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Game Thread Diamond is Unbreakable Mafia Game Thread

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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Well, leaving RVS...
Vote: Storma

First person to join a wagon. In a game of this size, your RVS vote put me at half maj. Even if it were someone else I'd call you the best I have so far


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Well, leaving RVS...
Vote: Storma

First person to join a wagon. In a game of this size, your RVS vote put me at half maj. Even if it were someone else I'd call you the best I have so far
Lamest reason for suspecting storma ever 0/10 but I appreciate that you do have some sense of self preservation. Though if it is self preservation it’s interesting you didn’t try for someone who already has a vote and instead go for mislynch bait. Also interesting that you would put yourself in a position to be maj’d if you were actually worried about that. Sorry just doing a system check-up on my ability to logic.

Side note: is maj even a thing? @LittleGumball


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Yeah i put myself there. But I know that nobody would actually maj on day one. At least not in this game. Its less about approaching maj and more how much small wagons mean in a game of this size. Hes the only one (outside me of course) to join a wagon, and as pointed out, even a "wagon" of 2 is quite relevant in this game.
I didnt go for anyone else because in a game this small with so few posts thats all I could think of to go off of.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I guess you mean in this game? Yeah, and since it's a small game it'd be even easier to reach maj.


Unvote: Doc
‘Scuse me but how the heck would you know if LG has maj on in this game? I don’t see a thing about it in the rules.

Btw why not put that vote somewhere else where you can get something going.
Yeah i put myself there. But I know that nobody would actually maj on day one. At least not in this game. Its less about approaching maj and more how much small wagons mean in a game of this size. Hes the only one (outside me of course) to join a wagon, and as pointed out, even a "wagon" of 2 is quite relevant in this game.
I didnt go for anyone else because in a game this small with so few posts thats all I could think of to go off of.
Normally that would be true, but since it would only take four then it’s painfully easy to forget and accidentally maj.

Also a problem is that you don’t seem even slightly inclined to believe that storma is a good lynch by your own reasoning that could be used to make a case for anyone in the game.

Also I know I’m doing that thing where I sound super irritated so just bear with me and remember mafia makes me crazy.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
‘Scuse me but how the heck would you know if LG has maj on in this game? I don’t see a thing about it in the rules.

The rules of this game are as follows:
-General mafia rules apply. Mechanics work normally, don't be an asshole, etc.

General mafia rules apply, so I'd assume majority voting is a thing.

Btw why not put that vote somewhere else where you can get something going.
I'd be throwing out a random vote using the same logic as Deku then, basically all like "Idk if this person is a good lynch, but I'm voting them!" Isn't that the same logic you are getting onto Deku about? Plus, considering you haven't unvoted him, I'm assuming you think he's being scummy?

Talk with me Funnier!


Jun 7, 2017
the present
General mafia rules apply, so I'd assume majority voting is a thing.
Well you know what happens when you assume. :P
I'd be throwing out a random vote using the same logic as Deku then, basically all like "Idk if this person is a good lynch, but I'm voting them!" Isn't that the same logic you are getting onto Deku about? Plus, considering you haven't unvoted him, I'm assuming you think he's being scummy?
It’s only random if you make it random. Don’t you know my playstyle at all? Voting is the only way you can get anything done, no matter if your reason makes zero sense or is blatantly untrue, all the better to get reactions from the other players. Assuming you were aware that it was nonsense and purposely set it up for reactions anyway. Voting for pressure is nice too but unlikely in this kind of game where not posting gets you mod killed. I’m voting Deku for reasons originally stated. I find him scummy 99% of the time so I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t suspect him any more than anybody else but I do find his reasoning and logic lacking for town in his position. Thing is that’s as typical for town Deku as scum. I normally would’ve voted someone for a semi real reason by now but it’s new year’s and I’ve been a bit busy. Luckily Deku did something so we got to talk about that instead of me.
Talk with me Funnier!
Wish granted! Only got two more.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
Side note: is maj even a thing? @LittleGumball
yea i'm just a dumbass and forgot to put that info in the vote count. also SMS is right, basic mafia rules apply, i just typed that out because 1. i saw minish do it in 70s show mafia and i liked it, 2. i am a big lazy

Vote count

Dekunut (2) - funnier6, stormageden
SMS (1) - Minish
stormageden (1) - dekunut

Not voting: doc, herooftime, SMS

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch.

