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Breath of the Wild Create your own Divine Beast

Spider. :eek:

Have it move pretty quickly as we're inside, seeing those gigantic, rapid legs moving outside the dungeon would be way rad.

Call it Vah Skultulus or something.

Naming it after a Skulltulla is a cool idea :)

Sep 21, 2014
A Divine Beast that's just a massive Ordon Goat. Stick it in Faron. Move on.
Heh... maybe Goht was a prototype Divine Beast?

(Wait... I meant that as a joke but that's actually sort of a cool idea...)

ANYWAY I dunno, I think I'm gonna go with a non-traditional animal and make a giant Mole. That way it can burrow and create massive networks of tunnels to help transport troops and goods, or evade enemy forces. Also BIG OL' CLAWS.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'd have a giant penguin in the Hebra area near the water. The shift that you can do in the dungeon is going under water which damages you but allows you to reach different areas. It could have various levels of submersion like the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time.

Lake Hylia could have a Loch Ness monster type Divine Beast that has water flows that shift directions depending on the direction it swims.

Faron could have a monkey that hangs on a tree either right side up or upside down.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
Name: Vah Kamar
Champion: the Korok King, Herb
Animal: Buck
Location: Lost Woods
Facts: Is actually really small compared to the others (about the size of an ACTUAL deer), and you need the Magic of the Ancient Minish to enter
Boss: Jungleblight Ganon
Champion Ability: Herb’s Cloak (you can become invisible except for trace amounts of leaves, much like a Korok)
Item: Super Leaf (an unbreakable Korok Keaf)
Jan 5, 2023
BotW only has four Divine Beasts, DLC will potentially add a fifth, but for now which Divine Beast would you like to see as a fifth in BotW?

We have;
Naboris - camel (and hilarious)
Rutah - an elephant
Rudania - salamander
Medoh - bird

I still think theyre odd choices to fight Ganon with but...

So which animal would you make your Divine Beast and would you have a region in mind?
Skunk divine beast. it has a poisonblight ganon and to get in you must dodge survive and weave throughtoxic bubbles. stick near the lost woods. gives link a toxic cloud spell. basically chooses an are that makes a big poison are that stuns things like lynels moblins basically anything made with flesh

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