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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
You were town the night before the night before this was published at least, I don't know anything about after that to be fair.
So you’re saying he can be the Lizard else possibly.

I don’t think anyone can deny how interesting it is that he’s looking for lab assistants the same day that the Lizard was announced. Research on Curt Conners shows he was a scientist.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
So you’re saying he can be the Lizard else possibly.

I don’t think anyone can deny how interesting it is that he’s looking for lab assistants the same day that the Lizard was announced. Research on Curt Conners shows he was a scientist.
Could be. Could be Miles Warren (he was in the previous game and Zinger did give some their old roles intentionally).

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
So you’re saying he can be the Lizard else possibly.

I don’t think anyone can deny how interesting it is that he’s looking for lab assistants the same day that the Lizard was announced. Research on Curt Conners shows he was a scientist.
I'm not the one unwilling to wire transfer to reveal my identity. I would be fine wire transferring Rubik to prove I'm still Miles Warren. I just don't want to hire a supervillain which is why I'm being so cautious.
Jun 15, 2020
As Jonah's Robot squeezes tighter and tighter, it's clear that, despite all his powers, Spider-Man cannot defeat this thing. Barring some unforeseen interruption, this "Spider Slayer" could quite possibly squeeze the life out of him (or at least squeeze enough air out of him to have him pass out and unmask him before turning him over to the police). But fortunately for our titular hero, just such an interruption occurred in the form of two other super-powered dudes having a go at it.

An explosion rocks times square as a massive plume of sand rises above the city skyline. Screams can be heard even at this great distance. Spidey seizes his moment to escape by appealing not to the machine, but the man.

"Jonah, I know we have our differences, but if you don't let me go right now, people will die," he shouts, pointing in the direction of the chaos being caused by Sandman. "Even your newspaper printed a warning about how dangerous Sandman is. You may have your doubts about me, but you KNOW he's a killer! You have to let me go. I'm the only one who can fight him."

"But... I'm so close to beating you... If I just had a bit more time, I'd win... I can't let you go. I won't!"
The mad newsman's face says from beyond the monitor.

"Yes, Jonah, if you had more time you would win, but those people screaming don't have more time to give you. You get to decide right now if they live or die. My fate, and theirs, is in your hands. Are you a True American Hero, or aren't you?! You can't just let them die. Murdered by a super-powered madman, just like your son." Spidey knew these last words would hurt but he had to get through Jonah's thick skull. He just had to.

"My son..." Jonah's grip relaxes on the controls, and Spider-Man escapes the tendrils of the Mark I Spider Slayer.

Without a word the hero leaps to the air and goes swinging towards the action.

"This isn't over, Spider-Man!" Jonah screams after him, vowing he hasn't seen the last of the Spider Slayer.

Spidey doesn't pay him an ounce of thought as he races to get there in time...

...But he was too late. The Sandman had already beaten Silverfish to within an ounce of his life.


"Sandman! Let him go!" Spider-Man shouted from above.

The Sandman looks up, confused. "Spider-Man?! But I thought you were..." He releases the limp body of the person he thought was Spider-Man, but as it turns out, it was all smoke and mirrors, for he had actually beat up Mysterio, Master of Illusions!

Angry at being deceived, Sandman turns to face his true foe, but then takes a dozen bullets to the face, as the men and women of the NYPD opened fire now that his "hostage" was no longer in harm's way.

Sandman grits his sandy teeth and says "This isn't over, Spider-Man," before escaping by turning into a cloud of sand and floating away on the wind.

"Yeah, yeah, get in line," the hero whispers under his breath, exhausted. He lets Sandman escape in order to check if Mysterio is still alive, which, thankfully, he was. The cops take him into custody shortly after.


Day 8: Sensational Third (and Final) Vote Count

a.k.a. The "Part Where The Mod Second Guesses How Powerful He Made Sandman" Vote Count

Silverfish (11): Captan_Lunch, lain, Sandman (x9)
Spider-Man (8): HangryHangryHippo
lain (0): Rubik

Silverfish's Threshold has been reached and they've been Arrested. They are the master illusionist Quentin Beck, better known as Mysterio.

There are 15 available Standard Votes, so it takes 8 to reach a Majority. Silverfish is currently at M + 3.

Not Voting: Doc, Freddeh, KingofDominaria, Mint Elv, Princess Abigail, Ragnarokio, Silverfish, Skystone, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Storm, Tevish Szat, Turin, Vroendal... Oh, and also 3 members of the Fantastic Four.

The Stock Exchange has closed for the Day.


With 20 players in the Active Player pool, Night 8 will last for 52 hours. The deadline is set for November 11th, at 5 PM Eastern time.

