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Kid Icarus: Uprising - Mafia Game Thread

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
C'mon guys, it's already been 15 hours since the lynch scene, and only four people have posted?

Good luck finding scum if you don't even bother to read or respond to the thread. >_>

Spring Break yo.

Fused is obviously scum, because according to him, we're not allowed to enjoy our holiday. :right:

Anyway, I just skimmed through everything, and pretty much just made this post for the sake of posting. I'll post my thoughts later, got stuff to do today.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Okay, I believe you.



Yes, and I thank you for agreeing that you were suspicious of TGR. That basically proves my point. :P

I'm sorry for voting for someone because I was suspicious of them? :?

Back to my current suspicion of pkfroce, I did a little bit more digging into his posts and found that he has made a total of 4 votes.

First, he (at the time Linkdude) RVS for Thareous, a Vanilla Townie. This vote was never removed, helping get a good, experienced player lynched on Day 1.

That I can't explain. However I think the only reason he never unvoted was because he became a bit inactive when he asked for a replacement. I'm not sure though.

Second, he was suspicious of TGR during Day 2/3, and placed a vote. TGR ended up being an Aurum, which, if our 2 mafia groups theory is correct, means that pkfroce would have thought TGR was a Townie, making his vote against him similar to a vote that lynched a Townie.

Yes. I voted because I was suspicious.... I didn't know that that was a scum tell. :mellow: And no, I thought TGR was scum... Because I was suspicious.

Third, he voted for DekuNut. See my prior post for more theories on this one.

I explained this in my last post.

Fourth, he again voted for TGR, this one helping in his lynch.

Again, because I thought he was suspicious.

My thoughts make a lot of sense, and make pkfroce the prime lynch candidate for today.

K. :yes:


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
I'm sorry for voting for someone because I was suspicious of them? :?

That's not the point. The point is that TGR would appear Town in the eyes of an Underworld mafia member, thus making your suspicions of him possibly scum trying to get a Townie lynched. Get it?

That I can't explain. However I think the only reason he never unvoted was because he became a bit inactive when he asked for a replacement. I'm not sure though.

Unfortunately, that is a possibility. However, I'm not going to retract my use of it as evidence based on a player's inactiveness.


I'm saying that pkfroce is the third member of the Underworld Mafia. We can assume that at first, all members of the Underworld Mafia thought they were the only mafia group. Thus, anyone else was Town to them, and since they are mafia, getting Townies lynched would be their first priorities. pkfroce assisted in the lynches of two players, who, in an Underworld Mafia member's brain, were Town. Furthermore, Vergo brought up a great point about the end of the DekuNut bandwagon, and pkfroce, seeing his godfather about to be lynched, deciding to jump on the wagon, since there not much else to be done. Another solid reason to do this was because he was surely aware of the fact that kokirion was an Usurper, so the lost of the Godfather would not be a problem, since he would just get a replacement.

I'm sold on pkfroce being scum; his non-shalant defending helps, too.


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
But it's not like I can get any worse off right now, right? Well, I could be dead.

Actually, you guys HAVE seen me play. If you take a look, the Pirate's game just ended not that long ago.
You guys don't like how I vote, and think that it looks scummy, but if you look, I voted in a similar way, and I was a LOVER.
So, yeah, that is my style, and I've got proof!
our love let us survive <3

Anyway, I can't remember ever seeing a mentor/mentee before in a mafia game, so that's interesting. Fused, I think Atty's last minute vote was explained well enough. People don't have to hop on bandwagons if they don't want to. However, her "Hunch... Let's see how this works out." seems a little strange. Maybe she thought there was a role that could mess with the lynch involved? Because I doubt majority could have switched over in 2 hours.

We can say the same of TGR's lynch that we did about Dekunut's lynch - that we should look at the last part of the lynching bandwagon, maybe we'll find Aurum members who decided to throw their buddy under the bus.

My guess is that the Aurum and underworld have 2-3 members each max (including the ones who were killed), what with the mentor, mentee, and at least 2 vanilla townies.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
That's not the point. The point is that TGR would appear Town in the eyes of an Underworld mafia member, thus making your suspicions of him possibly scum trying to get a Townie lynched. Get it?

Yes I understand. But by that logic, Atty should be suspicious too. She was suspicious of TGR at around the same time as I. In fact, JC said she was the one who started the suspicion on Robby.

