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Kid Icarus: Uprising - Mafia Game Thread

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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
So I have a few mod comments, if you guys don't mind, haha.

I had a TON of fun modding this game. In some ways, I almost found it more enjoyable to observe than to actually play. I think I learned a lot, too. I learned about different people's playstyles in various roles, and I picked up a few strategies that I thought were very clever and I just might copy in the future. :P

I'm really glad that everyone liked the dual-mafia thing. When Timeless and I first designed this game, it wasn't like this. The Underworld was a mafia group with five members (Hades, Medusa, Pandora, Thanantos, and Gaol) and the Aurum was a cult. But then as I was looking on the wiki for some good roles to implement, I stumbled across Mentor, and I IMMEDIATELY knew I had to make that the Chaos Kin. That meant Dark Pit couldn't be SK either, so he was changed to be Town (which kind of makes sense, and I liked how I got to make his role related to Pit somehow), and it kind of made it difficult for there to be a cult, since that would make two alignment-changing factions. I kind of gave up on implementing the Aurum for a while until I came up with the idea of making two mafia factions. Unfortunately, this meant that I would have to take out a TON of the characters I wanted, and I was really sad. (I almost made Gaol a lover with Magnus! That would have been fun!)

But I guess everything kind of worked out in the end. :P I thought it was kind of funny early on how everyone else's first assumption at what the basic roles would be were MY first assumptions as well. Like everyone thought the Aurum was a cult until Robby died. I'm glad I changed things up a bit so there were surprises for everyone. ^^

I was also scared for a bit there that having the Usurper in one mafia faction but nothing similar in the other would make it unbalanced. I'm glad you guys won so I didn't have that on my conscience. But I probably should have considered that a bit more, haha. Should've given the Underworld a better power role than Strongman... But whatever. XD

Also, I wanted to mention that I told Fused the name of the people he could recruit. That wasn't included in his role PM, but I told him them before the game began, iirc. That was Viral's suggestion, but it came only after I sent out the PMs, so I just decided to implement it in a kind of unorthodox way.

I still think my favorite moment in the whole darn game was when Atticus early on was saying "The Roleblocker NEEDS to claim" and she was the roleblocker... That made me laugh quite a bit. XD (Not to mention that Atticus's night action PMs were always the most fun to read.) The fact that the cops didn't get a lot of their results was making me concerned as well. I probably should have been a little more willing to accomodate them than be so strict with my night periods, but... eh.

And the other sad thing was that Big Octo never used any of his inventions. What I NOW think I should have done was given him a few more to choose from (maybe things like the Aether Ring and Exobikes) and then made his night action compulsive. As a survivor, he had very little motivation to give out his inventions, which is a shame, since I was really looking forward to how they'd modify the game.

Oh well. At least I think I've learned from my mistakes! Thank you all very much for playing. Like I said, it was lots of fun.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Fused, I blame you for our cult loss, and you can expect my full fury in the next round we're in together, be it directly or passive-aggressively.

Pendio, you are indeed a gentleman and a sir, but you are the SINGLE MOST CUNNING PERSON IVE EVER MET THROUGH THE VIRTUAL WEB. Remind me to never trust you ever.

That ending was pretty epic, probably the closest round I've ever been a part of, including Majora's Mask and Mafia 1. Good job on the setup, Heroine. I thought that since I got a vanilla role that it was going to be a rather boring and generic game, but I'm glad I was wrong about that.


Jul 1, 2012
Kokiron said:
I also had to laugh when i read the Aurum's quicktopic. During this game, I've been trying to use JC. To kill Deku, to solidify my town-appearance, etc.. And when looking at their quicktopic, I noticed that at the exact same time, JC was trying to use
Yeah as soon as the other Mafia was confirmed (though I had my suspicions beforehand) I wanted to sort of work to together. I knew that it would be hard to survive with just three especially since the Robby situation really put me in an awkward position, which seemed like to was impossible for me to maneuver out of. I wanted to keep at least one Underworld alive just so I could try and manipulate the situation to our (Aurum's) advantage.

Anyway, good job Underworld. Great game and I really liked the set up, Heroine.


