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Game Thread Bloodborne Mafia: A Paleblood Hunt

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What I have to say...? Well............................................................................................................................................................. PENAT BUDDR


Oh no 13 hours left?

Well I've looked back and found that ALIT's reason for voting on someone are weak. First it was LGumball, he voted for her due to a 'slip up'
I did find it strange that LG said she has a responsibility to her faction. Was that a scum slip?


Vote: LittleGumball

Honestly, I feel the other reasons for voting her are overblown, but this is a potential slip that I think can be followed.
This could be seen as town and mafia, we all have our part to play whether town or scum. Everyone else says that she's an experienced player and based on the interrogation she gave I believe she wouldn't of made such a slip up. There were other reasons to vote for her but you refered to them as over blown, care to explain please?

Secondly, your vote on Pendio. Yes he noted how some posts were suspicious but then again another vote on LGumball would of attracted action to him. Bandwagoning is very suspicious in itself especially if one is part of that bandwagon.

I find ALIT's reasons for voting for LGumball and Pendio can't be followed, at least not easily.

Also, Kris! You haven't even been active in the game. Care to explain why? And then who do you cast your suspicion upon? I'd also like to know what @DekuNut and @Jamie think on the recent activities.

Deleted member 14134

I don't have anyone I want to lynch, not yet at least. But since you are the most active right now I have a read on you: town lead.

Then in your next post you voted for LG anyways. You went rather quickly from saying LG was town to wanting to vote her out because she wanted to vote for you. Just the way you did this so quickly looks rather defensive.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Anyhow, like I said before, LG's statement stood out to me the most on Day 1. No one else caught my attention. Also, why would I attract so much attention to myself as scum by hammering the vote on LG? Such an action would be counterproductive to my wincon as scum. You mention my vote for LG as tipping the lynch in her favor and others not being able to tie the wagons up. Who would I have been trying to save by lynching LG?
Then why didn't you mention it after she said it? You had made two other posts in between the time she supposedly slipped up and the time you mentioned it. Why not mention it in your initial post, in which you said the suspicion against her was overblown? You calling out a possible slip-up out of the blue like that is weird. You had even quoted the post in which she said it before, and still made no mention of it. It really does look like you were fishing. LG is a good experienced player, it totally makes sense for scum to want to oust her Day 1. There was an opportunity there for sure.
It bothers me that he threw suspicion at someone several posts in a row and then stuck to a random vote. You also stuck to your random vote, but I felt there was more townie reasoning like saying you would break the vote tie so early on in the day instead of waiting to do so at the end of the day. His behavior doesn't exclude him being scum, especially if Libk is also town. It could have just been a way to look involved.
Pendio did explain himself, and said that he didn't find anybody overly suspicious, not even LG. I don't really see anything scummy about that. Sure, I like it when people remove their RVS votes after the game picks up, but I don't really see him keeping it on as overly suspicious, especially since he did explain it.
What I have to say...? Well............................................................................................................................................................. PENAT BUDDR
Do you have anything serious to contribute regarding the current goings-on of the game?


Then in your next post you voted for LG anyways. You went rather quickly from saying LG was town to wanting to vote her out because she wanted to vote for you. Just the way you did this so quickly looks rather defensive.
Yes, at the time I made that post I had a town read for her. Then this happened:
it's a tie until i break the tie like i said i'm going 2

tell u what how about we both vote for karu and also convince someone else to vote for her too
To me it really stuck out the way she just blantly said "you vote for her, I vote and we convince someone else to vote for her too". It just seemed scummy to me because scum try to do that, convince others to vote for a townie or 3rd party role to protect themselves. Just scum do it privetly where the town can't see.

And I chose specifically DekuNut cause he voted for me, I'd like to hear what he says and I chose Jamie for no particular reason, I like the way he aggressively plays/responseds/posts

Deleted member 14134

I like his reasoning for keeping his eye on Jamie, even if the reasoning may be thin in light of Jamie's most recent post. I feel like scum would try to avoid confrontations with Jamie knowing how skilled he is as a townie.
Maybe I'm grasping at straws here but it bothers me abit that you only asked Jamie when there's other inactive experienced players as well especially since Jamie hasn't been that aggressive this game. Idk it almost feels to me that you're bringing Jamie into this because it might make you look more townish after ALIT said that but like I said, this feels weak right now.

Deleted member 14134

My next two would be Deku and Karu, Deku is always hard to read though and my suspicion on Karu isn't that strong as it's based mostly on the post LG quoted.

Any other thoughts on Karu since you posted this. It looks like you're gunning for ALIT right now but I'm split between both. I feel like his reasoning was thin and I'm not quite convinced about her yet.

Deleted member 14134

Back to Jamie, since it's not day one anymore he has been part of some discussion but seems to have flown under the radar this game. I want to hear his opinion on this before the day ends.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Any other thoughts on Karu since you posted this. It looks like you're gunning for ALIT right now but I'm split between both. I feel like his reasoning was thin and I'm not quite convinced about her yet.
Not really, she hasn't climbed any higher or lower on the ladder just yet. I think I'd be ok with her lynch if it went that way, so if you preferred to roll that way I certainly wouldn't make an argument to stop it. I wouldn't be surprised if either her or Alit turned up scum, but at the same time, I wouldn't be too surprised if they turned up town too. The evidence isn't extremely strong for either of them, but in a relatively quiet game in which little has happened, this somewhat weak evidence is the best we have.

So ya, to answer your question, I wouldn't say my thoughts have changed any. I feel roughly the same as I did before.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
What I have to say...? Well............................................................................................................................................................. PENAT BUDDR
This post makes me extremely uncomfortable. Why just this?

Deleted member 14134

Vote: Karu
I'll see you guys in the morning before the lynch.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
This post makes me extremely uncomfortable. Why just this?
I'm with Libk here. This really pisses me off that Kris isn't even trying to play.

Except, I doubt he's scum from this. So I don't know what to make of it.

The bickering is starting to feel like town v town right now. I have a strong town read on Bok and feel comfortable about karu being townie as well.

Tristan is neutral for me, if I had to pick anyone as scum I'd pick ALIT. After saying that LG, a highly experienced player, made such a massive slip up, I find it curious that he's defending himself with "oh why would I do x??" I'm going to
vote: alit

I'll be on in the morning to discuss this more and possibly change my decision.
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