Click here for an accurate countdown

  1. HangryHangryHippo votes Spider-Man
  2. HangryHangryHippo's vote was DOUBLED by the Mark I Spider Slayer
  3. HangryHangryHippo's vote was DOUBLED by the Mark I Spider Slayer, AGAIN! (Holy smokes, a compounding doubling effect! Bad news for our titular hero...)
  4. Rubik votes HangryHangryHippo
  5. Captan_Lunch votes Silverfish
  6. Rubik votes lain, to no effect
  7. lain votes Silverfish
  8. Sandman votes Silverfish 9 times [404: Error, vote link not found]
  9. HangryHangryHippo's vote was DOUBLED by the Mark I Spider Slayer, AGAIN! (Jesus, how many times can he do this?! Good thing Day ended early or Spider-Man would be toast.)
  10. Silverfish's Threshold was reached and was Arrested

Quick-Jump Links

<< Start of Day | < Last Vote Count | Game Status Post | Today's Daily Bugle | Next Vote Count > | End of Day >>
Last edited:


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018



IT IS NOW NIGHT 8. Night 8's Deadline is...

Click here for an accurate countdown



Currently CLOSED.

The Daily Bugle: Wilson Fisk
Fisk International: Wilson Fisk
OsCorp: Norman Osborn
Roxxon Energy Corporation: Norman Osborn


Storyline: TBA


Mod Note: Crossed-out player names represent previously held characters and do not count as being "a player in this pool" for the purposes of abilities and win conditions that care how many players are in a given pool.


  1. Captan_Lunch
  2. Doc (previously revealed as Aunt May Parker)
  3. dragonteacup
  4. Freddeh
  5. HangryHangryHippo
  6. Invisible Woman
  7. KingofDominaria
  8. lain
  9. LittleGumball
  10. Mint Elv
  11. Mister Fantastic
  12. Princess Abigail
  13. Ragnarokio
  14. Rubik
  15. Skystone
  16. Spiritual Mask Salesman
  17. Tevish Szat
  18. The Thing
  19. Turin
  20. Vroendal

  1. Princess Abigail was the Mafia-Aligned Burglar, who cannot be bailed out
  2. Andjalo is Doctor Octopus, who cannot be bailed out
  3. Storm is Electro, who cannot be bailed out
  4. Asfinyti is Jackson "Montana" Brice, who cannot be bailed out
  5. Asfinyti is Daniel "Fancy Dan" Brito, who cannot be bailed out
  6. Asfinyti is Raymond "The Ox" Bloch, who cannot be bailed out
  7. Silverfish is Mysterio, whose bail is pending start of Day 9...

  1. Tevish Szat was the Origin-Aligned Radioactive Spider
  2. Stability was Origin-Aligned Mac Gargan
  3. Morbid Minish was Town-Aligned Flash Thompson
  4. Killjoy262 was the Mafia-Aligned Crime-Master
  5. Paranoid King was Town-Aligned John J. Jameson III
  6. TheCapsFan was Origin-Aligned Adrian Toomes
  7. ExLight was Mafia-Aligned Joseph Hammerhead

  1. Aaarrrgh

  1. Hello World
  2. DuskyBlue

  1. Nobody. Want to join the game? Hit me up.

Replacement Continuity:
PARANOID KING replaced NEOSILK, ANDJALO replaced DARKSTAR, & LITTLEGUMBALL replaced THEATOG (who appears in thread as "deleted member 97076" cuz he ragequit the entire forum)


  1. Day 1 Start | Stan 1.1 | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Stan 1.2 | Second Vote Count | Third Vote Count | Stan 1.3 | End of Day
    1. Night 1 Start | Tevish (the Radioactive Spider) dies | End of Night
  2. Day 2 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Stan 2.1 | Second Vote Count | Stan 2.2 | Third Vote Count | Stan 2.3 | End of Day
    1. Night 2 Start | End of Night
  3. Day 3 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Stan 3.1 | Second Vote Count | Excelsior! | Third Vote Count | End of Day
    1. Night 3 Start | He Who Watches... | End of Night
  4. Day 4 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Stan 4.1 | Stan 4.2 | End of Day
    1. Night 4 Start | Spider-Man vs. The Big Man (End of Night)
  5. Day 5 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Second Vote Count | Third Vote Count
    1. Night 5 Event
  6. Day 6 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Second Vote Count
    1. Night 6
  7. Day 7 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Second Vote Count
    1. Night 7
  8. Day 8 Start | First Vote Count | Daily Bugle | Second Vote Count
Fisk has purchased the Daily Bugle.

This should be interesting.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
who says people aren't' voting we got 19 votes today


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
i'm guessing they just didn't get around to accepting the discord invitation before the day ended. Zinger didn't add them manually so i'm guessing they're meant to join the server/channel in costume, which might be a bit of a hassle.

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