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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Sep 27, 2021
yeah Kreaal is weird but I'm not sold that makes him scum?

dude's clearly ESL and I don't hate any of his takes that he has explained

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.

which would have been a level of attempting to figure out where to stand that I have not seen out of your slot

you have reads but no visible process and it bothers me

I've explained my thought process though. I feel like you've just skipped it or something.

In simple terms the read on Seanzie went his read on Numbers -> me disagreeing with said read -> him arguing with KoD -> me siding with KoD's views -> Seanzie saying that Numbers' priority shouldn't have been to generate discussion but something else if he were actually town -> me saying that he's misrepresenting what Numbers actually said and that his plan to promote discussion was actually a good one -> Seanzie saying my post was scummy -> me refuting that claim by saying that his reads on both me and Numbers was reaching, voting him due to weak pushes as well as he'd be the preferable lynch to me out of him/Ex (leading wagons), also he would be a good info lynch -> him saying that he was generating content, my reasoning for voting him was weak because it was just for info -> me explaining that it wasn't just an info lynch, but instead that he was the one I was already sus of and I felt his pushes were reaching.
Dec 28, 2020
Me thinks Ex and Morbish is Town if Sean is Wolf and me also thinks Numbers is Sean’s buddy.
Dec 28, 2020
But yeah to make it clear.
Sean if he doesn’t go over
Eli if Sean does go over


Jan 19, 2018
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That’s bad.
What makes Sean town here?

Seanzie played very aggressively early in the day and attacked people using fairly weak, reachy cases. This is classic town behaviour. Many town players purposefully use bad arguments early in the day in attempt to generate meaningful discussion which is then used as a basis for stronger reads. This gameplay is typically bad as scum because it almost always results in a lot of players scumreading you, as it did for seanzie. Its much safer to play less aggressively on day 1 since you'll get a free pass for it as there isn't much to go on.

Seanzie's case on minish reeks of OMGUS. he seems to only think minish is scum because minish was scumreading him. Seanzie seemingly didn't say a thing about minish until minish made a post attacking him, at which point seanzie proclaimed that he had caught scum. OMGUS is a natural town reaction. When you know you're town and someone is attacking you, you naturally think "what do they gain from attacking me, a town player?" and so its easy to see them as a wolf if you can't get outside your own head enough, so this is another town tell.

Furthermore, Seanzie tried to start a wagon on a voteless player, minish, when he was in the lead in votes and deadline was hours away. I would expect a scum seanzie to think about how to live through the day and thus prefer a case on someone who already had votes on them like ex or DW. That he chose a completely new person suggests to me that his primary motivation in doing so was because he felt like they were scum and not that he wanted to survive. This naturally indicates a town perspective.
Sep 27, 2021
casual reminder to everybody

oh yeah I was gonna say this at EoD or SoD to give scum less time to think about whether or not I would say this as the Hider (I would, I come from ToS lmao), but I realize it may be better to do it now so people are prepping for it.

Remember that if you hypoclaim visiting somebody as Hider, they are "confirmed town" to you and you cannot ever question their towniness at any point going forward after you would have checked them. Any admission that they could be non-town is an admission to the Mafia of your status as non-Hider.

Pick targets with that in mind. The Hider, of course, should feel free to counter-abuse this if required.

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