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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Jul 7, 2021
his 180° on number's suggestion felt weird, I would've expected him to kinda measure out the pros and cons of his suggestion before kinda just sheeping you and conceding you this point so easily

also not a fan of him trying to pressure me while kinda calling me a liar when I was busy, feels extremely opportunistic and irrational and also some weird attempt of focus change from the thread
I think you need to reread what happened around that and stop listening to KoD. No one ever said number's suggestion was bad or argued against it. I think the plan itself is good, but someone proposing a good plan is NAI. The only reason I've heard someone give to suggest numbers is town is because they proposed that plan, which I personally think is a bad reason to townread someone.

One of the issues with Number's proposal though is that it is unclear if they actually considered the benefits of the proposal to town. Instead of talking about how the hider plan could probably clear people/out mafia, they talked about how it would generate discussion. This isn't horrible persay, but it is at best a townie not thinking a plan through (granted still proposing a good plan, but for the wrong reasons), or at worst a scum who did not do a good job of emulating a townie mindset when considering the plan. Numbers doubled-down on this, that the plan is best to generate discussion, not for clears which I personally thought was weird, but I don't know how to read into it alignment-wise. This point was a minor one and I think their first post would be wolfy even without this consideration, but DW seemed to latch onto this reason more than the others I gave, which again I'm not sure how to interpret this alignment-wise for DW.
Dec 13, 2019
That's why I mentioned she probably forgot about the game again. That is what she said last game.

That said, that one particular game is not a deep dive on Rag's town game play.
Dec 13, 2019
And I did say that I don't mind seeing Rag live till D2 when we see what Rag will do if anything; however, even you can't deny that an absent Rag going into D2 isn't a good look. Can you?


Staff member
One of the issues with Number's proposal though is that it is unclear if they actually considered the benefits of the proposal to town. Instead of talking about how the hider plan could probably clear people/out mafia, they talked about how it would generate discussion. This isn't horrible persay, but it is at best a townie not thinking a plan through (granted still proposing a good plan, but for the wrong reasons), or at worst a scum who did not do a good job of emulating a townie mindset when considering the plan. Numbers doubled-down on this, that the plan is best to generate discussion, not for clears which I personally thought was weird, but I don't know how to read into it alignment-wise. This point was a minor one and I think their first post would be wolfy even without this consideration, but DW seemed to latch onto this reason more than the others I gave, which again I'm not sure how to interpret this alignment-wise for DW.
It can be both to be fair. While it's weird that they didn't realize how strong it was mechanically, I think this was actually caused as a form of antagonism due to you and Dawning hounding him over something that he isn't even wrong about?

And while it comes off as somewhat natural from you, it comes off as weird from Dawning who just kinda sheeped?
Jul 7, 2021
you used his plan to justify your gut scumlean on him though?
if it was good why did it act as a support to an opposite read? and on top of it, why did Dawning simply agree with it instead of raising an eyebrow? it comes out as off to me
No, I didn't. I pointed out that proposing the plan was NAI to refute DW's claim that numbers was towny for proposing the plan. This part did not factor into my scumlean, it just didn't count against it either.

My argument was essentially:

1. I don't agree with people's townlean, I think that part was NAI.

2. I think this post is wolfy due to stuff (mostly) unrelated to the NAI stuff mentioned in 1.

1. was NOT the basis for my scumlean. 2. was. 1. was only there to address what I saw as a misplaced townlean by DW (which seemed to resonate with DW - I think they originally conflated the idea with the person proposing the idea, and when I pointed that out, they stopped conflating the two, leading to the 180).
also not a fan of him trying to pressure me while kinda calling me a liar when I was busy, feels extremely opportunistic and irrational and also some weird attempt of focus change from the thread
I wasn't trying to say you weren't busy, or change the focus of the thread or anything. But you were posting on and off, so I figured you had a little bit of time to give some rough thoughts or something.

his 180° on number's suggestion felt weird, I would've expected him to kinda measure out the pros and cons of his suggestion before kinda just sheeping you and conceding you this point so easily
I never said I changed my mind and thought we shouldn't hypoclaim, I still think its a good plan. But good plan =/= comes from town. I agreed with Seanzie's points against the player.
Also what did I say about unrealistic expectations in literally the last post I made? Everyone who's ever tried to act like I'm a skilled player has ended up scumreading me for it either out of malicious intent to mislynch or genuinely simply because the sad truth is I ****ing suck at this game and probably always will.

Why not a natural overlook? It was fairly early on after all and it's not like he wasn't expecting people to discuss how to improve his suggestion, right?
That feels like something I should not need to explain. The primary point of a mechanical townclearing/scumcatching strategy is to mechanically catch scum and clear town. If you're town suggesting it with a primary goal of something else then. Are you even paying attention to what your suggesting?


Staff member
That feels like something I should not need to explain. The primary point of a mechanical townclearing/scumcatching strategy is to mechanically catch scum and clear town. If you're town suggesting it with a primary goal of something else then. Are you even paying attention to what your suggesting?
the strategy also generates discussion to some degree, if he came up with that strategy with the discussion aspect in mind I think it's fairly easy to miss other points of it

I have prolly been in that place a few times myself where I suggest something with a plan in mind without even realizing it can be used or tweaked into something better, so I don't really find it weird

the weird part is him still focusing on the discussion aspect after the mechanical clearing was brought up but I think that's just him standing his ground?

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