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Game Thread Diamond is Unbreakable Mafia Game Thread

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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Two potential thoughts for me, but I think we all really need to talk things through.

First thought, @Doc He only made one RVS post, and his last post Day 1 was just a ninja vote. I really want to hear more from him today, he is definitely on my radar. We just can't have silence today.

I'm also still salty about @Morbid Minish just leaving her vote on me and not unvoting, it felt really off to me, like a lazy thing to do, I expressed this yesterday and I'm staying firm on it. I also want to hear more from her today.

I got a good feeling about Funnier, same thing with Deku.

If we have a Cop, and the cop has any worthwhile info, it might not be s bad idea to come forward, otherwise we could easily lose.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Already? RIP
I could see reason for Doc's vote, i.e. securing the lynch, but he didn't use any points I would consider worthy of hammering. And even then he didn't seem strong enough on the vote to warrant a hammer either. He just wanted the day over, which is super weird to me, especially with how close EoD was already. Hes probably who I'd go for.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
To better explain my vote on Storma and hammering his lynch, I saw just coming in and saying that I'd vote Storma without voting would look like I was trying to allow his lynch without actually contributing to it. It was end of day, there were only a few hours left, and I didn't see much of a chance that a new bus would emerge, or that I would even get much reactions to saying I'd vote for Storma. As I saw it, there was no harm in ending the day a little bit early and hammering.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
If I had to go with one solid town lean right now I'd go with funnier. Just really getting his town vibe this game, and it could bite me in the ass, but I feel the most confident trying to read him out of everyone left.

Of the other three, it's hard to say because I can see cases for all three. I went back and read through day 1 and some things stood out to me.

I feel like at this point anyone who wants to vote for me or Storma should. We're tied and on the last irl day, kinda sucks to leave it up to chance.

Deku was kinda pushing to end the day quickly. What I find interesting is him saying it sucks to leave it up to chance. I feel like as town, you would try to defend yourself more. But this seems more like it could be "geez guys, it would be kinda unfair if I got lynched as scum just on chance". Especially as it felt like more people were leaning Storma instead of him, so he might have wanted the subtle push towards Storma.

Personally I'd rather keep Deku around over Storma just because Deku is being more active, he also broke us out of the RVS stage.

Since the day is nearing a close and nobody is really doing anything, I'll go ahead and put the nail on Storma and see where things go. Better than doing nothing.

Vote: Storma

Anyway, as for Minish keeping her RVS vote on me, it feels like a sort of safe Day 1 move and feels scummy, she accused me of always giving off a scummy vibe, it turns out typically I just find her scummy too. I'd probably be voting her today because she won't move her vote off me.

This post feels like a lot of CWAC. Voting Storma, just so he's not doing nothing. And it was more, "I don't want to vote deku so I'll go with the crowd".

Also saying he would probably be voting me because I won't move my vote off of him. That's not very good reasoning. I explained why I was keeping my vote on him and why I found him scummy. Can I not just vote someone seriously even though I rvs voted them? I was fine with him or storms and presented my case. I didn't want to change my vote because I wanted to give others the chance to chime in before eod. It just so happened I went to sleep after that and the day ended before I woke up.

He also said in his post today that he was salty about me leaving my vote on him, which is a weird thing to say. I had legit reason to suspect him and he wasn't in danger because I was the only one that voted him. So why so bothered by one vote?

To better explain my vote on Storma and hammering his lynch, I saw just coming in and saying that I'd vote Storma without voting would look like I was trying to allow his lynch without actually contributing to it. It was end of day, there were only a few hours left, and I didn't see much of a chance that a new bus would emerge, or that I would even get much reactions to saying I'd vote for Storma. As I saw it, there was no harm in ending the day a little bit early and hammering.

Any thoughts on who you suspect/would vote today?

I get the suspicion on Doc, and can definitely see scum just doing an easy hammer on a townie to end the day. Especially after he hadn't said really anything else all day and again, could be seen as just going with the consensus. Though I could also see town Doc doing the same thing. It felt like the day wasn't really going in another direction and if he wanted to make his thoughts known before eod that wasn't exactly a bad way to do so.

So I guess what I'm saying is that my thoughts on Deku have changed from day one.

And he and SMS are my two suspicions. I could see them being scumbuds. Especially with how SMS seemed to defend deku after dekus "people should place their vote on either me or storma to get the day over with" post. And they're both trying to push the same reasoning for Doc today.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Kay so here’s the deal. I’m the cop (and for some reason not dead) and I checked out Doc who unfortunately is town. So that means the scum are in Deku/Minish/SMS and boy do I not want to choose.