I'm saying that pkfroce is the third member of the Underworld Mafia. We can assume that at first, all members of the Underworld Mafia thought they were the only mafia group. Thus, anyone else was Town to them, and since they are mafia, getting Townies lynched would be their first priorities. pkfroce assisted in the lynches of two players, who, in an Underworld Mafia member's brain, were Town. Furthermore, Vergo brought up a great point about the end of the DekuNut bandwagon, and pkfroce, seeing his godfather about to be lynched, deciding to jump on the wagon, since there not much else to be done. Another solid reason to do this was because he was surely aware of the fact that kokirion was an Usurper, so the lost of the Godfather would not be a problem, since he would just get a replacement.

I'm sold on pkfroce being scum; his non-shalant defending helps, too.

Okay. Just be prepared to defend yourself once I get lynched.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Just a heads up, it might be a little while before I'm able to get a post in here. I'm gonna be signing on and off sporadically throughout the week because I have a lot going on over the break. I'll try to get some input in when I have time, but, unfortunately, there will be a lot more posts to read through by that time.

For example, right now, I only have a few minutes before I have to go. I know that, tomorrow, I'm not gonna be on very much. I'll try to read through everything when I get the chance.

Just saying this so that nobody calls me out for inactivity.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
(Looked through Day 4 and saw some interesting stuff. (didn't mention votes this time, didn't feel like it))

FirevsIce's death may indicate the presence of some sort of cop for the mafia. There's always the slight chance that they got lucky, but it's not too far of a stretch to think that they hit a powerful role with their investigative ability. I suspect I was the target of the night one failed mafia kill, with musicfan confirming he protected me. I was honestly surprised that I was still alive, as I was expecting the mafia to take out a pseudo-confirmed townie. I'm guessing I've already been investigated, and since my skin is white as vanilla, they went after someone who could actually do some damage to them.
Reread this and it kinda concerns me. He predicts the presence of a role cop… and then says “oh I must have already been investigated because I’m not dead yet lol” and calls himself vanilla. Needlessly justifying his role to seem more town-like? Possibly Aurum with Robby? I’m jumping to conclusions? Anything’s possible. [noparse]:D[/noparse] Either way I’m gonna pay attention to Vergo as I continue reading through Day 4.

Also he says this.
I wasn't active for the past few parts of the game, but I can't recall FvI being that active either. This leads me to believe that the possible role cop the mafia has is doing good work so far. I wouldn't put FvI high on my list of investigative suspects though, which leads me to believe that either 1.) The mafia has already exhausted the primary targets they wanted to investigate, or 2.) Regularly "dangerous" players are in a larger amount in this rendition of the mafia.

A powerful role such as FvI might not be a chance kill. The mafia knew who he was, and acted accordingly.
Obsession with mafia cop?

Robby doesn't strike me as scum. Maybe someone who's hasty and may not think too carefully about what he's doing.

I actually feel quite passive in this whole Robby thing. I am not for it, nor am I against it. Anyway, I am still awaiting answers from Vergo and Kirion.

Alright, after analyzing the current situation with Robby. I really don't think that he is really acting scuming, but rather random, but because of this very reason is why people would think he would be scum. He might be scum, but he could also be scum. The only thing that really throws me off is how he words his posts. In terms of inactivity, I think everyone should give him some slack as I believe he was in a situation that couldn't allow him to be active for this game.
Also hmm.

(I'm working on another post but I'm tired so I'm slow. Just posting this separately because they kind of have nothing to do with each other.)


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
Justa made 3 posts on Robby's playstyle and why he shouldn't have been lynched, making it pretty possible that justa is Aurum. He seems to contradict himself in especially the last post, not really agreeing with the lynch but ready to agree to it because everybody else was voting for Robby.

I think I'm gonna wait till Robby at least explains why he voted for Draco. I can't pin point his playstyle in games I've been with him as of yet. He is rather inactive, so I guess that's why; however he just seems slightly spontaneous with his voting. I hate to bring up other games, but in Pirates he just randomly voted near the end of the day, which messed with our plans.

I can't tell if he's random for the sake of being random or whether there is an ulterior motive.

I'm just going to go with my mind here. I don't really get the previous votes on Avatar, Robby's vote was rather odd but I can't pin point his plaustyle (he's one to watch closely though), Draco is playing as usual so nothing really out of the ordinary there. So that leaves me with Dekunut.

