Well if he speaks truth, then Celeboy is a townie. However at this point there is no way to be 100% certain, and I don't feel safe enough to trust anyone quite yet. The only person who I am not worried about is zelda_8.
Well, rule No 1 is don't trust anyone, but If you don't trust me, then the townies will loose another person...
Anyway, I have said before (i think) that I don't really have time to read through every post and come up with accusations, but the one I have made was a bit feeble... I~ just need more leads and I want to find something someone hasn't already said! Also, doesn't this show that I haven't a clue who is and isn't Mafia? If I was Mafia, then I would have known.
In my opinion, Pocket Asian is acting odd, I'm not sure if that is how he always plays, but he is kind of refusing to answer MikauIncarnate's Question:
Like I said, he might always do this, but to me it looks like he's hiding something...
I've been playing like this since Mafia Round 4
Well, I have only started on this one, so sorry for a wrong accusation.