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Fused, I blame you for our cult loss, and you can expect my full fury in the next round we're in together, be it directly or passive-aggressively.


If anybody reads the Mentor/Mentee QT, you will see how much time I put into trying to not look too Town, while not looking too Mafia. Heck, I was scared that pkfroce might be mafia; my original thinking was that he was Town. If he did flip scum I would have been finished, because the mafia had no reason to not take me out. I was so happy that he flipped Town, I thought I was safe. I was so confused when I died via a Vigilante shot, since before that day I had lead the lynch of two mafia members on both sides, Deku and TGR. I don't what else I could have done better, tbh. I thought I played a very good game as a role that I'd never heard of before. XD

Btw, thank you so much Pendio for roleblocking JC Night 4. :D


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
Fused, from my own point of view, I thought that I was not really that active to be a threat, neither did I think I gave off a feeling like I had any major role in the game. So I'm curious, why did you decide to kill me?


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Fused, from my own point of view, I thought that I was not really that active to be a threat, neither did I think I gave off a feeling like I had any major role in the game. So I'm curious, why did you decide to kill me?

In all the games I've played with you you've always seemed to have SOMETHING up your sleeve. Being third party, I really didn't care what alignment you had, only that you were dead, so that you could not interfere with my plans. We were just lucky enough to kill the Usurper of all roles. XD Even if you were a VT, I would have been satisfied with the kill. It was more about removing your brain that it was removing your role.


And geez guys, talk about me a little more in that Aurum QT. >_>


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
In all the games I've played with you you've always seemed to have SOMETHING up your sleeve. Being third party, I really didn't care what alignment you had, only that you were dead, so that you could not interfere with my plans. We were just lucky enough to kill the Usurper of all roles. XD Even if you were a VT, I would have been satisfied with the kill. It was more about removing your brain that it was removing your role.
I'm not sure whether I should feel flattered or just plain sad. After all the work I put into my own schemes, I'm killed. And not because I accomplished anything major or someone else was on to my plans, but simply because it was me :?

And geez guys, talk about me a little more in that Aurum QT. >_>
You have no idea how much of an interesting topic you are to talk about in mafia QT's. ^ ^
Actually, out of all the games I've been mafia here lately, this has been my first faction were no one got obsessed with killing Fused.
And even more ironic. However much they are talking about killing you, it never seems to work :> . In the end, it took some confused angel to kill you on accident with a random shot, accomplishing what a whole mafia faction couldn't. :right:
Last edited:


Jul 1, 2012
In all the games I've played with you you've always seemed to have SOMETHING up your sleeve. Being third party, I really didn't care what alignment you had, only that you were dead, so that you could not interfere with my plans. We were just lucky enough to kill the Usurper of all roles. XD Even if you were a VT, I would have been satisfied with the kill. It was more about removing your brain that it was removing your role.


And geez guys, talk about me a little more in that Aurum QT. >_>
We just wanted you you dead ;)


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
I'm not sure whether I should feel flattered or just plain sad. After all the work I put into my own schemes, I'm killed. And not because I accomplished anything major or someone else was on to my plans, but simply because it was me :?

Yeah, it's a sad part of mafia. The good players get targetted early because they are just that.

You have no idea how much of an interesting topic you are to talk about in mafia QT's. ^ ^
Actually, out of all the games I've been mafia here lately, this has been my first faction were no one got obsessed with killing Fused.
And even more ironic. However much they are talking about killing you, it never seems to work :> .

I'm really not sure if I should take this as a compliment or not. XD

In the end, it took some confused angel to kill you on accident with a random shot, accomplishing what a whole mafia faction couldn't. :right:


We just wanted you you dead ;)

As Julio said, I never die. And, as koki said, I only die when killed by a confused angel with a random shot. XD


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
First off, it was a pleasure playing your game Heroine. Your theme immediately captured my attention and thus I spent all the hours beforehand replaying the game and making sure that my knowledge was well before the game begin. I also want to thank everyone who part took in this game. Everyone did a great in the game and I'm glad to have joined this game. Hopefully we get to battle each other in many games in the future! ^^
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