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Just a story with characters needed

Jul 2, 2011

Name: Deshar Alyvien
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Good/Bad: Bad
Magic/Ability: Control over any shadow or darkness (including the darkness within his opponents minds), temporary possession, can create horrifying visions that can only be seen or heard by the one he casts them on (similar to Itachi Uchiha's Tsukuyomi eye jutsu http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Tsukuyomi), able to take on someone's appearance but his eyes don't change), cam infinitely revive himself (he can be defeated, but will eventually come back; so he's 'semi-stoppable')
Looks Like: Fiery red eyes that resemble rubies that appear transluscent (explanation: he made a trade with a demon where he exchanged his eyes for the 'ruby eyes' that allow his to create the visions; only the pupils and irises are rubies), short red hair, ashen skin, looks young (mid-20's) despite being centuries old, wears a large dark cloak with a chin-high collar that extends down to just below his ankles (used for concealing weapons, poisons, etc.), average height
Personality: Insane yet civilized (appears chivalrous and doesn't show his insanity except in his laughter and plans), elegant/royal feel about him, not afraid to do the dirty work himself, deranged laughter (starts as evil chuckle that can escalate to a disturbing, almost inhuman maniacal laugh), pure evil (no sympathy, pity, or anything like that), adaptable to nearly any situation
Something you absolutely want them to do: Be called completely insane and have him reply, "And your just now realizing that? Do you sense the sarcasm? Because I meant it."
Other: Major villan, constant threat (threat level varies), skilled assassin, can use basically any weapon he comes across with deadly skill but most skilled with swords and daggers
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May 9, 2010
Ability/Magic(if bad or main helper only):Fire,Ice,Darkness,Light
Looks like(all characters have a human form, so post human and any others you may have): Mizu wear a blue dress that looks like a cut of coat she made herself
Personality:Mizu is a mysterious person who has a sense of humor and sense of usage
Something you absolutely want them to do or have in this story:N/A
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Jul 2, 2011
Is that bad? I thought it made a good villan

Name: Armorfi Prodotis
Age: late 20's - early 30's
Gender: Male
Good/Bad: Neutral......ish
Ability/Magic: Control of wind and electricity (mostly just flashy stuff to impress people)
Looks Like: Tall, muscular (not to extreme but very noticable), striking electric blue eyes, winning smile
Personality: Ladie's man, likes attention; good at getting information out of people; a charmer (helps him get closer to rich and powerful people), appears to be the typical impressive, chick-magnet, influential air-head (*cough**cough* Gilderoy Lockhart); actually very intelligent and cunning; good at luring people into a false sense of security; faint, indistinguishable accent
Something you absolutely want them to do: Be caught stealing stuff from the wealthy by the hero (or one of the heroes) and not have anyone else believe them because Armorfi has tricked everyone into believing his facade of being a great hero
Other: Extremely skilled thief, great fighter (for whenever he ends up fighting the hero and/or heroes)
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Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
Is that bad? I thought it made a good villan

Name: Armorfi Prodotis
Age: late 20's - early 30's
Gender: Male
Good/Bad: Neutral......ish
Ability/Magic: Control of wind and electricity (mostly just flashy stuff to impress people)
Looks Like: Tall, muscular (not to extreme but very noticable), striking electric blue eyes, winning smile
Personality: Ladie's man, likes attention; good at getting information out of people; a charmer (helps him get closer to rich and powerful people), appears to be the typical impressive, chick-magnet, influential air-head (*cough**cough* Gilderoy Lockhart); actually very intelligent and cunning; good at luring people into a false sense of security; faint, indistinguishable accent
Something you absolutely want them to do: Be caught stealing stuff from the wealthy by the hero (or one of the heroes) and not have anyone else believe them because Armorfi has tricked everyone into believing his facade of being a great hero
Other: Extremely skilled thief, great fighter (for whenever he ends up fighting the hero and/or heroes)
Nintendo, your character was fine! It's a perfect villain for the story. And yes I said I need one more character, but I meant a neutral schoolgirl character...Anyways, approved! ;D
Jul 2, 2011
Nintendo, your character was fine! It's a perfect villain for the story. And yes I said I need one more character, but I meant a neutral schoolgirl character...Anyways, approved! ;D

Haha. I didn't know what kind of character you wanted and that was an idea I had.


Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
Amorfi. :D I already have a planned spot for Deshar too, though. Gosh, folks, with all these ideas, I actually might pull of a novel! LOL, thats been my dream for a while now. But no worries! Open the book to see:
A big thanks and acknowledgement to the users of ZeldaDungeon!



Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Hooray!:D I've been wanting to write a novel too but I knew I had to improve on my writing so I started doing fan fictions. Ganondork has really helped me through it.:) Can't wait till it comes out!:D What will it be called?


Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
Hmm...I dont know yet....I have wrote scenes of it on my comp but didn't ever give it a title...Haha, I know! Okay, here's whats gonna happen: Either on this thread or the one that I will start ASAP, I am going to have a poll. That way, I can take suggestions and give and have people pick the best one. How's that? Or....? :/

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