Tbh I really want to believe you Minish (as always) but my paranoia is telling me it’s a trap so idk what to do. Especially since if you’re town you’re absolutely right on your suspicions but if you’re scum you might be bussing and ugh.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
This post feels like a lot of CWAC. Voting Storma, just so he's not doing nothing. And it was more, "I don't want to vote deku so I'll go with the crowd".
It was a hell of a lot more than you did. Yesterday you were ok with a Storma lynch. You said you liked Deku's activity, but you didn't do anything when changing your vote could have really mattered. The votes were tied, and you were just like, meh. The act of joining one of the wagons was actually a contribution yesterday to get anything at all going. But keeping an RVS vote is something that wouldn't mattered, and I saw it as a lazy move. Your reasoning for staying on me was just "I always feel like he is scummy". So accuse me of CWAC, you didn't actually contribute at all, when you could have.

I want to believe Funnier's claim with face value, but there is always a chance someone could be fakeclaiming. If nobody counter claims, than we're good.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Kay so here’s the deal. I’m the cop (and for some reason not dead) and I checked out Doc who unfortunately is town. So that means the scum are in Deku/Minish/SMS and boy do I not want to choose.

Tbh I really want to believe you Minish (as always) but my paranoia is telling me it’s a trap so idk what to do. Especially since if you’re town you’re absolutely right on your suspicions but if you’re scum you might be bussing and ugh.

Well since you and @Doc are the only confirmed now, why don't you both give who you most suspect out of the three of us?

Like I said, I feel like Deku and SMS could be scumbuds and your claim and invest on Doc just solidifies that for me now.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Well since you and @Doc are the only confirmed now, why don't you both give who you most suspect out of the three of us?

Like I said, I feel like Deku and SMS could be scumbuds and your claim and invest on Doc just solidifies that for me now.
Because there’s not enough information. Normally it’s a “This is so easy, Deku and sms for sure” kinda thing, but I don’t want to rush into anything. Though tbh I don’t like any of sms’s posts today and would probably put it all on him if I had to. But I also want to kill Deku. But maybe I should really want to kill you. It’s just crazy having to make this decision on day two. I’m probably gonna throw a vote later and pray just so I don’t drag out the anxiety.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
It was a hell of a lot more than you did. Yesterday you were ok with a Storma lynch. You said you liked Deku's activity, but you didn't do anything when changing your vote could have really mattered. The votes were tied, and you were just like, meh. The act of joining one of the wagons was actually a contribution yesterday to get anything at all going. But keeping an RVS vote is something that wouldn't mattered, and I saw it as a lazy move. Your reasoning for staying on me was just "I always feel like he is scummy". So accuse me of CWAC, you didn't actually contribute at all, when you could have.

I want to believe Funnier's claim with face value, but there is always a chance someone could be fakeclaiming. If nobody counter claims, than we're good.

It wasn't just an 'I always feel like he's scummy' vote. I said in my suspicion of you then that I felt like you were saying a lot without actually contributing much of anything and that's a scum move. I actually gave my opinions on people and why I thought they were/weren't scum. Yeah, I could have placed my vote on Storma but I was torn between you and him. And I figured keeping you as a wagon instead of just piling onto another could gage others thoughts on you if they agreed with what I was saying. I don't feel like it was a lazy move. It was more of a risk to see if we could have some opposing wagons to potentially show the mafias hand. Instead of just the safe option of Storma. Just having everyone pile onto him doesn't really give us anything. And I wasn't going to vote Deku at the time as I didn't suspect him then, so I went with my other suspicion.

Because there’s not enough information. Normally it’s a “This is so easy, Deku and sms for sure” kinda thing, but I don’t want to rush into anything. Though tbh I don’t like any of sms’s posts today and would probably put it all on him if I had to. But I also want to kill Deku. But maybe I should really want to kill you. It’s just crazy having to make this decision on day two. I’m probably gonna throw a vote later and pray just so I don’t drag out the anxiety.

Can you at least wait for Doc's opinion before you throw a vote out? Lol
At least then we'll have a better consensus.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Thank god I didn’t screw town with bad play! (yet)

Narrowing it down to SMS, Minish, and Deku is great. We have a 2/3 chance of hitting scum. This also means that whoever the last townie is knows factually who the last scum are. The way I see it, there's no point for the remaining town to place a vote. Mafia aren't going to maj themselves and me and funnier should refrain.

I know mafia aren't going to just let the townie vote and will join in themselves, but seeing how everyone votes could be useful.

That said, I'm leaning towards a Deku and SMS team. Deku and Minish is also plausible, because I don't see SMS and Minish being on the same side here.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Deku was kinda pushing to end the day quickly. What I find interesting is him saying it sucks to leave it up to chance. I feel like as town, you would try to defend yourself more. But this seems more like it could be "geez guys, it would be kinda unfair if I got lynched as scum just on chance". Especially as it felt like more people were leaning Storma instead of him, so he might have wanted the subtle push towards Storma.
I was not pushing for the day to end quickly. I was pushing for the tie to get broken. Adding one more vote onto Storma or me would not have ended the day.
Anyways, since everyone has posted since funnier's claim and nobody has countered, I'm willing to trust him. Don't forget though that Doc could still be Godfather.
That said, for the sake of the day, I'll look at SMS and Minish. I may have to lean on the side of SMS, since his Minish thing seems pretty OMGUSy, but it isn't a strong focus
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