I'd also like to hear from Robby. We have basically acted on a select few posts that aren't scummy per se; they just raise an eyebrow. Then again Robby's playstyle is hard for me to actually understand. He doesn't seem to take part and I don't know if that's down to his inactiveness or its a tactic of sorts. However, he had a similar post style in Pirates and he was Town. That's the only thing that makes me wary of this lynch.

I still believe he's the best candidate, but I want to hear his response. If no response then I won't be afraid to increase the pressure.

Then he ended up being one of the last to vote for Robby, perhaps to gain town credibility and to distance himself. Just my thoughts. I realize that Pendio, Fig and I all 'defended' Robby, but I think justa did so the most.

FoS: justa


Jul 1, 2012
Well Robby was being questioned at the time (the first two posts) and I was simply stating that I'm not sure on the lynch as the main reason (at that time) was that he randomly voted for Draco. It's not exactly good reasoning and I wasn't going to just jump on the bandwagon - I don't play that way. You can also factor in that his playstyle is rather odd and this is exactly how he played in Pirates where he was a Lover (if I recall).

I had the same doubt during the next bandwagon and I agreed with Pendio that it was the quite a rushed act to lynch him without response, so I waited. Once he gave his response, which didn't really explain anything and further added to his shady playstyle, I decided that voting for him was the only feasible option. He could have flipped Town or Mafia as he didn't really show any signs of scum, just spontaneous posting as well as voting.

Tries to encourage activity...

*takes off shirt*
Last edited:


The game is on!
I am terribly sorry for my absence! I have just had a whole lot to do. But that is now over, so I should not disappear again. :)

Most of my thoughts regarding the night scene have been stated by various other players already, but nobody has commented on the "monstrous figure" floating above the dead Marshal's head, which later flew away.

The human thought he saw a monstrous figure floating in the air briefly above the dying The Marshal's head before it quickly flew away into the night.

I have played Kid Icarus: Uprising, and I would say that I know quite a bit about the game, but I cannot figure out what this monstrous figure could be. Does anyone have any ideas?

So I think Fused is right, there are two factions who are scum, or in other words, two factions that can kill. Someone has already alluded to the Aurum killing -- I think it was the orbs of light(?), can someone who has knowledge of the series tell me if Robby fits these killing abilities.

Yes, I would definitely say so. The Tribyte attack solely with energy balls as far as I know.

So, fused, who would I vote for if it was LyLo? Pendio or pk. Probably pk if it was a tie between them.

Why do you seem so suspicious of me? Or is it just a hunch? You made a post about it yesterday too (to which I did reply, by the way).

We can say the same of TGR's lynch that we did about Dekunut's lynch - that we should look at the last part of the lynching bandwagon, maybe we'll find Aurum members who decided to throw their buddy under the bus.

Ah, that is smart. We should definitely give it some thought. That would be PK and JC. Also, with the existence of a Mentor revealed, I think it is possible that we do not have a Cult Leader amongst us, but a Mentor instead. The two roles are quite interchangeable. Just a possibility.

Tries to encourage activity...

*takes off shirt*


My thoughts make a lot of sense, and make pkfroce the prime lynch candidate for today.

Alright. Right here is, to me, the main problem of today (thus far at least). fused_shadows seems so undoubtedly convinced about PK's guiltiness that I cannot help but find it somewhat suspicious. He claims that his thoughts "make a lot of sense, and make pkforce the prime lynch candidate for today". I have read through all of your theories, fused, but I fail to see which one of your thoughts it is that make so much sense. In fact, I think you are grasping at straws with this entire supposed suspicion.

You have not fallen under any real suspicion yourself thus far. That might be because of your lengthy posts, which does make you seem more Town-like as you are scum hunting a lot (or at least that is what it seems like). You have also been unnecessarily repeating yourself today. Basically this whole part was a repeat of what you had already stated previously this very day:

I'm saying that pkfroce is the third member of the Underworld Mafia. We can assume that at first, all members of the Underworld Mafia thought they were the only mafia group. Thus, anyone else was Town to them, and since they are mafia, getting Townies lynched would be their first priorities. pkfroce assisted in the lynches of two players, who, in an Underworld Mafia member's brain, were Town. Furthermore, Vergo brought up a great point about the end of the DekuNut bandwagon, and pkfroce, seeing his godfather about to be lynched, deciding to jump on the wagon, since there not much else to be done. Another solid reason to do this was because he was surely aware of the fact that kokirion was an Usurper, so the lost of the Godfather would not be a problem, since he would just get a replacement.