Day 1 ends on Thursday, January 3 at 11:00pm MST


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Holy shoot I've been busy. Anyhoo, until further info is presented,

Vote: Storma

Every game I've played with him so far he's been quiet. If Imma lynch someone I'm not sure about, I may as well start with the ones who aren't chatty enough to be helpful. No offense bro...


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Holy shoot I've been busy. Anyhoo, until further info is presented,

Vote: Storma

Every game I've played with him so far he's been quiet. If Imma lynch someone I'm not sure about, I may as well start with the ones who aren't chatty enough to be helpful. No offense bro...
Literally everyone is quiet.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Normally that would be true, but since it would only take four then it’s painfully easy to forget and accidentally maj.
Thats fair. I guess I just trust people a little too much :P
Also a problem is that you don’t seem even slightly inclined to believe that storma is a good lynch by your own reasoning that could be used to make a case for anyone in the game.
I never said I didn't think he was a good lynch. If I vote him seriously and dont say I think hes a bad candidate, that would therefore imply that I consider him a good candidate. And that reasoning couldn't be made for just anyone because afair he's the only one to join an RVS wagon and ads votes to it.

Also I know I’m doing that thing where I sound super irritated so just bear with me and remember mafia makes me crazy.
Eh no hard feelings man.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
It's been so long since a mafia game that I almost forgot I was in one right now.

I wanna say that funnier seems like town funnier, but seeing his last two scumplays makes me a little more hesitant when reading him now.

But he started out pretty aggressively and annoyed, so I'm inclined to not want to lynch him for the time being.

Going with the other person who has been the most active, Deku, I'm never really sure how to read him. But he seems like he's trying to get the game going and at least doing something. And I don't necessarily disagree with his vote to get things started. Voting himself, then switching to Storma for him being the first to start a wagon doesn't feel like much of a scum move to me. But then again, it's Deku who isn't exactly the most conventional scum player. Haha.

Tbh, I'd be fine with a Storma lynch. He's typically quiet as scum (and town), and with a game this small we cant really let things like that slide until we finally decide to lynch him for not participating much. With day 1 lynches being fairly random, it's best to use that logic now because either we get lucky and hit scum or we just eliminate a potential distraction later on.

SMS is another potential lynch I think I'd be okay with. Though I seem to always find him scummy, so my reasoning isn't super solid. I just feel like he's been saying a bit without doing much of anything.

I don't want to put Storma 1 away from maj, so I'm not gonna place a vote on him right now. But I'll keep my vote on SMS since he's my second option and he's not close to maj.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
It's been so long since a mafia game that I almost forgot I was in one right now.
Yayy a Minish post.
I wanna say that funnier seems like town funnier, but seeing his last two scumplays makes me a little more hesitant when reading him now.

But he started out pretty aggressively and annoyed, so I'm inclined to not want to lynch him for the time being.

I don’t even remember my last two scum games tbh.
Tbh, I'd be fine with a Storma lynch. He's typically quiet as scum (and town), and with a game this small we cant really let things like that slide until we finally decide to lynch him for not participating much. With day 1 lynches being fairly random, it's best to use that logic now because either we get lucky and hit scum or we just eliminate a potential distraction later on.

SMS is another potential lynch I think I'd be okay with. Though I seem to always find him scummy, so my reasoning isn't super solid. I just feel like he's been saying a bit without doing much of anything.
I just sort of realized that the day ends today and I still have an eight hour shift to do so I should probably be taking who to lynch more seriously.

I’m naturally opposed to lynching storma for the usual reasons. Which is that if he’s town, he was mislynch bait, but if he’s scum, we still don’t know anything about anybody else. I still feel sort of inclined to Deku tbh but that’s probably bias. (Sorry Deku!)

I have zero clue on sms but I just took five seconds to reread his posts and I see what you mean. I know Doc is all anti day one thoughts but I don’t like not hearing anything from him. @Doc say somethin pal. I don’t think we should ignore Hero either. I feel like I can sense when he’s posting super self consciously and I’m kind of getting that vibe. I just hate having to lynch with so little to go on but not lynching would be much worse. I should be back before end of day so hopefully there’ll be some posts to look at by then.
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