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Hardest to complete 100%


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
out of the games I've played it was MM cause of the 3 day rule>.<which was so annoying and I definetly know that Ph was one of the easiest(or maybe the easiest)


Designed with you in mind
Dec 29, 2008
ok deffffff MM is like super beast when it comes to difficulty. i just cant beat it its waaaay too much of a challenge. i didnt even get to beat the first temple!!!! however i think the easiest would probably be....hm....i thought oot was easy but i think ww was easier so yea!


adjective spaceman
Feb 2, 2009
Hardest: Hmm, I'll say TMC, the stupid figurine collecting is very annoying. I guess the hardest for me is also MM. I can't decide. :D
Easiest: Hmm, it probably be Phantom Hourglass, because you only have to get heart containers. Seriously, some of the heart containers in that were much easier to get than heart pieces in other games.

Alder Dragon

Classic Gamer
Nov 20, 2007
Pennsylvania, USA
Hmm.. Phantom Hourglass was pretty easy to beat 100%. I'd definitely say it was the easiest.

As for hardest to get 100% on, I disagree with the Majora's Mask people. Majora's Mask isn't that hard to get 100%, I got every mask in about 6 months time without a guide. The only thing that really annoyed me with MM was getting all of the fairies in the dungeons.

Wind Waker might be on the list of the hardest to get 100%, but only because of the need of the Tingle Tuner (I think), and the difficulty of getting every figurine in the game. It's easily harder than Majora's Mask in my opinion, no question. In fact, I still haven't gotten all of the figurines in WW yet.

The same goes for Twilight Princess. I haven't beaten it yet, but it looks like catching all of these bugs will be a pain without a guide. Also, when I think of a game being 100%, I assume everything is finished, that means every treasure chest opened, finding every ooccoo in the dungeons, EVERYTHING. This makes TP a pretty tough game.

Zelda 2 is a tough game to complete 100% in a sense, because you'd technically have to beat the game twice, for the first and second quest. Getting all of the heart pieces and magic containers wouldn't be a problem, but collecting all of the link dolls without dying would be.

The Oracle games might be a challenge as well, getting every ring in both games and opening every chest, which I think might be impossible in one file (because of your choice of animal-partner).

Overall I'd have to say PH is the easiest, and TP is the hardest, with WW following closely behind.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
Hardest: WW. To have all the charts, hearts, trading items (like the flowers) and all the figurines (I'm actualyy missing three or four, since I don't have a GBA) is a good challenge

Easiest: TP. Because everything is obvious and there aren't much side quests, plus, the hearts were easy to find because Fanadi tells all where they are. The golden bugs weren't so hard to find. The only thing that is hard to get is all the 60 poe's soul.

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There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
PH was pretty tough because of all the power gems and ship parts. I spent a few hours going back trying to get all the ship parts only to get the same ones over and over. Once the game's essentially complete, it's tougher to do this I find. It should really be done more as the game progresses to make better use of Beedle's Shop putting new item up for sale each day, but I was more involved with the plot so I put it off. It also didn't help that some of the pieces were available to me when my rupee count was low, but they never popped up again when I had built up my money supply to maximum.

The repitition of the salvage mini-game is also very taxing, so it's easy to give up on the ship parts. Gems are a bit easier, but you just have to be on constant lookout as you go.


Crawfish Prime
Jul 8, 2009
New Zealand
I'd say MC and TWW.
Heart piece hunting and upgrade requiring are a cinch compared to the patience involved with the figurine collection in MC and the time and slight skill involved with TWW figurine collection.
Jan 19, 2009
Temple of Time
The easiest game for me was ALTTP. All there is to collect in that game is Heart Pieces, and items, very easy. And the hardest is deffinately MM. There is just to much stuff to collect in that game. There's all 24 masks, 50 + heart Pieces, and a ton of items.

