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I Need Help Understanding the "Hero Defeated" Timeline.

Dec 26, 2011
This is simply a way of complying all of the zelda games together. The best way to do it was offer an alternative that fit what would happen if Link did lose.


Of the Gorons
Aug 14, 2010
Death Mountain
basically, its just a hypothetical "what if" timeline. If link died then it would go on to that timeline, and it can't exist at the same time as the child and adult timelines.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
Of course this timeline crap isn't "official" even if it's in a book. There is no timeline and never will be. Besides we all know Link doesn't and can't die, so they can't make a timeline saying well this wouldn't happen if....Link died. Yea right!!!


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
To Hero_in_Green

No problem!

It seems like Link can come back as many times he wants! No, seriously: (SS spoiler)
We can use Demise's curse as the reason Link comes back over and over again.
AlttP Link is also said to be a descendant of the Knights of Hyrule.

To Vanitas

It is, in theory, possible to think that there can be a new, "what if" ending, for every game: What if Link loses in AoL? What if Link loses in OoA, but not OoS? etc.

The story of the early DT seems to be like this:

(Future OoT)

Ganondorf defeats Link, takes the ToC. Ganondorf takes the ToW from Zelda. Ganondorf wishes upon the Triforce, the Dark World is created. Greedy people go to the Dark World. The Sages, and the Knights of Hyrule, seal Ganon without Link. (i.e. Seal War).

/Blue Window

That makes sense as even though Ganondorf would take the whole triforce it wouldnt make him invincible as Link was able to defeat him in ALTTP without even the triforce of courage in his possession. Another thing comes to mind in terms of "Official Books". When Ocarina of Time came out, there was a strategy guide forwarded by Miyamoto himself. I have a copy, and im sure many other people do to. In the book it tells of the NES and SNES Zeldas in Narrative (the strategy guide is a narrative which I thought was unique.) The stories of the first three zeldas were put in the book to obviously keep new players up to date, but it was "canon" for its time stating that these stories were protected in secret library vaults in hyrule ALONG with the Legend of Ocarina of Time. That was 1998 and the book is obviously retconned now, but it was "official" for its time. Who can say that maybe Hyrule Historia wont be retconned in future years?
Dec 27, 2011
The result of Link being about of the time line and someone else seal again ganondorf which he'll come back later and another link will defeated him

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
The 3rd Split,Nintendo's Easy Way Out?

The Timeline that is in the Hyrule Historia book has a 3rd split.I don't get it and alot of other people don't either.I always thought that Alttp had to go right after FSA because thats how Ganon gets the trident,and in Alttp Ganon has the trident.It makes no sense!!! The Hero dying part makes no sense all together,I really doubt that Oot link could really fail to defeat Ganondorf.The only way I can think of it is that it happens in a completly dirrerent deminsion.probally one were link is never born.That would make no sense,Link has to be born so he can open the door of time.Then it leaves only one option,in that alternate deminsion Ganondorf was in balance with himself and touched the triforce and got all three pieces.

Tell me what you all Think,I really don't understand this,I actually just think the 3rd split was nintendo's easy way out,and they just put it together with no real thought,or even better,this is not the real timeline,they just want us to believe it is.
Dec 22, 2011
basically, its just a hypothetical "what if" timeline. If link died then it would go on to that timeline, and it can't exist at the same time as the child and adult timelines.

*GAME SHOW BUZZER* Wrong. It's not a hypothetical timeline.

I feel like a broken record. Here's the latest explanation for the 3 timelines:

1st timeline - Ganon's rule, the original timeline from the start of OoT ("the hero is defeated" - because he vanishes from it).
2nd timeline - Link's rule, the timeline created when Link pulls the Master Sword out of the pedestal for the first time in OoT ("the hero is successful" - adult era).
3rd timeline - Zelda's rule, the timeline created when Zelda sends Link back in time at the end of OoT ("the hero is successful" - child era).
Apr 6, 2011
The Timeline that is in the Hyrule Historia book has a 3rd split.I don't get it and alot of other people don't either.I always thought that Alttp had to go right after FSA because thats how Ganon gets the trident,and in Alttp Ganon has the trident.It makes no sense!!! The Hero dying part makes no sense all together,I really doubt that Oot link could really fail to defeat Ganondorf.The only way I can think of it is that it happens in a completly dirrerent deminsion.probally one were link is never born.That would make no sense,Link has to be born so he can open the door of time.Then it leaves only one option,in that alternate deminsion Ganondorf was in balance with himself and touched the triforce and got all three pieces.

Tell me what you all Think,I really don't understand this,I actually just think the 3rd split was nintendo's easy way out,and they just put it together with no real thought,or even better,this is not the real timeline,they just want us to believe it is.

When you think about it, FSA could not have been the Imprisoning War at all. FSA Ganon just wanted the Trident of Power and not the Triforce. Just because Ganon obtain a trident in FSA does not mean it's the same trident in Alttp, as it is like saying that the Master Sword and Magical Sword are same thing when it's not. Ganon was sealed in the Four Sword rather than the Sacred Realm and yet again Link defeats Ganon, not the knights of Hyrule.

As for the Third Timeline, there is a good chance that Ganon could win against Link as it takes place in the future. If Link had no chance of loosing to Ganondorf, then the tension of battle diminished to zero. The third timeline occurs if Link fails to defeat Ganondorf at Ganon's Castle. It would allow Ganondorf to gain the Triforce completely and thus the sages are forced to take a more drastic measure to save Hyrule which is the Imprisoning War. A war where entire legions of knights and soldiers were wiped out to stop Ganon. The Hero of Time's failure were lost in time and the Master Sword awaits for a new hero to finish where Oot Link had started.
Dec 30, 2011
its if link dies any where in the adult time line which for the most part wont happen but on the slight chance ganon wins (ya right) thats what would happen


I have to agree with you, those games are just too vague to begin with, storywise; there isnt really enough to tie them in anywhere solidly. I think Nintendo acted like jerks though, giving an official timeline, because that was the main point of speculation in Zelda, and god-dammit it was interesting


I have a theory that supports the three timelines, remember when link was sealed in the sacred realm the time get divide into two timelines, one that could be the "hero defeatet" i think is the timeline where link never appeared the time continues and link just disapear, and the other one when link arrives 7 years later and defeat ganon, and when zelda turns link to his age again it was before he open the sacred realm and when ganon could take the triforce


On my Zeldathon Quest
Dec 31, 2011
It all hinges on OoT if Link dies then we go into the nes titles, if Link wins as an adult we go to MM, and if Link wins as a child we go into WW.


Link's "Failure"

This is in many ways a re-tread, but as it the HOT BUTTON topic of the released timeline, I would like to start some more discussion about Link's apparent "FAILURE" in Ocarina of TIme.

As I've mentioned before, on first glance this screams major COP-OUT-BS from Nintendo.


Through many interesting theories I've read here and all over, a new way of looking at this has emerged and I hope someone here can shed some more light on it:

It goes something like this:

Link did not "FAIL" to defeat Ganon IN BATTLE. Due to the mysteries of Time-Travel and Zelda's act of returning him to a child, Link was simply not there at the right time and thus simply "FAILED TO PREVENT GANON" from obtaining the triforce.

Something of that nature makes a whole lot more sense and makes me feel better about the Timeline, ESPECIALLY because my favorite game in the series, A Link to the Past, comes directly after this "FAILURE"

So.......... Any thoughts or explanations of how this could work?

(And please, if you've shared theories on this in other threads, either link or copy and paste here. Let' sget this particular point figured out!)

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