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  • Ever make hearty salmon in the end?
    Hopefully I'll be making it tonight. All week was a weird succession of things stopping me from getting the Salmon, and last night my stomach was feeling a bit off so I didn't want to risk making a new dish.
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    Reactions: Dio
    Also, it's um.... hypothetically possible that I uh.... tried to reply without my glasses on and uh... accidentally reported you instead. And I mean... uh.... if that had happened, HYPOTHETICALLY UH.... how might I undo that?
    I expect it wont matter. They will see the report and realise there is no rule broken.
    Were you hoping to be on the podcast? We're always looking for new people if you're interested :)

    Add me on Discord at Tristan#0425 and I'll send you a link to join our podcast server!
    Yes I am. I've been talking with Pendio. I will do this when I get home.
    I haven't seen you inawhile
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    I think we'll find out everything this upcoming E3.
    WE DAMN WELL BETTER!!! They've been too silent for far too long. They do want people to remember that Zelda exists, right!? The longer they take, the more impossible it will be for the game to live up to the hype.
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    I'm pretty sure they'll do a big reveal at E3.
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