Link Master

The Hero's Master
Oct 14, 2009
I think the hardest is Majora's Mask because it has a ton of side quest and the Anju and Kafei quest takes a long time. I think the easiest to complete 100% is I think the Minish cap because there are really is not enough space to put a lot on the game so I think since they were limited Minish Cap is the easiest.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I would say MM is definitely the hardest to get 100%. So many masks, and so little time. Literally. Really, who thinks to wait out at a specific area at a specific time to get a mask? The Blast Mask comes to mind first. Who really thought to be at that specific place at that specific time? Don't get me started on Anju and Kafei. Geez, that was super complicated by itself. The Stone Mask is the same way, except the guy is freaking invisible. Those three along with more than 15 others, and you've got a super hard completion on your hands if you don't use a walkthrough.


Warrior Postman
Sep 30, 2009
To me, the easiest was probably AoL. Sure it's a pretty tough game, but there aren't a lot of heart pieces and the like to hunt down.

I'll agree with the apparent consensus on MM being the most difficult, just because there's a lot of stuff.


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
I would actually say the hardest to 100% is OoA/OoS.

This is because in order to get everything possible in either game you must beat both games in a linked game. I myself have never gotten 100% in either OoA or OoS, I have only played through them once, because it takes a while. (And also because my GBA has no backlit screen so it hurts my eyes if I play to long...) I also got stuck at least once in both the OoS and OoA trading sequences.

Second place for hardest to 100% is MM for me. Even though it was the first zelda game I got 100% on, it was difficult because there are a large amount of heart pieces. Finding those last few heart pieces in every game have always been troublesome for me, and MM had more heart pieces due to having only four dungeons.


Feb 2, 2009
I think that without a doubt, MM is the hardest to 100%. The game is hard to beat on its own, even without getting 100%. MM just had so many sidequests and collectible items. Since there were only four dungeons, that makes there four heart containers achievable without collecting heart pieces, giving Link 7 hearts if you don't obtain any heart pieces. This game has 52 heart pieces in all, which is just crazy. There are a couple that are pretty hard to miss, like any of the other Zelda games, but overall, there are quite a multitude of heart pieces that are pretty well hidden, despite the fact that there are 52 of them to begin with.

Then of course, we have the masks. About 7 or so of the 24 masks that are obtainable are actually required to beat the game. I guess that's actually kind of a proportion if you think about it, but either way, it's no easy task to get the remaining 16 or 17. Some are pretty straightforward and easy to get, like the blast mask, but then again we have the couples mask, which has it's own sidequest that lasts the whole 3 day period, that requires you to be at certain places at specific times, and it's pretty easy to screw up one little thing, causing the whole sidequest to be restarted.

In addition to the Heart Pieces and Masks, this game has more bottles than any of the other games (I think), as it has 6 of them. The first one is easy to get, as it is required in order to save Koume. But some aren't so easy. One is part of the sidequest to get the Gilded Sword, and you have to win a somewhat difficult Goron race to achieve it. Then you have the one bottle you get in Ikana Graveyard on the final night, that requires you to lead Dampe to a bunch of different places in the area in order to get to a big poe which is killed to get the bottle. And again, there is one that is part of a painful Anju and Kafei sidequest.

Next, we have the stray fairies. Acquiring all 15 in each dungeon is no easy task. It wasn't too much to handle in the Woodfall and Snowhead temples, but it was very difficult in the next two dungeons. The Great Bay Temple is already insanely difficult to get through (in my opinion, the hardest in any Zelda game), but to go out of your way and get all the well-hidden stray fairies? Near impossible. I was never able to do it, I only managed about 10 fairies. And then, there was the Stone Tower Temple. The temple wasn't nearly as hard as the Great Bay Temple to clear, but it was still very irritating to try and get all the stray fairies. In this dungeon they seem to be the most well hidden, in my opinion, as they are worked in to all these little places throughout the dungeon, and are pretty hard to find when there are basically two dungeons because of the fact that the dungeon is flipped upside down halfway through.

MM is undoubtedly the hardest, but as for the easiest to get 100% completion, I'm going to go with LoZ and AoL, in a tie. Sure, they were two of the hardest to defeat, but you didn't have to do much more than beat the game. LoZ had a few items you had to be and 5 heart containers, all of which were pretty easy to get. You also have the two sword upgrades, but all you have to do is just find those after getting the required amount of hearts. Then in AoL, you had to get 4 heart containers, 4 magic containers, and that was pretty much it, other than completing the game.

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