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Last person to post wins


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Oh hi Ketchup


He's moved into 2nd since this pic was taken :3 (leader's a few seconds ahead)


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
i remembered the work story i had for yall
this was a while ago, but I was given the Buick because the keys were in my boss' hand when I asked him for a car, leaving for my first delivery when another boss asked me if I drove the white colorado during my last shift, because the keys were missing (the real reason I had the Buick ig)? i was freaked out about getting blamed for that but when I came back they had found em lol (i had a day off in between these 2 shifts which made it funnier).
I had skipped vehicle inspection on the Buick so i did one after that, and when checking the oil I found this, the engine had a bunch of polyurethane chunks just sitting in it (animal got in and shredded the padding) so I got my bosses and they were just dumbfounded, one was super pissed and kept saying 'you see that? styrofoam, theyre making em out of styrofoam', but being me i had to keep trying to explain what the difference was LOL. anyways this car was put outta commission so I got the colorado :3
This is my favorite one, I get a truck maybe 50% of the time, but I'm starting at 7:30 next week so I should have pick of the litter.

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