I certainly do not think this theory of yours is at all as great as you say it is. And it amazes me how you can be so extremely convinced of PK's guiltiness by this theory alone. I am not saying that PK cannot be scum, I merely mean that I think your theory is far-fetched and that it makes me a bit suspicious.

FoS: fused_shadows

I will soon go through Robby's and Kirion's old posts in hopes of finding something useful.


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Pendio, I repeated myself in my last post mainly because I had a feeling that only a few people actually read my long post. XD I know one player who didn't for sure (since I addressed them directly with no response), and just assumed that others didn't, either. So, I do apologize for those who actually do read everything; it's not your fault I had to repeat myself.

And, regarding your FoS, I understand your thinking. My theory is certainly not perfect; I would never claim it to be such. I do, however, find it the most likely situation, which is why I've decided to bring it forward. I wouldn't call it "far-fetched", as I do have some evidence behind it, and not just random thoughts. He did help lynch Thar, and he did jump on the Godfather's bandwagon at the end. Those points are were, and remain, fairly valid. Did I slightly stretch them into a theory? Yes, but that doesn't mean that they are useless. They are still solid points against pkfroce.


Jul 1, 2012
Well at this point, with what we have to go on, so I don't think him making that move makes him suspicions. However, Pendio has brought up some interesting points. Fused seems like he knows what's going on and a lot of the time it's not even a hypothesis, it's like "this is what happened", "here's who's scum" etc. Of course those blunt statements are over-exaggerating, but I do think his tone seems like he has a greater knowledge of sorts. Whether all this makes him scum is kind of doubtful; though maybe there's a reason he voted for PK... (I'm not going to say anymore).


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Well at this point, with what we have to go on, so I don't think him making that move makes him suspicions. However, Pendio has brought up some interesting points. Fused seems like he knows what's going on and a lot of the time it's not even a hypothesis, it's like "this is what happened", "here's who's scum" etc. Of course those blunt statements are over-exaggerating, but I do think his tone seems like he has a greater knowledge of sorts. Whether all this makes him scum is kind of doubtful; though maybe there's a reason he voted for PK... (I'm not going to say anymore).

I'm unsure as to what you're implying.

Also, I think I would sound more convincing if I said "I know pkfroce is scum" rather then "I think pkfroce is scum, but I'm not certain." :P


Jun 19, 2010
I think Fused's theory on pkfroce is pretty solid, and I don't think I would mind voting for him if it came to it.

I'm somewhat suspicious of JC due to his suspicions of Atty. He voted for Atty out of pretty much nowhere during the beginning of the day, with most of the reasoning behind it being things that happened previously, and the evidence being pretty weak and mostly hunch-based, almost like he had an ulterior motive or like he saw an opportunity to jump on. Like fused pointed out, if one looks at the nightscene and Atty's posts, they'll notice something that I won't explicitly state that makes me pretty certain of her being town. I think it's possible that JC noticed this and is trying to get Atticus lynched because of it. There's also the fact that, when fused brought this up, JC ignored it.

Justa made 3 posts on Robby's playstyle and why he shouldn't have been lynched, making it pretty possible that justa is Aurum. He seems to contradict himself in especially the last post, not really agreeing with the lynch but ready to agree to it because everybody else was voting for Robby.

Then he ended up being one of the last to vote for Robby, perhaps to gain town credibility and to distance himself. Just my thoughts. I realize that Pendio, Fig and I all 'defended' Robby, but I think justa did so the most.

FoS: justa

This is a good point. He stays neutral and very hesitant towards the beginning, and even does some subtle defending of Robby (such as citing his previous playstyle), but he still makes sure to state that it could go either way and that he isn't sure. He seems to then slowly ease up on the lynch as the pressure builds, and even goes so far as to outright vote for him near the end when his lynch is inevitable. This reads to me like an Aurum buddy of Robby's trying to distance himself, and, by placing the vote, gaining town cred.

Obviously my suspicions on JC are a bit out there and are mostly circumstantial, but I think they're worth considering.

I certainly do not think this theory of yours is at all as great as you say it is. And it amazes me how you can be so extremely convinced of PK's guiltiness by this theory alone. I am not saying that PK cannot be scum, I merely mean that I think your theory is far-fetched and that it makes me a bit suspicious.

This doesn't really make me that suspicious. Fused often acts like this, and tends to be very sure of himself and his suspicious. Even if he does have a greater knowledge, that doesn't necessarily automatically imply scum. Town PR's can also have a greater knowledge.

brb gonna read more
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