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Beginner's Mafia 2 - Windfall Island

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Apr 10, 2010
Vote: zelda_8

I shouldn't have swithed my vote before because scum she is...my gut tells me and I'm not sure how right you guys are about raindrop... I'll try to post more but iPhones are slow...

What? zelda_8 is probably the most likeliest to be townie out of everyone right now. Why would you vote for her just based on a feeling?

Probably survivor

When someone flips town rereading their posts could be helpful

On Day 2 he didn't know who to lynch so he probably investigated a townie night 1

zelda_8 was the only person he defended so there is a chance that he investigated her and found her townie.

This post by green goron doesn't say much, it's just repeating what has been said multiple times already by different people. Looking back, a LOT of green goron's posts have been like this.
This is a perfect example of a fluff post (or whatever they call it)

I'm going to put my vote in now, because I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post again until the end of the day. I'm in the midst of midterms. But I'll try to keep an eye on the thread.

Vote: green goron
IGMEOY: Meego7, Raindrop14
Dec 11, 2009
Celeboy said:
In my opinion, Pocket Asian is acting odd, I'm not sure if that is how he always plays, but he is kind of refusing to answer MikauIncarnate's Question:
Like I said, he might always do this, but to me it looks like he's hiding something...
I've been playing like this since Mafia Round 4 :rolleyes:


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Vote: MikauIncarnate

He keeps flip flopping his opinions around so that he doesn't upset anyone or bring too much attention to himself, but is still trying to stand his ground so he doesn't look like a limp fish when someone pressures him.

I don't really see anything suspicious about anything I've posted thus far, but I assume you're talking about these two posts?

Now that I'm here, I agree with jedizora that Zelda8 is innocent. The overanalysis post in question from last game seems a lot more centered on specific people, whereas the one in this game is mainly pointing out things about everybody. That's just my take anyway.

Thanks for that. To clarify what I meant: I don't necessarily think that Zelda_8 is innocent, but, based on the evidence that has been brought against her, I don't think there's anything to prove that she's mafia. (Well there goes my whole 'no person is mafia twice in a row' theory.)

The first post was made on day 2, the first time I showed up. At which time I had the theory of "no one will be Mafia twice in a row." Now that I know that has happened in the past, so I can't rely on that theory, I'm more of a neutral stance towards Zelda_8, as seen in post 2. Like I said, there's no evidence that could prove her as Mafia. Since then, I haven't changed my opinions at all, so I'm not sure you could justify saying "he keeps flip flopping his opinions." I don't understand why I was upsetting anyone in the first place anyway, so I don't understand why I could be called out as changing because of that.


Call Me Robbi :D
May 31, 2010
Some where familiar
Well THP and Gonzo, the reason I quoted what THP said was mainly; She has been flipping her votes around, and if some one put some sort of evidence, and she was not sure what to say or if she keeps it, it would have brought eyes onto her. She did that with me. She voted, then when I bluntly stated a response onto her, she really didn't seem to know what to do in the act that I responded calmly than press on. So, what I infer from that is, One: She is poking at my side from the changes. She also did that with Toabe. She changed her vote with slim thoughts of what will the aftermath of them. sooo, Second off: She seemed to me that she is playing it safe and trying to vote or come off of what other people where suspicious of or voted for.

I will read her other post and see what she has posted recently and all.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Whoa, so many pages already? Ok... I don't have time to reply to everything I want to reply to, so I'll make a short and quick post.

Looking back at jedizora's posts, he mentioned on two occasions that he thinks zelda_8 was a townie, so it's possible that she was someone who he investigated on night 1:

I don't know if I should reply to this argument/discussion because it's about me and it'll be biased :P All I'll say is that I grabbed a lot of attention Day 1 so it is likely that the cop did choose me as a target, but he might have chosen someone else too.

And about MikauIncarnate, personally, I don't think what he posted is truly suspicious. I just find it as a shift in opinion. There were holes poked in his argument, his ground started to weaken, and he changed his mind with all the points that came up.

Yeah... that's what I got for now. There's not much going on, just things being repeated. I'll go through a few player's posts later on this day and see if I can catch something. Right now, I still find TheGreen the most suspicious.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
This was just an RVS because you haven't been posting much lately, I'll most likely change my vote later but I want to see more of your posts. If no one posts then you can't find scumtell in people, so (most likely) the quiet ones are going to be mafia because they don't want the town finding possible scumtell in their posts, or they just want to lay low.

Right now there should't be any RVS because we have enough knowledge to make a lynch on some evidence and this goes for everyone

What? zelda_8 is probably the most likeliest to be townie out of everyone right now. Why would you vote for her just based on a feeling?

This post by green goron doesn't say much, it's just repeating what has been said multiple times already by different people. Looking back, a LOT of green goron's posts have been like this.
This is a perfect example of a fluff post (or whatever they call it)

I'm going to put my vote in now, because I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post again until the end of the day. I'm in the midst of midterms. But I'll try to keep an eye on the thread.

Vote: green goron
IGMEOY: Meego7, Raindrop14

It's funny how you single out me when alot of other people have been repeating other people constanly. You also do the same

OK, there are a couple of possibilities I can think of based on the nightkill:

-There is only one person/group with the ability to nightkill (not likely, I've never seen a game set up like this)
-Roleblocker or doctor were involved so only one kill went through
-Mafia/SK/vigilante all targeted Draco (rare, but I've seen it happen before)
-Nightkillers were inactive and didn't make the deadline (Not likely because the night didn't last very long)
-People with nightkill abilities can only kill every other night

As for why Draco was targeted, I have no clue. He never explained his vote for green goron. It's possible he was killed so the killer can try to frame green goron.

