Isn't there some official artwork for LoZ and Zelda II that have him as a blond? I mean, JAPANESE official artwork (American/European official art is not to be entirely trusted here). A friend told me that he was supposed to be blond...
Though, I think, like many, it fluctuates. In ALTTP, the programmers may have been trying to go for a "strawberry blond" look and made his hair come out pink! (Poor Link)!
In TP, I think they were trying for a dirty/dishwater blond look and accidently put it more in the brown range. I haven't played SSMB Brawl yet, but all the images I've seen of TP-model Link there has him as blond, so I guess they corrected the brown-range problem? (Or maybe, for a silly "Link is real" argument - he just got more sun. I know, as a blonde, myself, that the hair gets darker if not exposed constantly to the sun. I used to be lighter when I lived in Arizona and have gotten darker since moving to the less sunny East Coast).
As far as ages go...
I seem to remember clearly stating in Wind Waker that Link is 12 when he gets his Hero's Clothes birthday present. That *could* imply that Ocarina of Time Link is also 12 when he begins his mission, but I would take that with a grain of salt because on Outset Island at the time, his story is a *legend.* Nintendo could have even intetionally mis-calcuated the age just to tie into the idea that the Hero of Time's story is a legend and, as such, the people who revere it are not going to get all the details correct.
I always took Link in Ocarina of Time to be 10/17, myself, but I accept that 12/19 might be correct. There's not a lot of difference between those two age-sets, anyway (depending upon how early you have your puberty. I'm guess that Link slept through his - lucky stiff. I wish I could have slept through mine).
I think in the original LoZ, Link was supposed to be "a young boy" (indeterminate age, probably 10-14). In Zelda II, I believe the manual has him at 16 - he is the same Link from original LoZ, by the way.
I think in other games, his age is indeterminate. In ALTTP and the Oracles games, I *personally* think he looks to be around 14.
In TP, he's more grown up. I always personally took him to be 17, but I think 17-19 range is a good estimate.
Though, I think, like many, it fluctuates. In ALTTP, the programmers may have been trying to go for a "strawberry blond" look and made his hair come out pink! (Poor Link)!
In TP, I think they were trying for a dirty/dishwater blond look and accidently put it more in the brown range. I haven't played SSMB Brawl yet, but all the images I've seen of TP-model Link there has him as blond, so I guess they corrected the brown-range problem? (Or maybe, for a silly "Link is real" argument - he just got more sun. I know, as a blonde, myself, that the hair gets darker if not exposed constantly to the sun. I used to be lighter when I lived in Arizona and have gotten darker since moving to the less sunny East Coast).
As far as ages go...
I seem to remember clearly stating in Wind Waker that Link is 12 when he gets his Hero's Clothes birthday present. That *could* imply that Ocarina of Time Link is also 12 when he begins his mission, but I would take that with a grain of salt because on Outset Island at the time, his story is a *legend.* Nintendo could have even intetionally mis-calcuated the age just to tie into the idea that the Hero of Time's story is a legend and, as such, the people who revere it are not going to get all the details correct.
I always took Link in Ocarina of Time to be 10/17, myself, but I accept that 12/19 might be correct. There's not a lot of difference between those two age-sets, anyway (depending upon how early you have your puberty. I'm guess that Link slept through his - lucky stiff. I wish I could have slept through mine).
I think in the original LoZ, Link was supposed to be "a young boy" (indeterminate age, probably 10-14). In Zelda II, I believe the manual has him at 16 - he is the same Link from original LoZ, by the way.
I think in other games, his age is indeterminate. In ALTTP and the Oracles games, I *personally* think he looks to be around 14.
In TP, he's more grown up. I always personally took him to be 17, but I think 17-19 range is a good estimate.