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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
If you guys are looking for someone to pile votes onto just because you could always vote Tevish. I mean, he did strangely disappear once before and then reappeared and is watching the thread but not saying anything. Sounds to me like Dracula has undergone his origin story and become the vampire he was meant to be (and thus can no longer come out during the Day).

Y'all really don't want to let Dracula's story play out. Trust me! I have a no lie policy (that is totally not in effect right now).

:P :whistle:
Dracula as a threat must suck

Get it, hehe
Jun 15, 2020

Stan-Jump Links
(Day 1)

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Deleted member 97076

I'm under the assumption tevish is currently silenced and that he'll explain what happened to him tomorrow or possibly tonight
But mod is soft claiming that he isn't silenced.... or else calling him out for watching and not saying anything seems way overly trolly, even for Zinger : P

VOTE: Tevish

Deleted member 97076

oh i misunderstood. so you are saying he's silenced irl. But i guess I will let that vote stick. If nothing else, why wouldn't anyone jump on the mod-approved wagon.

edit 1: is it night yet. I hope i'm not too late.
and on a serious note. If it wasn't for the mod-wagon, my top pick is Rag. And without disclosing too much, the reason is mech-related. But i felt like i could be wrong. Just putting this out there just so i am not completely substanceless.
Jun 15, 2020
oh i misunderstood. so you are saying he's silenced irl. But i guess I will let that vote stick. If nothing else, why wouldn't anyone jump on the mod-approved wagon.

edit 1: is it night yet. I hope i'm not too late.
and on a serious note. If it wasn't for the mod-wagon, my top pick is Rag. And without disclosing too much, the reason is mech-related. But i felt like i could be wrong. Just putting this out there just so i am not completely substanceless.

Because people want to hear Tevish speak about what he saw in the great beyond. :eyes: And they are pretty sure I was meme-ing. :lol:

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
But mod is soft claiming that he isn't silenced.... or else calling him out for watching and not saying anything seems way overly trolly, even for Zinger : P

VOTE: Tevish
Yes and Zinger would never lie to any of us in SMM

Deleted member 97076

That has not happened one time in this game in its entire history.
I see it this way. When people lie, they usually have something to gain.
So even if we assume Zinger lied, if he has something to gain, that would make him happy. I support a happy mod.


Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I see it this way. When people lie, they usually have something to gain.
So even if we assume Zinger lied, if he has something to gain, that would make him happy. I support a happy mod.

Orrrrr he's trolling because he thinks it's funny.

There's a near zero chance the host just outed a player to us lol

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