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Game Thread Gravity Falls Zodiac Mafia


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I'm talking about Doc.
And Minish is a girl, that's why you got me confused as to who you were referring to there.

Oh DX so sorry Minish

Doc, because earlier, when giri was here he seemed fine, then just disappeared, and he said he would be back, and, when doc came, he basically said, ‘hi I am replacing giri!’ then hasn’t really said anything since. It just doesn’t look good more him


Staff member
I'm scumreading Minish based on meta mostly, but like
It makes sense for her to be scum in many different scenarios

She tried to hide the redirect during D2, which would make sense if she is scumbuds with LG
But she can also be scum with Doc, and is giving a fake "giri didn't move result"
Damn, and she's famous for bussing, I wouldn't even be surprised if she's scumbuds with Rubik

I don't even know at this point


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I'm not scum and I think you are probably town Ex. I think Echo is definitely town.

I have a hard time imagining a world where minish and doc aren't scum.

I'm not sure how to think about the sun/lg thing yet. I'm pretty sure one of them is scum.

Ex, there's a chance you're scum and if that's the case we're in a really really bad position, but I think that's way less likely than the alternative.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
C'mon you kept insisting it was the Probabilitor we already went over this subject :fetchd:
What even are the odds of it happening

Oh, that wasn't hiding it. I was considering both options. Because at the time we had no clue what the die did. Except for you. I'm pretty sure I even suggested multiple times someone could have bus driver or whatever.
Feb 3, 2019
I'm less sold than you on the LG is scum wagon largely because I have my own doubts about Sun. I'm not sure which of them is scum. My gut isn't reacting to sun like it was in anime mafia, but my brain is telling me that he's scum.

can you expand on this, maybe I can address it if you're town
I know mechanics of my slot aren't P R I S T I N E or w/e but is that all it is?
you seemed more sure that I was scum before (yes I know its lylo but it feels like that's not the only thing holding back)


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
It's more that LG looks worse than she did before, which makes you look a bit better. I feel like lynching either of you today is a mistake.

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