Or, assuming it was the mafia killed Draco, they are inexperienced and went for a "safe" choice that won't draw any attention to them. Draco was the most inactive player and only had one post. (Other than Mikau who had 0 posts)

Here you state what might have happened during the night but several other people have said them already.

Vote: Raindrop14

THP brings up some good points about her. This especially draws a red flag to me:

This is a typical newbie scum reaction. She accused Elfen, then backed off quick when Elfen responded instead of pressing. I played the same way when I was scum in round 2, and tried to avoid confrontation as much as possible. I think she is the most suspicious at this point.

My vote for you was based on reasons I previously stated, and your reaction to my suspicion. This seems overly defensive:

Only reason I removed my vote is I'm more suspicious of someone else. But I'm still going to keep an eye on you.

Anyway, there are a few more hours left in the day, so everyone should get their votes in before the day ends. I have a feeling I won't survive the night, I've died on night 2 for the past 2 mafia games I played...

You vote for Raindrop because of what THP brings up and basically says the same thing tht THP said.

Why did you single me out when others have done it more including yourself?
I have a feeling I won't survive the night, I've died on night 2 for the past 2 mafia games I played...
Also congrats for making it past night 2:clap:


The tree hugger of Hyrule
You vote for Raindrop because of what THP brings up and basically says the same thing tht THP said.

Well, maybe it's because I'm brilliant:rolleyes: (kidding)

In my opinion, Pocket Asian is acting odd, I'm not sure if that is how he always plays, but he is kind of refusing to answer MikauIncarnate's Question

That's how Pockets plays. (some trollish comments, but has a serious post once in a while)

I'll post more later...
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
Celeboy - 2 (Raindrop14, DekuShroom)

Zelda_8 - 1 (Meego7)

Viral Maze - 1 (MikauIncarnate)

green goron - 1

MikauIncarnate - 1 (TheGreen)

Yet to vote: Pocket Asian, green goron, Zelda_8 TreeHuggerPanda, Elfen, Viral Maze, Gonzo, Celeboy

With 14 alive it takes 8 to majority lynch


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Can't quote on this fail of a computer. But @illmatic. Read people's posts. Back on some other page I stated other reasons as to why I placed a vote on zelda_8 and gut feeling was merely one of them, read my posts. Also, your reaction was useful. If zelda_8 is mafia then so are you.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Not many posts so far so I'll just defend myself...

zelda_8 is acting very similarly to how she did in the last game, and in that one she was mafia. She isn't listening/reading posts properly etc. As stated above by TheGreen. So from past posts and such...

IGMEOY: zelda_8, Elfen, Caeda.

I believe that you're talking about this post from TheGreen, right?

Here he votes no lynch to save himself when he was not much in danger at all. I've also mentioned this in my first post.

Then his second post after that, he changes his vote.

Do i not explain myself in these posts? The first I say it's just for protection, and when I'm no longer in danger I remove it. Basic logic.

Then more and more people start voting Toboe, and in his next post, he does the same.

I addressed this above, and green goron already mentioned it. Stop parroting.

If so, then here is my reply again.

First Quote Reply:

I don't think that you read my first post completely. You were hardly in any danger. That's what's suspicious ;)

Second Quote Reply:

:dry: Clearly you weren't even reading the post you are quoting. I was talking about you voting Toboe, not Caeda.

Okay. So we need to reach a majority, which is persuading me to vote for Caeda. But then again, I am more suspicious of zelda_8 because my gut says she's scum, also because of her posts (yes, they are similar to BM) my gut wants me to go with her also because she seems way more of a threat to the town than Caeda or Elfen. So...

Vote: zelda_8

Alright, obviously you can't figure out the differences. Oh well. I'll tell you 3 obvious ones.

- In the last game, all my posts (except 3 or 4 I think) were 100% full of accusations. This game, my posts have thoughts and include my opinions on situations. They are not all accusations.

- In the last game, as I said, my posts were only accusing people and stressing for a lynch. This game, I am defending people too who I think are not scum, which I don't remember doing last game.

- Last game, my accusations were all directed on one person, here it's directed at more than one person.

Basically, my posts last game were just accusing one person at a time. Now, this game you can easily tell it's not just accusing. The only similarity is that I am posting big posts. And that quote from BSR which PA pointed out was directed at me. I read that post and fully understood it. Why I am sill posting big posts, there is a reason for that. Did you ever read in between the lines and wonder why I am still posting big posts? That's what they teach you guys to do in school, right?


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Right now there should't be any RVS because we have enough knowledge to make a lynch on some evidence and this goes for everyone

When someone doesn't post a lot then you can't really tell if their mafia. We discussed that RVSing someone will let you see how they react under pressure, I RVSed because I haven't seen many posts from him/her so I wanted so see how he/she would react to my vote.


Call Me Robbi :D
May 31, 2010
Some where familiar
When someone doesn't post a lot then you can't really tell if their mafia. We discussed that RVSing someone will let you see how they react under pressure, I RVSed because I haven't seen many posts from him/her so I wanted so see how he/she would react to my vote.

But this is Day 3, we should clearly be past that, even if it was a RVS that would still bring something onto you if you don't provide logical evidence to why you voted

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Can't quote on this fail of a computer. But @illmatic. Read people's posts. Back on some other page I stated other reasons as to why I placed a vote on zelda_8 and gut feeling was merely one of them, read my posts. Also, your reaction was useful. If zelda_8 is mafia then so are you.

Meego... srsly?

Are you scum?

That was a day ago. That was also before I had holes poked through my theory. Now I'm more of a neutral stance towards her. Regarding the earlier "you said she was scum thing", that was just a typo.

Neutral stance, how? Like you're unsure of her alignment, or...?

Also, FoS:Celeboy
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